Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I have to go....

Orron Thrask

More Man than Machine
I'm back guys, but sadly I need to leave. A lot of things have happened during my vacation and it's just become a little too hard to focus on things. Including this site and all the threads I've been involved with. I'm so sorry for anyone whom I owe posts to or made friends with and became so invested with my characters just to have to stop it all, but things have become a little too complicated.

So Orron Thrask, Fenri, Yvette and Audrey Thendarier, and the rest will be going dark. If there's a chance that I can come back then I will, but for now I just need time. I'm going to be moving out of my house and with my boyfriend soon, so I hope that will help heal everything.

On the bright side, though, I hear my sister is starting to get herself situated in the site. Hopefully she'll be able to fill any gaps I've left when I'm gone. Just keep an eye on her and keep her out of trouble lol.

With all my deep sympathies


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[member="Orron Thrask"] I hope things turn out for the best. You're always welcome here bud! We'll miss you!

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