Tenebris In Lucem
On an evening like this, there wasn't a soul that wasn't happy. Nights like these would be memorable, he had come across an old sith tomb from another planet and talismen here on tattooine to summon some sort of unknown creature. He followed the instructions that took him hours to do ad sat close to the hearth, the heat spewing from it warmed him from the inside. To his side lay a beaten up wood case. He didn't know what kind of wood it was, it seemed strange in texture and ooze a blue and green flow of energy. Nor did he know what the instrument inside was made of. It was his treasure for a job well done. It was his curiousity and joy for finding lost arts. Beside the case and on the floor lay his sabers and armor. His scarred covered only by pants, masked hand jedi cloak. He read the old tomb and did the chant, wondering what will come out if anything did.