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Private The Korriban Contact: I. Queen of Staves


Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Tags: Lao-ta Lao-ta , ( Darth Caedes Darth Caedes , Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia , Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar )

Private Booth
Early evening

Elim Thorne sat cradled in the corner of the booth, a well-thumbed sabacc deck riffling through his hands absent-mindedly as he watched the door. One boot tapped along to the music coming from the stage, a Galan-Kalank/Jatz fusion band with some real potential, if not polish. Mag herself was singing tonight, but he hadn't decided if he was going to stick around long enough to hear the old Theelin perform. That all depended on what Lao-ta Lao-ta had to say.

He'd picked a dark corner near the stage, where the loud music of the opening band would cover their conversation from any curious ears. It had been 15 years since he'd last spoken to the young Jedi, and he had to admit he was curious. He hoped this wasn't about that business on Hosnian Prime, but in truth, he doubted that was to be the subject of their discussion. This felt more like a personal request than an official investigation... otherwise, why the air of cloak and dagger?

Idly, he flipped a card. Mistress of Staves. His eyes returned expectantly to the door just as the woman herself slipped into the cafe.
Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe

Elim Thorne Elim Thorne ( Darth Caedes Darth Caedes Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia Elmindra Xitaar Elmindra Xitaar )

Lao-ta had arrived on world a short time before. Just long enough to change and get to her meeting in truth, but she made it without incident. The Jedi master came to the cafe dressed in a more corellian fashion. Forsaking her usual monkish robes for the sake of subtlety. Instead, she had opted for pants, boots, and a loose blouse. Tying the look together was a short leather jacket in a style common with pilots on her homeworld. She had pulled her hair into a singular braid and sewn her lightsabers into the jacket lining where they would be out of sight.

As she entered the cafe the music immediately brought up memories of her childhood. Memories of her father wearing a jacket not unlike the one she wore now, his face unknown to her after many years. Memories of her mother whose voice she only knew in dreams. She did not often come to Corellia. She had in large part put her trauma behind her, but echoes of it still resonated in her psyche. She scanned the room and almost immediately found her contact. Elim Thorne Elim Thorne . A man she had not spoken to in many years, but whose easy smile she still remembered. He had helped her with a personal project shortly after she was knighted. Now, shortly after being elevated to the rank of master, he would hopefully help her again.

She ordered a drink and slid into the booth across from him. She was struck with a feeling as she smiled at him. There was an air of fate about the man. She had not noticed it all those years ago, but now, at least in this moment, she was convinced the man was touched by the force. She was reassured. So often she gave herself over to the pull of the force and it had not led her astray. This meeting would be no different it seemed.

"Hello Elim. Thank you for meeting with me."
She had read up on his more recent exploits before reaching out to him. He had done well for himself it seemed. Kept himself neutral in the great conflicts of the galaxy, and proved time and again that he was capable. He could go places a Jedi couldn't. That was exactly what she needed right now.
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Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Tags: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Private Booth
Early evening

Thorne looked her over as she ordered a drink and took in the room. Fifteen years had given the green young jedi he remembered a mature serenity, a sense of mastery over her surroundings. She wore the leather pilot's jacket like a Corellian, revealing her history with the planet - though from what he understood from his intel, Lao-ta would have spent more time near the shipyards and flyboys around Coronet City than here in the cultural center of Tyrena.

He was about to pull another card when she finally sat across from him. He slid it back into the deck with practiced fingers and set the cards aside, picking up his mug of Orsh Mountain tea instead and taking a slow sip. The floral, smoky flavor unfolded over his tongue, and he savored it for a moment before responding to her greeting.

"I must admit, I was intrigued when you contacted me." He smiled at her over his mug, raising a questioning eyebrow. "I assume you're after more than a chance to catch up with an old acquaintance. It's Master Lao-ta now, isn't it?"
Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Elim Thorne Elim Thorne

Private Booth
Early Evening

"I wasn't aware my appointment was common knowledge. You must have done some homework since I called you." She cupped her own tea with both hands and leaned in. "I'm sorry to say that I am here on business. Dangerous business at that, but profitable business if you're open to it." Her serene smile didn't falter as she laid out the details of her request. "I need information about current events on Korriban. Cultural shifts, politics, transit codes if you can get them. I'll pay extra for any information about a Darth Caedes or the King of Korriban." She leaned back in her seat taking a deep whiff of steam from her cup. "I want firsthand accounts. Recordings if you can get them. Does that sound like something you could manage?"

Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Tags: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Private Booth
Early evening

A second eyebrow raised to join the first as she made her request. Right to the point. He appreciated that. But what a point...

He took another considering sip before setting the tea aside. "It sounds expensive, but yes, that's something I can help you with." Transit codes, eh? That was interesting. Was she planning a trip?

"It's going to take some special equipment, so there will be an upfront fee. And then... how much discretion does this 'business' require?" he asked delicately. He did hope she realized that a Jedi showing such specific interest in Korriban was valuable information on its own. He didn't ask too many questions, as a matter of professionalism, but he couldn't help but wonder if this business of hers was official or personal. Curiosity gleamed in his dark eyes as he looked back at her across the table.
Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Elim Thorne Elim Thorne

Private Booth

Early evening
"It's going to take some special equipment, so there will be an upfront fee. And then... how much discretion does this 'business' require?"
Of course. She had expected this. It wasn't her first time working with private contractors. She knew it would be expensive. This kind of espionage always was. "I can advance you some. As far as discretion goes you should speak of this to no one but me. I understand this will cost more. I can provide you with my secure comm code upon our reaching an agreement."

Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Tags: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Private Booth
Early evening

Another smile tugged at his lips - not at the extra fee, though that was quite satisfying, but at his instincts being proved right. Quite discreet, then. He nodded in understanding and agreement.

"Two final questions, then... Is there a timeline on this, a date you need the information by? And is there anything else I should know before getting started?" The last question came with a sharp look. Any job came with a risk of nasty surprises, especially a job that targeted powerful Sith. Lao-ta, in his estimation, might have just enough of a conscience and sense of nobility to actually tell him what kind of a minefield he was about to fly into.
Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Elim Thorne Elim Thorne

Private Booth

Early evening
She tried not to let it show but she was nervous. This was the biggest expenditure of order funds she would have arranged to date. Being a master granted her a little leeway, but she would need to make sure she had something of value to give to the council once this was all said and done. Even if this was more of a personal project. "While I am eager for news I'd rather you be thorough than rushed. If you can find a way to get a report to me within a standard month that would be appreciated, but I suspect it will be too risky to try and transmit while on Korriban."

She had noted his serious look when he asked his final question. She didn't know the situation on Korriban. That was the whole point of this. There were many dangers one could expect when dealing with the Sith. But something specific did occur to her. "Don't trust the beasts on Korriban. One of Caedes' apprentices has a way with them. I imagine they will make secrets harder to keep."

Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Tags: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Private Booth
Early evening

An interesting complication, but one he could probably handle. He'd have to try and learn more about this apprentice as well.

He ran through the numbers in his head, one slender finger tracing his chin as he did mental calculations of supply costs, probable bribes, a reasonable premise for visiting the ancient Sith homeworld. He nodded, dropping the finger to tap the table lightly.

"30,000 credits upfront. It'll be two or three weeks before I reach Korriban, but once I do, it's 1,000 credits for each day I'm on the planet, whether or not I find anything. The information we can negotiate as it comes, based on quality. I'll give you a preliminary dossier of information as I prepare. I'll check in with you before I make orbit and then again every three days to relay my findings. I'll be responsible for getting myself in and getting myself out. If I find information available for purchase, that goes on your tab, but I'll make sure it's legitimate and worth what you're paying for."

He paused as he finished running through the terms, his precise, melodic tones just loud enough to carry over the Jatz, and tipped his head to the side. "Any questions?"
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Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Elim Thorne Elim Thorne

Private Booth

Early evening

Her stomach twisted into knots as he listed his price, but this was important and she knew she was asking a lot. 30,000 up front though.... She reached out and brushed his mind with hers to get a sense of his intentions. He had been reliable in the past and she had a good feeling about this despite the cost, but she wanted to be sure.
[Lao-ta's immediate impression is one of curiosity and careful calculation, with an undercurrent of excitement at the challenge involved. He knows he's asking a high price, but he also knows his reputation rests on his ability to deliver. There's a sense that he already has access to some preliminary information, and a confidence that he can provide more. He plans to prove himself worth the investment.]
Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Elim Thorne Elim Thorne

Private Booth

Early evening

She was satisfied with what she felt. She quietly finished her tea. "No questions." She slid a data chip across the table to Elim. "This has the comm code I want you to reach me on. Meet me at hangar 3901 tomorrow morning at Tyrena spaceport and I'll have your credits ready. Now. Have you ever had Corellian brandy?" Then she flagged down a waiter.

Tyrena, Corellia
Mag Bathi's Music Cafe
Tags: Lao-ta Lao-ta

Private Booth
Early evening

His lips quirked in amusement. "Mm... Once or twice." Apparently he didn't broadcast 'Corellian' quite as loudly as she did. Though, to be fair, he'd been relatively young when he left. Well. It looked like he was going to be staying long enough to hear Mag sing, after all.

End of Chapter One


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