Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Have To Go

[member="Joran Del-Finn"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
[member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Titan Katan"]
[member="Jynx"] [member="Judah Dashiell"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
[member="Damien Daemon"] [member="The Loremaster"]

Music Always Makes Me Feel Better

This goodbye has been in the making for a long time. I always found one thing or another to put it off: a new character, a new story idea, new friends. There are two sides of being a regular on this board: Writing Muse and Reliability. My muse was a lot stronger with a couple of characters out of all the characters I made. Jack Mirrikh was one I had high hopes for; to eventually lead the Inquisition. Jarven was my original, but my muse for him truly died when the Red Ravens, my first home away from home and my own little fantasy/sci fi RPG nest I felt deeply invested in building up, was torn apart from the inside.

Aiden was my first controversial character. I had good intentions, but didn't understand that people were far too wary of me secretly wanting to abuse him. Bhaltair was going to be my crack at making a Tier 6 company themed around Deus Ex Human Revolution. The rest of my characters were a slew of comedy relief and/or situational character availability that fell short of proper character development. They are a testament as to how my muse comes in the form of hot flashes; some just last a whole lot longer than others.

I'm busy, now, and my craving for Star Wars Role Playing has been satiated by the one game that led me to join in the first place: Edge of the Empire. My most loyal and precious friends from the Red Ravens and some wonderful new friends I've made in the Black Tie Syndicate regularly come together over a Skype call and play Edge of the Empire and that makes me happy. The reason I found SWRP: Chaos was because, after my own group of long time, real life friends got sick of the game, I searched for a place to role play Star Wars.

I found you and I'm so glad I did.

One of the more proud moments of my time here on the board was when I was able to make a signature for a staff member and he liked it enough to use it. ([member="Valiens Nantaris"])

To those that I have been currently threading with: I'm sorry, but I'ma have to take a rain check on that dance.
[member="The Noble Scoundrel"]



Well-Known Member
I bring Damien back, dust off his Alchemy, and you leave!? No! Kark that!!

Lol, been a blast bro. Loved being Jarvens nightmare. Come back some time my man!

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