Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I spy, with my little eye…

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Anaxes was your typical fortress world – entirely uninteresting in most regards. The Republic had once considered it the Defender of the Core. Some defender it turned out to be!

Located in the Axum system, its past was primarily about its strategic position and its shipyards. But today it had an entirely different focus. Intelligence had suggested that the Hutts had paid a Dark Jedi to infiltrate the Sisterhood. If their informant was to be believed, the spy was planning to obtain sensitive data regarding some of the Covenant’s research facilities and return it to the Hutts.

All they had so far was a place – Anaxes. But Darth Venefica had provided them with a piece of good news as they had headed to the Anaxes space station to rendezvous with each other and draw up a plan of attack.

And they could all see the ‘good news’ now. Seated behind the two-way mirror, in a room on the space station with just two chairs and a desk was a rodian. She was in the employ of the same Hutt gang and would have at least some information that would be of use to them in tracking down the spy – given her file suggested she was employed as a handler. It was almost certain she was here to oversee the spy’s mission.

All that had to be decided was which one of them went in to extract the information.

[member="Sitara Qin"] | [member="Sawa Ike"] | [member="Paige Argous"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Her body twitched, slowly sitting there as she listened and moaned a little from her position. Sawa's attentions were on the sounds of the ones in the room with her and there was news of something dangerous. A traitor infiltrating them and going through the ways to get the information. She was thinking of a method to root them out but compared to some she had other means at her disposal while she tapped the head of the one there. "The is enough." The trooper who was there looked up from her wrist backing away as her finger touched the center of the woman's head. "Now go and listen to the ones within your barracks."

She starred down at her. "When we come looking for the spy you will point out if the humans react to hide and deceive us yes?" The trooper was nodding her head and slowly was leaving the room as she held her head. Sawa rising up while she slowly leaned against the wall and brought her wrist to her mouth and it healed with the sweet taste coming to her. She looked to one of the initiates in the room as she motioned her forward to her hands while she breathed in the scent of the initiate and slowly her lips pressed to the girls. The force energy rushing out of her as Sawa bit her lower lip and tasted the girl.

Slowly she drained her and followed with a second and third in the room who were sitting there lazily intertwined with each other doing as she said. Slowly she walked through the hallway and there was a small trickle of blood running down from her lip and chin. She chuckled a little while entering the room with [member="Melori Raaf"] in it and she leaned against the doorway looking and listenign to the sounds beyond the mirror as she spoke. "Oh oh oh.... virgins are so delicious." Her eyes tracked over to the apprentice speaking with her fangs extended. "Tell me my dear, have we made any progress?"
[member="Melori Raaf"] [member="Sawa Ike"]

Fortress worlds were cool. They were perfect for storing sensitive data regarding secret research facilities. They were also perfect locations for setting up a trap against unwarranted intruders, as it was the case today. Today was gonna be lots of fun. Today, they would show the Hutts that it would take more than just credits to get past members of the Covenant of the Black Rose.

The blonde Sith Knight had recently joined the covenant dedicated to a sisterhood of Sith. That being the case, Paige determined it was high time for her to demonstrate her loyalty and willingness to fight for her new faction. Hence, Paige found herself entering the Anaxes space station, the rendezvous point for her to meet up with her fellow covenant sisters to discuss the plans for their mission.

After observing the 'good news' that Darth Venefica had sent them, Paige turned to her fellow female Sith to discuss. "Well then. Shall we start?"
Well then. Shall we start?

Sitara walked through towards the doors just at the moment, combat boots hitting the floor and hands on her hips. She was, typically, the last one to arrive in most cases though for some reason, she was usually an early riser. She grinned as she eyed her fellow sisters. Melori Raaf was a budding alcolyte she trained with; Sawa Ike, was a wonderful knight who taught her a few shaping tricks; and Paige Argous was a person she had never seen before.

There was a spy amongst them, and Sitara was excited to get her hands on that person’s throat. The hutts dared send a spy after them? No doubt it was probably some little pervert who wanted to see what was going on in the girls’ dorm room. Besides, things like this were expected in such a high society covenant like theirs.

Not without me.” She grinned, examining the room they were in.

| [member="Paige Argous"] | [member="Sawa Ike"] | [member="Melori Raaf"] |

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori suspected they were brought together as a team to ensure that between them, they had the skills required to complete the task ahead. Interrogation - be that through mental extraction or chemical means - was not her forte, so she was hoping that one of the others stepped forward to take the lead here. Not that she would ignore the process. All knowledge was a commodity and next time - given a lack of fellow Sisters - she might have to perform the task herself.

"Who is best suited to extraction?" she asked, no pleasantries or preamble. Sisterly bonding had its place but now time was a factor. "The rodian is all yours."

[member="Sitara Qin"] | [member="Paige Argous"] | [member="Sawa Ike"]

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
[member="Melori Raaf"] [member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Paige Argous"]

Sawa was looking at the being in the chair as she stood there for a moment, thoughts going to the creature while her eyes focused sliding fingers on the glass. She spoke. "I'll go in." Slowly she was moving as she entered the room and stalked around the rodian. "You know why I am here yes?" There was a sound and she wasn't able to fully make it out but listening to him the energy vampire stopped behind him and leaned over resting her head on his shoulder and speaking. "be in me.... focus on me." The hair from her ponytail slowly blew in the small breeze she was making while she walked letting the rodian watch her and she was in front of him. Fingers going from his eyes to hers and then back while she was altering his thoughts and her own. "We need to know who it is sweetie it is the only way you can come home to me." She said it in his language while keeping her eyes on the being and not breaking contact.

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