Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I need to lose a fight badly to an NFU

I like a good mining story. I really do, but I just am not in the mood to write one at the moment. However, I would like a pretty phrik sword. So my other option to gain use of it sounds much more fun.

I need to get my butt handed to me in a fight with a NFU. The fight needs to be quality rp, this is for an eventual factory sub.

So obviously, I'm looking for someone to take on Lord Sinistra, and thoroughly kick her ass but not kill her.

You can pick whatever setting you want; whatever weapons you want; whatever crazy, asinine scenario you want. You just can't kill me.

Who's up for it?


[member="Kira Corsai"]

Hmm let's settle this as civilized people shall we? Malik your friendly bounty hunter is here to beat you up
Didn't expect this much response so quickly.

[member='Malik'] [member='Thalia Kaia']

Thanks for your interest.

Looking over all the bios, I think I would very much like to lose to some who went toe to toe with Ashin. [member="Triam Akovin"], I am all yours.
Too late to nab you, but Ali Hadrix would love to get out there and face you on the battlefield sometime. She doesn't get enough PvP these days. :)

She packs a Mandalorian's-worth of equipment too, so we get some melee action, some long range shooting, some explosives...Ali can be just as sneaky as the Sith sometimes, so you'd be in for not just a fun, exciting fight, but a challenging one as well.
Well I do owe you a round or two after Contruum. Let's put our heads together and come up with a small scuffle between Sin and Ali where I do my old "Hey's let's go randomly attack something with a small band of mercs" thing and Ali comes out to teach the Sith Lord some manners. With high explosives.

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

That sounds positively educational! I'm sure there will be plenty for Ali to learn as well; her exposure to FU's is limited in direct combat and I'll want that to show, especially if that means getting Ali bloodied and bruised.

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