Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I Want to Hold Your Land (OS Dominion of Balmorra)



Balmorra. A world of industrial might, possibly one of the more important factory worlds in the Core. Balmorran weapons, armor, and other war material were renown throughout the galaxy for their effectiveness. In these trying times of mass population disappearances, the planet of Balmorra was in a rather sorry state. Luckily, it need not fret any further, for the glorious One Sith would soon be upon them to restore peace, order, justice, and democracy.

Well, maybe not that last one, but more than half the galaxy got on without democracy just fine. As it turned out, in a galaxy where average life expectancy was rapidly declining, people cared more about their safety and where they got their next meal than whether or not they could actually vote for their representatives. But that was besides the point. The One Sith were lousy governors. Just look at what they did to Alderaan- what they did to the Progenitor on Manaan. It was almost as if they were trying to vilify themselves in the most ridiculous ways possible.

Oh well, Darth Adekos was not in a position to influence One Sith policy in that regard. Instead, he would simply demonstrate that there were better ways to do things, starting with Balmorra. He started his broadcast to the rest of the One Sith armada as they prepared to take the planet.

"Attention, all active personnel of the One Sith. I am transmitting your orders now. Our intelligence operatives have identified three specific threats that must be dealt with. You will all have been assigned to one. Please carry out your orders in an effective, polite, professional manner and avoid unnecessary damage to the civilian populace and infrastructure where possible. Good luck, and may the Force serve you well."

  1. The government has collapsed completely in Balmorra's capital city- Bin Prime. Kill the anarchists rampaging through the streets, secure key locations (hospitals, police stations, power plants). Restore order to Bin Prime.
  2. Sobrik's local government managed to keep itself together and has accepted One Sith authority. Not everyone agrees. Republic hold-out forces are mobilizing to take Sobrik, kill its governor, and continue to defy the One Sith. Fortify Sobrik and defend the city from the Republic hold-out forces.
  3. Somewhere in the ruins of Bugtown, a death cult intends to open a portal to the Netherworld and unleash further torture on Balmorra and the galaxy at large. For obvious reasons, this cannot be allowed to transpire. Find the cultists, wipe them out- all of them.
Objective: Kill the Cultists
Allies: None (yet)

The shuttle was prepped and ready for launch. Her mission was simple, kill the cultists before they could open a portal that led into the chaotic Netherworld, a place she had spent some time in herself. She didn't care about the rest of the galaxy if they were drawn into that place, she wanted to kill, perhaps a lingering effect from being there herself. So after replenishing the ranks in her personal squad, Nightshade Company, she was all set to go planet side and begin the hunt.

There were no orders needed to be given to her men, they understood the situation perfectly. Some had lost friends to the mysterious disappearances that was ocurring throughout the galaxy and they would not hesitate to kill those cultists on sight. She was proud of them and of herself for shaping them into a fierce fighting force.

Upon landing on Balmorra, they quickly moved into action heading for the ruins of Bugtown, and begin the executions at once. There will be no prisoners sent back, there will be no accepting of surrender. They were destined to die and that was the only fate waiting for them.


Location: Bugtown Ruins
Force: 100
Restore Order to Bin-Prime...

His body did that thing where you go to laugh but all you do is exhale a little bit of that a chuckle?

The Hand of the Dark Lord received orders from one person and one person alone, though he did entertain notions of assisting where assistance was needed. After all, conquest was the mighty regiment of the One Sith - their fruit and labor all boiled into one fleshy object, ripe and succulent and sweet all around. As sweet as blood could be, anyway. In it's own mineral and metallic form...

Boots upon the ground. Claws of a starship set into stone. The Sith Lord felt the gravity of the situation as he covered his brow with his right hand, shielding brightness from a door opened sooner than expected. Dropping the gesture, he gave credence to the notion that all hell was breaking loose as he set eye upon those that would ravage the capital of the planet, soon to be beneath the loving boot of the One Sith.

A grin, a smirk, a sideways glance and the tilted expression founded upon amusement and child-like curiosity. What a wonderful day to kill anarchists, thought the Sith Lord, as he cracked the proverbial knuckles and set out towards the local police station. His scanners had picked up distress signals in regards to a specific structure. It seemed, this day, that he would play the hero against the sudden onset of rebellious phlegm. Recommended treatment? Blood...and by the gallon.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Objective: Kill the cultists
Allies: One Sith, [member="Darth Venefica"] (Though Khan dosen't see it that way)

A second ship landed on the far side of Bugtown, as far as possible from Venefica but with the same intent; Murder the cultists. Kashyyyk had been a failure. He had been to slow in Rendili. He did not plan on losing another chance here. He would accomplish his goal, kill the cultists, and he alone would do it. He would finally get a fraction of the recognition he deserved... These were the thoughts that went through the Acolyte's head as he walked down the ramp from the dropship that hadd carried him. He didn't have time to wait for trooper reinforcements, he would go now. He would waste no time, he would not let their be delays... He wouldn't fail this time.

The Felactian was swift moving through the ruins of Bugtown, his vibroblade clenched tight in his hand. Where where they? Hiding. Delaying the inevitible. It was only a matter of time before he found them... Before Venefica did. Khan snarled at the thought. She wouldn't steal his oppurtunity again.

(Nothing against you Venefica, sorry. Khan just seems to hate you. :p)

Cordelia deWinter

Restore order to Bin Prime

Well, thankfully, that small issue on Kuat had been cleared up. However, for all remaining agents of the One Sith Empire, orders had been sent. In allegiance to the Dark Lord, Cordelia deWinter was one to heed the call.

If at least, to sate a curious curio.

They would arrive to Bin Prime soon. Once there, it was her objective along with others to restore order to Bin Prime.

Through all of this, there was a curious disconnect that Cordelia felt in the wake of the mass rapture. It made her wonder, curious, on just who was at the root of the problem.

Time ago, one such had also affected many; once upon a dream...
Location: Landing at Sobrik
Objective: Defend the city against those bloody Republic holdouts

Hearing that Republic forces were mobilizing to hit what was essentially a foothold for the Sith upon Balmorra, Taeli had decided to help with the fortification and reinforcing of the important post. Deploying down to the city with engineers, troop transports, and several platoons worth of KDI-01x Legion Droids and KDI-02x Arachnid droids, she was determined to hold the area.

"I want turret emplacements set up, multiple layers of defense circling in towards the governor's residence," she ordered as her forces started getting to work. "Have the droids form a first layer of defense, and I want sniper and rocket positions established around the outer perimeter with more within each successive security cordon."

"Yes, Lady Arcanix," the commander of her troopers said, saluting.

"Inform the governor that we are here to help him hold against those that were formerly protecting them and we shall him who his true friends are," she said, smiling slightly as her orders were carried out quickly and efficiently. She had no idea how long they had before the Republic attacked the area, but she hoped they would have time to get everything in place beforehand.
Restore order to Bin Prime

One of those who answered the call, was a new member to the One Sith ranks Velda Nar-Donna, who spent some of her time en-route studying a holo-image of Balmorra and various points of interest. Most notably Bin Prime, on this occurance taking on the objective of restoring order alongside Lord Reverance and Knight Cordelia deWinter.

The One Sith had invaded swiftly as of late, Corellia being the most important point of contention for young Velda, bringing her very homeworld in, well home, and while her fellow Corellians battled valiently those that remained to fight, the outcome remained inevitable.

And now it came up to Balmorra...and yet that disturbance in the force, feeling unnatural even by the standards of the darkest darkside practitioner, seemed enigmatic in the air, like the ethereal power of the force remained out of balance...

[member="Reverance"] | [member="Cordelia deWinter"]
Capitalising on the galactic event that had claimed half the galaxies population was proving to be far more difficult than Alicia Drey had anticipated. On Kuat, she had failed in her efforts to capatalise on the situation by usurping Lorelei Drake's control over Kuat Drive Yards. Then on Corellia, as the One Sith sought to take further control of the Core worlds, she had been overcome with an illness so cripple that it had forced her to withdraw from the world and recover in the ensuing days under supervised medical care. Thank fully, the illness had went away in the ensuing days, allowing her to return back to work.

She had missed the opportunities that Kuat and Corellia had offered. Now Alicia Drey endeavored not to do the same on Balmorra. A world famous for it's droid manufacturing, ranging from civilian to military grade technology, Alicia and two Sun Guards arrived on the world in the ensuing chaos that the One Sith had caused to traffic control. Lost in the moment, Alicia and her men slipped past unnoticed in the Niathal-class transport and parked the ship in Bin Prime, where the Sun Guards would wait for her return whilst ensuing their transport was not lost in the riots that claimed the famous world.

Out in the streets of Balmorra's capital, Alicia made way to meet with Serj Sularis, an investment banker from Muunilinst who she had requested to meet with in Bin Prime so Chandrila DataTech and the InterGalactic Banking Clan, of which Serj Sularis worked for, could capatilise on the situation. The banker was on the world securing the Banking Clan's assets, as were most Muun's in the galaxy. A lot of money could be lost and they certainly didn't want that.
Aleksandyr Gaillard -- CEO of the Gaillard Corporation -- was in his headquarters building on Balmorra.

"Sir, the Sith have arrived to pacify the world, should we join the resistance?", one his assistant's said from behind. Truly he was a member of The Republic but he was also a benefactor to many organizations.

Aleksandyr had one rule to live by: Always pick the winner. "No, send a message to their commander. Tell them my company's starships are at their service and I await instructions; Since today I've always been a Sith loyalist.", he responded. The young CEO sat in his chair and looked out the window towards a scene of fire and smoke as the world he had grew up on was consumed by riots and unrest. Unfortunate really, I guess not everyone is as comfortable with having more personal space as he was.

"Let's see what the Sith have in store.", he chuckled.

[member="Darth Adekos"]
The streets were busy. Underneath the guise of her hood, Alicia would not make the same mistake as she had done on Corellia. Even now, as she navigated her way towards Serj Sularis, her senses to the Force had been dulled by something she could not fathom. As she recovered from the disabling illness that had crippled her and her efforts on Corellia, Alicia had thought of what it could have been that had done such a thing to her. The medical specialists she had pulled in from Eriadu had not been able to come up with a reason as to why.

Baffled as much as they were, Alicia could only deduce that it had something to do with the galactic event that had taken so many from so many worlds, thus giving her the extraordinary opportunity to capatilise on the situation and the fact that her Force-sensitivity had been affected. Thus, there would be no moving into the White Current or a Force Maelstrom today. Suddenly, the Lightsaber on her hip felt a comfortable weight.

Their meeting place had been in an apartment building on the outskirts of Bin Prime, where she, the Niathal-class transport that had brought her there and the Sun Guards that had accompanied her were currently located. She assumed that Serj had rented the apartment out so as to conduct his business. Alicia struggled to see how the Muun could do this in the given situation. Whilst she was the trained Sith Lord Darth Ayra, albeit in secret, Alicia could handle herself. The Muun, on the other hand, would be useless in the event that he was attacked. Something that was highly likely in the ensuing riots.

Knocking on the door, the woman lowered the cowl of her robe and waited for Serj to answer. "Who is it?" came a voice from the other side. Alicia recognised it as Serj's. "It's Alicia Drey."
"Oh, Alicia." A bolt being undone was heard on the other side. "Please, come in."
Objective: Fortify Sobrik

So. The time had come. Cyrus was officially set loose upon the galaxy by his father. His first mission offworld? Kill some Pubs in the name of Panatha. Blood will be spilled..

Dropships, black in color. It was almost as if large, magnificent ravens were descending upon Sobrik. But, in truth, it was a plague ready and prepared to rip through the Republic forces thinking they had the balls to defy the Sith. Each dropship carried a hefty number of Blackblades. And one was the chariot for the heir of the Zambrano Family.

"Make every death..beautiful." he ordered to the Blackblades in a soft, yet demanding tone. Each one knew exactly what he meant.

The ships landed onto the planet's surface. The doors opened with a smooth hiss. The Panathan Empire has arrived.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Location: South of Bim Prime​
Objective: Restore Order to Bim Prime​
Allies: Colonel Mathias III (NPC), 10 Fenrir Guardsmen, Tamed Nexu, One Sith, 200 Skoll class Security Droids​
Chaos reigned across the Galaxy, and Balmorra was a fine example of just how the rest of the galaxy was dealing with the crisis of billions disappearing in the simple blink of an eye. Chaos reigned as the capital was held by anarchist, a cult rose in a small village and there was even a Republic garrison that for some reason still held their fortifications. The Baroness though had a clear cut idea in mind when she had arrived. Her private shuttle had already landed planetside, her hand running along the head of the large Nexu that was always at her side. With a heavy sigh she looked out of the cockpit towards the capital city. She could see the flames from where she sat, though soon enough there would be those to deal with such chaos.​
As the shuttle rest in its landing configuration, it was soon joined by a few more. A small smirk crossing the Baroness lips as she stood up. Her slender fingers ran out the wrinkles upon her gown before she moved towards the boarding ramp of her shuttle. Standing outside, flanking each side were ten Fenrir Guardsmen, the Colonel following behind her to her left as the Nexu purred at her right side. As she stepped unto the ground of the world the loud hissing of the shuttles that had just landed seemed to mark her arrival.​
Their own boarding ramps came down, dropping with a heavy thud. That small smirk seemed to grow into a pleased grin as she stood and watched. Stepping from the shuttles on each side of hers and even more from those that had landed in a neat row, were the creation that she was pleased and displeased with. She had wished there was more time, though the event forced her hand and the droids were pushed into rapid production. They were originally meant for a greater purpose, yet their rapid production meant that they could saturate the galaxy in the cheap security droid.​
That was the plan, the Baroness smirked to herself as she watched the Skoll class Security Droids marched down the boarding ramps. The droids moving into columns of twenty-five each, the small army of security droids stood at the ready before the Baroness looked towards the southern entrance of the town.​
Her voice rang out just loud enough for the droids to activate fully, their programming taking over as they held the MI309 Akk Wolf Blaster Rifles, clutching them tightly. Their photoreceptor blinked to life before the columns marched forward, the Baroness stepped in the middle, flanked on each side by one hundred of the Skoll class Security Droids. Her ten Fenrir Guardsmen moved with her as she smirked, her hand remaining at her side, petting the Nexu that seemed eager to enjoy the chaos.​
[member="Velda Nar-Donna"]​
[member="Cordelia deWinter"]​
Warok walked up behind [member="Darth Adekos"] after the broadcast, admiring the Umbaran's long, limp locks of crisp white from behind. They were like the first fall of snow, unbroken and unmarred. The Ewok swayed to and fro from foot to foot, like a purple centaur's stalk eyes.

The Sith Lord had such a way with words. A command of Basic that few could match. Warok wished he could understand Basic well enough to write a ballad professing his undying adoration. Sadly, words would not do.

The Ewok scratched at the brown, matted fur of his belly, idle in thought. Black eyes like swamps of molasses continued to stare. What could he do? His gaze fell on the Umbaran's hand. Clean fingernails and a skin so pale it was almost translucent.


Warok trundled over to stand next to the Darth, adorably round ears barely reaching the Sith Lord's waist. He reached out a paw and grabbed Adekos' hand, then he just stood there, holding it.
Location: Sobrik
Objective: Stop the Republic holdouts . . . and wipe them out

"My Lady, we're recieving reports from the local scouts that Republic forces are mobilizing and will be here in less than an hour," the commander of her ground forces said. Taeli had watched the arrival of the Blackguard dropships, and knew this battle was going to be a tought one for the Republic. Between her troops, the local garrison forces that had joined in, and the Zambrano Blackguards, the area would be a tough nut to crack.

"And the preparations?" she asked, pulling out a pair of macrobinoculars and zooming in on an approaching Republic column.

"Everything is ready, Lady Arcanix, but we did take one extra liberty," he replied.

"That being?" she asked, curious but not removing the binoculars.

"We mined the main road," he replied with a grin that she caught as she pulled the binoculars away and saw it out of the corner of her eye.

"Excellent intiative, detonate away, Commander," she said, turning back to look at the approaching Republic forces. It didn't take more than a few seconds for the ground around them to shift slightly, and suddenly explosions were ripping the column, destroying the armor and walkers they needed to make the attack successful. The surviving men charged then, the element of surprise gone.

The Battle for Sobrik had begun.

[member="Cyrus Zambrano"]


The Second Seal, broken.
Location: Sobrik​
Objective: Stop the Republic hold-out forces​
Allies: [member="Darth Arcanix"] | [member="Cyrus Zambrano"] | The One Sith in Sobrik​
After the massacre and losses on Corellia, their occupation of Balmorra was almost a vacation to the Sith. The city where Vrag disembarked, Sobrik, was a prime example of this; like any government with half a brain would have in their place, they had accepted the invading force as their new overlords, bowing their heads and swallowing whatever pride there was left. Not that politicians were usually possessed of that, really, but a shining exception would pop out here and there regardless; the Galaxy was a big place, after all. In these trying times, however, their actions were more sensible than ever. With the way the Republic borders had shrunk during the mass exodus, forcing them to retreat most of their presence from the planet, Blamorra was left naked and vulnerable after enjoying their protection for so many years.

The Knight was more than willing to play into that fear, convince the frightened and gullible populace that the military might of the Sith was the only thing that could keep them safe in the face of unknown dangers lurking beyond. Who knew what would come after the disappearance of millions? Would they return unharmed? Raving mad and violent in their insanity? Deformed beyond recognition, ambling and slobbering like abhorrent monsters intent on wiping out the last survivors?

Those questions were certainly on everyone's minds, and the Sith had seized the opportunity such panic presented. Their soldiers were now spread out across the city, and what they lacked in intimate knowledge of home terrain, the troops more than made up with numbers and blockades. The Sith that had arrived before the firrerreo had already taken the necessary steps to ensure that the Republic forces would suffer heavy losses by the time they crawled to the governor's palace, and she was content in leaving the command in the hands of her peers for once. No, this time, the woman was happy to deal with the upstart rebels in a more... personal manner.

In the past few battles, she had branched out, adopting the rifle as a permanent fixture in her arsenal. On Rendili, the woman had added a beauty of a flamethrower to the bunch, and now it was time to graduate to a weapon even higher on the mass destruction scale. With a wolfish smile, the armored Sith stepped out into the fresh air — as fresh as it could get on an industrial world, anyway — cradling a massive rocket launcher in her arms. She cocked her head to the side, listening to the scout reports as they crackled in her ear; the moment Republic forces punched through the barricades erected on the streets, she would be there to clean up whatever remained at that point with a sweet, sweet explosion.
[member="Warok the Defiler"]

Something small crept up behind Adekos, and then grabbed one of his hands without warning. The Darth turned a disdainful gaze downward towards the minuscule, furry creature that had so brazenly groped his hand. Adekos abruptly yanked his hand away from Warok, disgust splayed across his face. Though the two had fought side-by-side in their ill-fated battle against the likes of Alf and Vulpoodle, they fell short of a relationship where hand-holding was permitted. In fact, the Force itself willing, there would never be a stage in Adekos' life where he felt the need to hold hands with an Ewok.

But this all begged a singular question.

"Warok," Inquired Darth Adekos, "What the hell are you doing?"
Objective: Kill the Cultists
Allies: [member="Khan Ra"]​
Bugtown once served as a lab where researchers worked with DNA that led to a mutant insectoid when the Sith invaded it years and years ago. Now the ruins housed the cult that wanted to open another portal in the Netherworld. The buildings still remained in tatters, most on the verge of collapsing already, gave the cult a well defended area to give Darth Venefica and her troops problems if they lingered about. However, she led her troops through the ruins using a blitzkrieg tactic meant to confuse the enemy and keep them off balance. The Sith Knight did not want to get bogged down and forced to fight the enemy on their terms.

Just like on Corellia, she kept her snipers back allowing them to fortify themselves in various spots of their choice, since the layout was not favourable to her sniper corps. This also allowed them to pick off the enemy at their own leisure and if it in the event she was threatened to be overrun, since the numbers of the cultists was still unknown, she could fall back allowing the snipers to give them covering fire. Unfortunately, only a few cultists had been spotted and put down. But Darth Venefica was not one to underestimate the enemy, believing those cultists that died were only mere scouts.

She began to believe this was a fools mission due to the lack of resistance from the enemy, until the hornet's nest was stirred. Ten cultists, armed with weapons in poor condition, began firing at the Sith and her troops behind rubble and makeshift barricades. "Take cover," she ordered as she dropped behind a giant slab of durasteel. "Listen up! You three," pointing to the soldiers on her right flank, "Will use your grenades to pry them from their cover. The rest of you will lay suppressing fire to keep them pinned down so your comrades can do their job then concentrate your fire on the enemy. On my mark."

She rose her hand up, keeping it hidden by the durasteel, and waited for the enemy to reload. The moment they did, she dropped her arm down and in one fluid motion her soldiers went to work, and the brief obstacle was wiped away. "Kill the wounded," she said as they were passing by the bodies of the enemy.


Location: Bugtown
Force: 75 with her, 25 snipers creating a defensive staging area
Location: Sobrik
Objective: Defend the city against Republic holdout forces

The mines had done their work, and more Sith reinforcements had arrived while the Republic regrouped. Scouts were reporting a second column advancing on the eastern part of the city while the one already spotted and mined was to the north. She could hear the boom of artillery, but luckily one of the features of Sobrik that had held over for so many years was the energy shield erected over the city to stop such bombardments. The Republic would need to adavnce into the city itself for their armor to actually have an effect.

"My Lady, enemy commando units are trying to breach the western wall. We have them pinned by sniper fire, but they are still laying det charges," her commander said. "The local garrison is getting worried, with the governor asking for permission to leave and. . ."

"Inform the governor he is safe enough," she said. "Have our forces pull slightly back from the western wall so they aren't injured when the det charges open the hole. When the smoke clears, they can fire down and our troopers and droids n the city can fire forward. That hole will be a choke-point of death for the Republic forces."

"Yes, my Lady," he said, saluting and moving off to give her orders.

A few minutes later, an explosion ripped through the wall as the commandos charged in to what they thought would be debilitated Sith forces. What they met was a hail of blaster fire from in front and above, felling many of them, even as their comrades advanced to within range of outer turret emplacements and lines. Casualty reports were starting to stream into where she had established her command post, but nothing too substantial yet.

"Inform our allies here to show no quarter," she said, her eyes fixed on a holo-display showing the main attack from the north as red and blue dots, red being Sith and blue being Republic. They didn't have enough in their main attack unless that was a feint instead and the main one was from the east. The eastern front of the battle was mostly quiet because the Republic was still advancing across the rocky terrain, their attacks were out of sync it appeared.

[member="Cyrus Zambrano"] [member="Vrag"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Objective: Kill the Cultists
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"]

Where were they? There were no cultists in sight, no evidence that they were even in the city... Why was he here? He could be at the capital securing the city... By the time he accomplished anything here the planet would already have been seized! Khan growled under his breath as he walked quickly down the ruined streets, looking for any sign of sentient life. Rather then see it however, he heard it. Blaster shots in the distance. Though they wouldn't be shooting amongst themselves... Veneifca had found them. Khan's grip tightened on his blade till his knuckles turned white. The sounds ended quickly. He would not let her steal this oppurtunity form him as well... She couldn't have found their base yet, could she? Prehaps he still had a chance...

Khan's thoughts were interupted, however, by the sound of another blaster bolt. A much closer blaster bolt. A blaster bolt that missed his head by a few inches. The Felactian quickly looked up in the direction it had come form, just in time to see someone fleeing from th eroof of a squat building not far off. Another one? Prehaps a scout that had heard the same distant firefight Khan had... Khan smiled, before running after the fleeing man. Prehaps he wouldn't need ot search for the others after all.
Black eyes glittered below [member="Darth Adekos"]. Their depths the cruel and deceptive sheen of tar pits. Fires flickered on their surface, warm and inviting. Too forward? Yes, yes. These outworlders have strange ways. They do not understand the way of nature as I do. The harmony of nature I break.. such significance. All lost on these... barbarians.

Tufted ears wiggled.

"If only you knew what I have foreseen," Warok intoned. "Join me and we can rule this galaxy." He held up a tiny, clenched fist.

"It is our destiny."

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