Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Owe My Life To You!

Time: 0800
Location: Slave Queens Ship (Above slaver world)
It has been nine years sense she has been taken from her home and her life changed. Now she was The queens personal guards and slave. She was the highest in their military but yet still bellow them all. She had beaten them all in combat and she had been chosen to be the queens person guard it was a high honor to be chosen but Lara didn't care were she was all she valued now was who she was bought by as long as she wasn't with some low life she didn't care.
Scene (Within the ship was twelve million soldiers, eight million slaves, and six million slavers on the flag ship. Each level was for each class of slavers wealth and of course the top ten floors were dedicated to the queen her self. At the moment she is in the in the Main Hall Deciding people deaths.)
"​This male is accused of stealing and smuggling weapons to the slave." As guards dragged a man forward from the crowd as the mean was struggling. The queen smiled saying. "Kill him." Then man screamed before the executioner ended his life before everybody. As the guards dragged the body off the as the a man said. "The next will be a group of traitor that served as one of your force killers." The man waited for the guards to bring the eight of them up. The queen smiled this was a chance to make sure Lara was still loyal to them. "These soldier are accused of releasing force users and killing our own military personnel. But this female here." He said pointing to a human female in her twenty's. "She lied and infiltrated our ranks to spread corruption and she is a known jedi knight." She looked over at lara who has standing by her side not moving a muscle. "This is another test i want you to kill the jedi." Lara looked at the queen and nodded then walked over behind the knight grabbing one of her electrostaffs wiping her wrist opening it and activating the staff. Lara looked up at the queen as the rest of the executioners to line up behind them. It fell quiet for a few second then the queen turned her thumb upside down. You could hear the breaths of the traitors before lara and the executioners sliced their heads. As the body's fell she looked up as the queen gave a grin. Lara returned to her side she looked within the crowd feeling that something was out of place but she couldn't see it. This worried her.
[member="Amelia Sorenn"]​
Time: 0500
Location: Slave Queen's Ship
Infiltrating the vessel hand't been the hardest part, no the difficulty came from not being found after rumors spread that someone had infiltrated the vessel. Of course with the rumors having been that it was a Force User that had done so; it made her job and the mission of those along with her, just that much easier. A soft smirk crossed her lips as she stood silently in the darkness of a hall, leaned up against the wall and appearing as nothing more than a shadow, something that an individual would convince wasn't truly there had they taken a quick glance.
Now though came the even more trying portion, the wait. There were a few hours before she and hers could move, though when it came time, there would be such a cacophonous roar that all those in attendance would talk of this even for years to come. That was what she was here for, that singular moment, the window to bring down a Slaver Queen.
Time: 0800
Location: Slaver Queen's Vessel
Her eyes fell upon the young woman as she brought her electrostaff down upon the Jedi that had been captured. Her only thought was that the Jedi should have at least had the chance at death by combat; rather than having been killed as an animal in a cage. Silently she shifted from where she had stood, slipping around an individual to her right, her hand brushing against their lower back.
Keeping her attention forward as she carefully moved, her head slowly nodded as she looked up upon the balcony overlooking the site below. The guards being pulled back into the shadows for a moment as she brought her hand up. In that moment the vessel shook violently as an explosion tore through the lower decks, exposing them and their occupants to the atmosphere for the world outside.
A loud shrill scream pierced the panicked screams as more guards fell, the sound of blade through flesh ringing out as she stepped forward. Her eyes falling upon the Queen as her hand gripped her vibroblade's hilt. Slowly drawing the weapon out, though saying not a single word. Her eyes falling upon the target and what was likely the individual that she would be required to push pass.
[member="Lara Frost"]​
Head bowed, forced to his knees, surrounded by the bodies of those who had long since surrendered their fire, their very spirit, to the depression of slavery, was a young man who's eyes - a mismatched pair - still possessed the fire of life. Purple eyes, one with the sclera stained black, flickered to the guard beside him, focusing on the halberd the heavily armoured guard carried. Averting his eyes before the guard could notice, the man's eyelids flickered closed as he brought the image of the guard to the front of his mind. Sparing a quick prayer to the gods for granting him an eidetic memory, the man quickly pinpointed the weakness within the armour's design. Eyes flickering open again, the man directed his attention to a shadowed portion of the room where he knew an armoured, female figure stood, cloaked in the darkness, and waited for the signal to move.

The man, a Templar Hospitaller named Ydrin, was dressed in clothing that were a far cry from what he usually wore. His heavy, leather duster coat, leather jacket, shirt, jeans and combat boots had been replaced with clothing that was nothing more than rags with the necessary holes messily cut into them. His messy, blond hair and scruffy beard added to the clothing and made it difficult to differentiate Ydrin from any of the other slaves that were gathered around him. This was, of course, all to plan. Ydrin, a devoted student to body language and psychology along side his devotion to medicine, was able to apply all that he knew to adopt the attitude of a slave, becoming a Templar agent of the shadows that his himself in plain view.

Seeing the figure he had been watching for, Amelia Sorenn, step forwards from the shadows, and the guards on the balcony above disappear into the shadows where a knife would find their throats, Ydrin prepared himself to act. His hand, which had been folded on his lap, shifted and his left hand dipped into the hanging sleeve of his right arm. When his left hand emerged, within its grasp was a knife. Folding his hands again, hiding the knife from view, Ydrin let his eyes drift closed as he waited to act.

Sure enough, soon after his vision had darkened, a blast ripped through the ship, heralding the coming disaster that would befall said transport. Bellow his feet, Ydrin knew that bodies would be being pulled out into the atmosphere of the planet from the sudden decompression of the level, where death would soon come to grasp the individuals. Lunging to his feet as the vibrations stopped, Ydrin wrapped his body around the body his his target, the guard standing to his right.

Ydrin's legs weaved around the legs of the guard as his right arm wrapped itself around the guard's helmet covered head. Twisting his hips to add more power to his next action, Ydrin titled to head of the guard to the right, exposing the soft tissue of his uncovered and vulnerable neck. With a gleam from the lights that illuminated the large room, the knife in Ydrin's hand drove itself into the guard's neck. In a single stab, the guard's left artery was severed and the larynx rendered useless. Releasing the guard, letting him slide to the ground with a breathless and soundless gasp as his precious life blood escaped his wound, Ydrin's right hand lashed out and seized the halberd before it could hit the ground. The whole scene, from Ydrin kneeling on the floor to holding the halberd, passed in only a few seconds.

Gripping the halberd in a ready position after stowing the now bloody knife, Ydrin span to face the surrounding guard, ready to fight. Absentmindedly, he noted that Amelia was now advancing to face the Slave Queen, following the plan. However, he didn't consciously acknowledge that fact, focused instead on the coming fight.

[member="Amelia Sorenn"] | [member="Lara Frost"]
OOC Note:
I hope you don't mind me posting here. I assumed that since this is a Templar thread that it might be fine if Ydrin was involved. If, however, there is a problem with me posting, just say so and I'll withdraw from the thread.
Lara was caught off guard when she feel to one knee when expositions echoed through out the ship. "Through her ear piece she could hear the engineers. "Engines one through twelve have been taken out! Were losing altitude fast!" As the ship was starting to enter a combat dive towards the Slavers Capital. Lara was angry. "How could someone blow up the Queens Ship!" She yelled as soldiers poured out of tin air getting into formation to defend of the queen. "You have made a mistake trying to attack the queen you Low life pigs!" Lara smiled as the troops kept chanting ooH Rah! and hitting their sheilds with their swords. She stood back up as the elites walked up next to her. "The fifty of you were chosen because you were the best! Lets show them why you are the queens Guards!" The second she said that sentence the ooH Rahs were replaced with soldiers battle cry's as the metal of their armor clashing to together as they ran towards the the reveling spaces and the intruder s filling the shadows to reveal any body who wasn't w guard.

She then rapidly turned to the elites and gave them a death stare that made them all scared and they acted to find the nearest intruders one of the elites had spotted [member="Ydrin"] and yelled the rest over to end his life. They moved infront of him and the queen laughing before readying their weapons as two charged the man. Lara smiled as she was confident their soldiers would prevail. Then turning to the queen. "I believe it's your time to see your husband. I do believe he would like to see you in one piece healthy and fine in stead trying to find you in the ships scraps." She said extending her hand out to the queen. As the queen smiled and took her hand lara walked beside her as they walked out the way the guards had come from leading them towards the hangers. As they got farther and father from the execution room you still could hear the clashing as if you were in it. "I am sorry about your ship my milady. I shall take my punishment once we reach the planets surface and you are safe" A devilish grin appeared on the queens face from her comment. "This is the first time you have failed me." She said stopping and looking her in the eyes looking angry. "I'm sorry milad.*Smack*" Lara was whipped around from the slap and setting her a few steps back no her knee's. "You will never fail me again! If you do i will sell you to the lowest and most disgusting slaver on the planet! You hear me!" The queen had never stuck her before and the tone she used scared her but yet she wanted to cry. "It will never happen again milady." She said as she was on all four staring at the ground.

[member="Amelia Sorenn"]

These men were trained in a group of five hundred and the only ones to come out in the end. (Soldiers for [member="Ydrin"] Hope you like slicing and dicing!)







Mother of gods your post. Now i feel like i need to step up my game! But i can't.
The single word sounded out, the crowd still screaming from the explosions that rocked the vessel, while the cloaked figures stepped forward. Their blades drawn as they revealed themselves. A soft smirk crossing her lips as she stepped forward, ducking under the first unwieldy swing and stepping to the side of the second. If those were the best that this 'Queen' had to offer, then there was no point in drawing such carnage out any further.
As she stepped forward, the two guards she bypassed quickly fell to the blades of those that had come with her. With a silent nod, they converged upon Ydrin, moving to prevent him from being overtaken. Her own hand drew the blade from her sheath, the metal upon metal slowly crying out as a dirge carefully screeched upon the wind.
Her smirk grew as her blade danced upon the wind, blood following in its path as she stepped over the body of the first individual.
"Deal with this."
She spoke the command as she slipped through the hall, her eyes falling upon the target that was attempting to flee from her blade. Stepping forward, her own blade found the body of another, pushing it back as she pushed forward. Using the hulking form of the guard as a shield, she tore through those that sought to prevent her from moving forward.
"You will not flee far enough my Queen."
She spoke in a mocking tone, her eyes upon the queen and the woman that was currently guarding her. Slowly sheathing her blade, she let her smirk slip into a smile as she stepped forward once more. Her eyes seemingly piercing through the Queen.
"She is afraid. She is afraid for I bring Freedom and it terrifies her."
[member="Lara Frost"]

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