Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I like Hutts, so I joined and made one!

Hi, everyone! I was looking for a cool place to hang out and maybe write some Star Wars, and my searching led me here. This place looks amazing! I hope there's room for one more Hutt! While I'm learning my way around, can someone tell me if it would be possible to play a Hutt Consul-General, basically a politician who represents our mutual interests?
Uh yeah, that's totally viable. And I see you're interested in the Hutt Cartel, which is great. If you have any questions about the site, feel free to PM me or another Staff member, and welcome to Star Wars RP: Chaos!

Thadd Zarr

Sky Kerberos said:
Your sig looks awesome Vod!

& so many Hutts around is starting to creep me out :p
You n me both... I bought some extra RAID .... the heavy duty stuff....

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