Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I think Im going to replay kotor2

I really wanted to play KOTOR2 but it doesn't work on my computer because it's too new. It works with KOTOR1 just fine though but I already played that 3 times on my iPad Mini. How does that work? Anyways, I can't play KOTOR2 unless I buy it on steam which I will not do.

I guess I will never meet the most manipulative character in gaming history then...

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Mullarus said:
What exactly does the Restoration Mod add? I've played KOTOR2 many, many times on my old xbox, never with that. Is it worth buying the game again to play with the mod?
It is. A lot of content got cut from the end game, and this mod puts it all back in. Makes the ending a lot less of a mess.

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