Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I have returned!!

Hello all!

It's been a while, around 4 months by my calculations and I am happy to inform you I will be making a steady return to posting here. Basically, uni/life took a massive toll on my muse and left it bleeding in the gutter but now that I am on holidays I can return to form and plot with those that will still have me!

[member="Almira Magrath"]
[member="Khaleel Malvern"]

If you guys are still open to continue our threads and/or start afresh then just let me know!

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Ariadne Van'Shelaq"]


I've semi retired this character, or rather the Magraths, as I've felt its been an attempt of mine to keep hold of past ideas and such that I've had from other sites and not touched or rather abandoned them on Chaos.
In regards to that, I've been thinking of a name change for this profile (though keeping the character image), and with a new profile for the character, I could link her a bit more indepth with [member="Lysandra"] than before.
Or perhaps I could convince you to create a character to mirror my newest one [member="Amelia Sorenn"] whom is building up a Templar Order.
I'm fluid though in terms of what you'd like to do.
Good to have you back.
[member="Ariadne Van'Shelaq"]​
Oh I support you keeping the character image because it's so cool! I adore writing with you so having a in depth plotline with Lysandra would be amazeballs. You are completely free to do whatever you deem appropriate/interesting with the new character since you already have a big understanding of the little imp as a whole.

Regarding me making a new character, I'm not against the idea. I'll just need to brainstorm, work off your ideas to make someone fun and intriguing. I'll think up a few ideas and PM them your way once I come up with something, also feel free to send me ideas <3

[member="Almira Magrath"]

Thank you darling! Only if you have discounts. (Ariadne is the spawn of a Mandolorian, I see potential plots!)

[member="Strider Garon"]

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