Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I will find him

Location: Somewhere in the Maw Cluster

The ship would do... seventeen days of meditation and still not a trace of the boy. All research done by the droids pointed to Adas James Malgus being dead and [member="Serena Bouie"] being whisked off to Abregado. She was inconsequential at the moment but Mythos knew... he knew his son was alive.... but was he in Atrisia? Mythos sat in meditation, death and chaos whirling around him like a cyclone of pure dark energy summoned by the power of the darkside. The ship would do, Ankhypt designed and the Anubians with him giving their lives for his power every twelfth hour.. it would do. The galaxy was too big to find him in just one day, especially and knowing that the boy did not want to be found, the axe of Adas and the talisman not being in his possession made the task even harder. Yet for a Sith Lord few things were absolutely impossible. On the sixth hour of the twelfth day Mythos deep in the trance of meditation caught a pulse, brief but strong. The place? Oberdan. His eyes narrowed, curiosity and confusion stricken across his face. Oberdan? Why? What was the boy doing there? As soon as the pulse of life was detected it vanished, only to be seen again in Dagobah moments later. It made no sense, was he traveling in a ship? the fastest ship in the galaxy or a ship equally as fast? or were these remnants of where the boy had been? dashes of force energy leftover from him staying there a long time?... was the boy really dead?

No. He wasn't. He had felt him in Chaos, he had felt his anger and most importantly. He had felt the power of @Sohet on his skin. "I will find you my son..."

More hours passed and Mythos let loose another blast of power, his meditation transcending his body taking him to where the next sign of the boy was. Korriban... the tomb of Adas which was left excavated after Mythos and his wife dug up the axe and there convinced the child. It could be just that... his signature of birth. No.

Upon looking closer it would appear that the boy did indeed come to this place. After Atrisia, his strength growing it would appear. An array of raiders left dead, their blood still red. It was not a couple of days away... he was close. Mythos needed to rest.​
Three days and three nights. The Sith Lord sitting in contemplation of the task ahead, his pod of meditation carved out with sith runes and blood as was his instructions boosted his ability to meditate. As he sat down the torches lit by the Anubians illuminated the dark chamber and Mythos was back in his meditation. Eyes closed by his signature open to the galaxy, those who would look would feel him once again in the force. [member="Darth Ophidia"]. @Krest. @Sohet Those beings who would recognize his o so unique signature would be able to feel the disturbance if they were so inclined to look. Mythos gazed at the stars... A hunt by a predator starving for food.

He combed every inch of the stars with eyes red as blood and intent as vicious as the jaws of a Tuk'ata. A tuk'ata... Groom. He looked for his hound to find him next to his daughter @kida. She was not with his brother... the sight of the girl, the one being in all of creation that could soothe the heart of the beast brought nothing more than a distant memory to his mind. gone was the Mythos who would rush into her arms, who would lift her and kiss her and love her with the passion that burned with a billion stars united. Gone was the Mythos that loved Serena and Fantana, who would do anything for their love, gone was the Mythos who once knew honor and bravery and courage, replaced only by a cold calculating monster that sought to devour the galaxy whole in one bite. He kept on searching. Every planet leading only to further failure, every star system leading to disappointment and desperation. His limbs growing tired but his spirit only knowing an insatiable hunger that drove him to further look deep into the outer rim and the regions of lost space where his son might be hiding out. It disgusted him, hiding like an insect from the galaxy. With one hand stretched out he combed over the systems of the outer rim one by one, eyes like the blazing sun and hatred as brutal as torture staring at the lifeforms in them. Then... he saw a glint of it.
Deep in the fore of Mustafar, regions of the Metal Lords like [member="Ultimatum"] and [member="HK-36"] Mythos felt his presence. Stronger than in the worlds before. His eyes opened in discovery, after several days and several nights after his initial search he had finally come across one world and one scent that was stronger than before. Looking deeper into the fiery world he followed his signature, his exertion of power, the stench of Sohet, the very familiar and almost identical signature that the boy exhumed from his body and spirit in the force. Closer and closer did Mythios look, the world opening it's fiery pits to his eyes in the force and further down into the caverns of fire did he delve into... only to find what was left of one of his hideouts. the boy was not here, but he had been perhaps even to return, perhaps this was one of the places where he hid out. Rage. Pure rage ripped through Animus in frustration. More days were in his future looking and combing through the galaxy for a mere child, yet he was now closer than ever. Every signature that he caught from his son made it easier to find the next possible location. He turned his eyes now to Geonosis where the next location was, then to Kashyyk, then to the broken outposts of Corellia. Each point granting him further insight into the position of his son until finally after Iridonia Mythos' eyes turned to Lego. A planet where few ventured in and even fewer ventured out, also a planet within the rule of the Silvers if he was not mistaken... after all, it had been a while since he was around.
He looked deep into the world, it's geology opening up before him and immediate he knew he needed to search below it's surface to find it. To the home of the Maleibus. The demons of the galaxy, gold plated and metallic in skin. Powerful enough to rip apart even tanks and vehicles. If the boy was here he would not survive this ordeal... unless he had grown in true power. Yet the deeper into the caverns Mythos gazed the more he started to realize that not only was his son alive but he was stronger than most Knights in this world and many others. Deep in the caverns of the Maleibus he sat, on a throne of fire... eyes gone.

"I am coming... I have you now"
A blast of power consumed the nearby priests around Mythos, he ascent to his feet was in itself an act of power. Strength eroding from his being Mythos marched over to the commanding officer on the ship and gave him a simple command. "To Lego... Activate all stealth systems aboard and prepare for orbit. I have found him..."

The roar of the massive ship shook the ground beneath his feet and for every second that passed Mythos could only hold on to his hunger, like a starving Wampa savoring his next meal but having to wait until it reaches his lair before he can consume it. It was only a a matter of time before father and son came face to face once again. The lights of the hyperspace jump passed by the transparisteel of the ship and behind the command ship sat Mythos in the chair fashioned for him out of the greatest wood in Ankhypt. Every Anubian was larger, this chair was fashioned specifically for him... On the other side, the child would only believe his father was coming through the force of a spirit ghost from the dead, he would not know that his father was coming in his flesh and even if he did he did not know Mythos' true intentions. No one did.


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