Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I too, am a soldier(Omega)

Erich Lor

Erich sat within the inner hull of an Arsenal A1 cruiser cleaning parts to his blaster pistol. Everywhere within the small mess hall of the ship there was activity. A few people were talking, chatting, playing cards, there was even a pair arm wrestling in the corner. Across from Erich himself sat another mercenary eating his food. The two of them had been cracking jokes for some time now. All of them of course knew exactly what Erich was, when you fought with someone you found certain things out. Erich had known this so he had informed everyone around him of what he was, a Garhoon, a man eater.

Surprisingly a large portion of his fellow Omega personnel actually hadn't cared what so ever. Most of them were murderer's, soldiers, killers, just in general people that had seen it all anyway. As long as he fed on none of them they really didn't care. Erich found this intensely refreshing, and although some people were still bothered by him he felt more at home with Omega than he had anywhere else...even among his own people.

“Right. So can you actually eat regular food or just the red stuff?”

The man across from him asked and Erich grinned. His teeth were regular right now of course, he felt no hunger right now which was actually strange since he hadn't fed in a week. “I can eat it. I just wont get any nutrients or anything from it. Body can't digest it.”

Erich shrugged slightly as he explained. He also didn't mention that most food tasted like absolute shit to him. The man across from him chuckled and called him a weirdo. Erich grinned and then kept cleaning his Blaster. This was home.
Factory Judge
Zero was sitting in the corner of the ship tending to his blade and daggers. He was intrested in a Garhoon that sat away from everyone else. The man was currently tending to his pistol. A man that he didn't know came up to the Garhoon and asked him about how he could eat food. The Garhoon responded, and the man walked away mumbling about how he was a freak.

Zero had been called a freak his entire life, since he was found at the old temple ruins. Zero put his suplise up and replaces his sword and daggers were they belonged, and walked over to the Garhoon. When Zero saw his face, the facial recognition systems found him in the data base as: Erich Lor. What confused him the most was that it didnt have any other information on him.

Zero grabed a chair and sat to the side of him and said "Zero is my name. What would you be doing Erich, to the pistol?"

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