Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I have returned! *Tips hat*

It has been a long time since I first joined and now that I have finished my first character, I thought I'd
reintroduce myself.

I am Vyse.
My past in roleplaying is only online games. I wanted to try something new, so when I got some time, I went and searched for a role-play site. After searching for a medieval one I thought; I wonder if there's a good Star Wars one. This site came up first, I was surprised to find a good one so fast.
From what I saw you guys were really great! I made my account and received a great welcome.
I got a lot of help from Maria Natalja and Anja Aj'Rou. Thanks again!
Here's the link to my character:
If you want, take a look and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading and I can't wait to be bribing, er, I mean spying on, NO! I mean plotting *facepalms* playing with you....
But really, I can't wait to be able to play with you guys.
Thanks for reading.
Well hey there. Welcome to Chaos. ^_^

You probably don't need a lot more help if you have an FJ and an RPJ helping you out, but if you do, don't hesitate to ask. We are your glorified help desk. o_o

Stephanie Swail

[member="Lord Vyse"]

Welcome (back!) to Chaos - enjoy your time here and have fun!
[member="Lord Vyse"]

Welcome (back) and what makes you think any of us would plot? ;)

[member="Tiktok The Cook"] is a Pomeranian on meth that thinks he is a five star chef. My crew and I are to afraid to tell him otherwise. [member="Mrrew"]

[member="Lord Vyse"] welcome to the site. Seeing that you be of nobility, you more then likely be targeted for a good old fashion kidnapping.

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