Darth Timoris
To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Anaxes was your typical fortress world – entirely uninteresting in most regards. The Republic had once considered it the Defender of the Core. Some defender it turned out to be!
Located in the Axum system, its past was primarily about its strategic position and its shipyards. But today it had an entirely different focus. Intelligence had suggested that the Hutts had paid a Dark Jedi to infiltrate the Sisterhood. If their informant was to be believed, the spy was planning to obtain sensitive data regarding some of the Covenant’s research facilities and return it to the Hutts.
All they had so far was a place – Anaxes. But Darth Venefica had provided them with a piece of good news as they had headed to the Anaxes space station to rendezvous with each other and draw up a plan of attack.
And they could all see the ‘good news’ now. Seated behind the two-way mirror, in a room on the space station with just two chairs and a desk was a rodian. She was in the employ of the same Hutt gang and would have at least some information that would be of use to them in tracking down the spy – given her file suggested she was employed as a handler. It was almost certain she was here to oversee the spy’s mission.
All that had to be decided was which one of them went in to extract the information.
[member="Sitara Qin"] | [member="Sawa Ike"] | [member="Paige Argous"]