Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I need a villain. And a sister.


I have had this plot device floating around in my head for Auron for some time now, and would like to start making gradual movements with it.

I haven't written in many threads with Auron yet, so let me take a moment to go into some of his history. He is from a prestigious Jedi family dating back to the age of the Je'daii Order, with their ancestors traced to the Je'daii Master Sun Jeong. The Song family lightsaber's metal casing is believed to be the same alloy used for Sun Jeong's original Force-imbued blade. More info on Auron and, specifically, the Song family can be found here, though it is a timeline still under development.

Skipping forward to now, the Songs have a long legacy, and now Auron has the pressure of being head of his dynasty due to the disappearance of his father, Rendo Song, some 8 - 10 years ago when on a mission to Sith-occupied Coruscant. I have written that he was a Jedi Master, and that the Jedi Council at the time believed his disappearance to be due to falling to the Dark Side. However, this is not the case. In actuality, this disappearance is the result of a kidnapping on the part of a Sith Lord who was floating around at the time. The identity of this Sith Lord? So far, no idea!

So this is what brings me to post this here. I am looking for a Sith who, 8 - 10 years prior to current time, believe they may still have had that rank around that time. I mean, this can always be shifted and it could be Knights instead of Masters, but Masters seem to make more sense for the time being. I'm easy, though.

My plan is for Auron to get wind of what happened and to go searching. However, Auron is still quite low-level and underdeveloped, and if he were to confront a Sith Lord on his own... Yeaaaaaah. >_>

For the longest time, I have wanted to expand the Song family and have other writers involved, and I would love if somebody was interested in taking up the role of his sister so we can build the family lore a bit more. Honestly, I'm looking for all sorts of Song members, but one thing at a time, but this sister would doubtless come along on this expedition with Auron. It'd be great to have an epic three-player storyline going on.

I'm open to suggestions and discussion. I just wanted to get these ideas out there and see what people thought!

Lots of wiggly love~

tl;dr - In need of an established Sith Lord character who was around 8 - 10 IC years prior to kidnap Auron's Jedi Master father; aaaand in need of a player to write a Jedi sister character for Auron at their own pace and development.
[member="Avicus DuSang"]
Aw yis. Sounds good to me! I will be in touch shortly and we can chat more.

Again, that would be awesome! And I will shoot you a PM soon. We can chat a bit about her starting point, but honestly she can go in any direction you'd like. :)

[member="Zoey Marix"]
That would be absolutely awesome! I have nothing set in stone as far as the previous generation of Songs go, so that would work out! I'll PM you soon about it and we can get some threads going on. :)
[member="Auron Song"], Alright sounds good.

I just thought, it would be really good for me to use this character for your story because Zoey/Pyrrah still believes in the Morrossian Pantheon. A completely different take on religion, and might find some arguments in the future about trying to convert her to be a Jedi/Jedi-like.
[member="Summer Sovereign"]
Thanks for offering! Though [member="Tristyn"] seems to have claimed it :p HOWEVER, if you wanted to write a cousin on the Song side (so, like, a child of one of Auron's father's brothers), I would be definitely down for that! Let me know :)

[member="Zoey Marix"]
For sure! That would be a lot of fun. I was also thinking that, considering Zoey is Dark Jedi, perhaps she could have been brushed under the carpet as the dirty Song secret, hopefully forgotten about... But perhaps Auron decides to change that family attitude which leads to an encounter of some kind. :D
[member="Auron Song"], She was previously a Dark Jedi. Tags are being changed at the moment to Rogue. Mind you, its been months since I have played this character. Updating her and such. However, she does use some darker sided powers. The idea still stands.

More so, it would be that her mother married a Sith Lord... that is likely to be brought up more often than her own actions.
[member="Zoey Marix"]
Yeah for sure. I still need to look into your bio for her, but that would definitely be a damaging thing for the family reputation, and further aids the historical opinion the Jedi Council held about Rendo Song's fall to the dark side. It all seems to be falling together quite nicely!
[member="Auron Song"], hey I don't know if you'd be interested, but we could have some background characters, places with people going about their business, or if you're looking for a criminal element, I may be able to help you. But that's if you're interested, otherwise good luck with your storyline.


[member="Auron Song"]

I know it is not included in your topic but it made me ask you if you are looking for a rival sort of thing, we both are equal ranked and could go on being rivals in time as well when we reach Lord/Master. Of course, that is if you are interested in such. :p
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
I'll think about it! This might be better suited to my character [member="Kyros Fen"], though, who is deeply involved in the criminal underworld already :)

That'd be pretty cool! I'd be down to go down that direction for sure. Shoot me a PM if you have any specific ideas and we can plot :)
I'm not sure if there is anything I could do for you, but if you have any ideas I'd really love to hear them. I need to get this character started up.

[member="Auron Song"]

Jeela Tillian

Don't have anyone that could be a Song, directly, but I have the Tillian family (a Jensaarai dynasty) that could be a splinter branch from the main family.

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