Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I wish I could put sounds instead of words for titles

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek Starchaser had worked with the Razorhawk system before. But what he needed was to prove it worked with the armor that he was having built by the Obsidian Order. Really, there was a training thread about all this, but it was lost in the annals of time. That was fine. The writer could pile on things for his character to do. Like this visit to Krant. The world where his Former Master had the viceroy spot. He wasn’t sure how it was working now, but it was nice to come check on the world.

And he had his rough armor. A modified Obsidian Armor with a Razorhawk system strapped to it. This was test… what? Fourteen? Marek had been doing this for a bit. He knew the system but now it was a matter of putting it through the paces. He had his standard weapon loadout, his orange lightsaber, his Kala revolver and the BTI-863. Sure, maybe Marek should be carrying the new pistol that was created, and maybe he would replace Kala with it when he was in armor, and use the revolver when he was dressed down, as it wasn’t like he’d not take this armor that was being created into battle, but for now, this was going to work.

He had just recently gotten out of the operation for replacing his Hardline Neuro-Saav cybernetic arm with the new Phade Arm. iBorg really did a good job. And using a bit of foundation and cover up, Marek could prevent the scarring on his arm from being seen when the synthflesh tore. But again, how often was he using that? It was a last ditch effort, to clear space for him to get away. Marek was about staying alive.

Stepping from the shuttle, he had the heads-up display, something else that was going to get modified, and enhanced once Jenn was done with her work, along with that engineering from Hegemonic, he’d be able to communicate with the armor. And the world around him. The system would get outlined in another thread for this armor, but for now? He wanted to make sure that he’d not hurt himself when he used the Razorhawk in battle.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The armor was taking in the local area, navigating him around the world and making sure he knew the distances between trees, rocks, himself, hell, he even had the weather report. Sunny skies, no chance of lightning, Well, unless Marek brought it. A bit of small tech moves from Santhe and the armor and razorhawk were communicating well enough for Marek to attempt flight. He’d probably be using it for getting into and out of battle, and getting around the field. He wasn’t really a fighter, he was part of the Zillo Network, the learners, thinkers, shakers and producers of the Obsidian Order. And this armor? That fit in right there.

The path was laid out before him and he nodded, accepting the flight path. Using a quick cue, to armor, facial recognition of what he wanted, he positioned his body for flight, the suit slowly lifting from the ground and taking off to the canopy top. From there he rolled himself around, dove down and out his hands out to keep from hitting the hard layer… also known as the ground. What he really needed to watch out for was the wind, and when he was in flight, the armor, which he would upload these preferences to any future intelligence that would share the armor with him, automatically warned on increasing winds and the changing of direction. Pushing forward with his arm in flight mode, more thrust as assigned to the arms and then the legs as he made for another climb.

Getting up to the tree-tops, he looked to the side of the armor. The Razorhawk System and his own armor were melded together by some of the best slicers in the Techno Union. A quick glance to his left brought up the screen. Top button was off, bottom was on, and middle was hover, the kind he’d use in combat. Right now he moved to the hover choice. Just to get a look around the world.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
It was the weight he’d have to worry about. The rifle he carried was a slugthrower because [member="Isley Verd"] had taught him to bend bullets. And that was something he was going to constantly do when he wasn’t frying people with lightning. Yeah, he was still a Sith at heart, even if he didn’t always portray it. He only used the teachings from Van Derveld rarely, and part of it was never showing his face in combat. And only bringing combat to those who needed it, and with Marek, never going it alone. He wasn’t a heavy hitter, his day job was a casino.

Still, hovering above the treetops. This would be a good vantage point. He’d be able to help call out patterns to droid armies and Obsidian Knights, staying back to give support where he could, joining the fight where he was needed, and getting away from where he knew he was going to do more harm than good. A support unit was what he was. Never made any excuses for what he was. [member="Raziel"] was good at sneaking, [member="Asher Valentine"] was good at smashing, and he was good at… well, other stuff.

He could feel the weight on his left side, definitely heavier than before. But the support to his spine seemed to be working, and with the power-armor, could barely tell the difference. While he hovered at tree-level, he slowly rotated the suit, pulling in all 360 degrees of ranged data. Mountains out that way, top speed of 100 km/h, he’d be having a bit of a troubled time getting there.

And there was that water fall. The armor was water tight, it was Marek, he enjoyed diving, so why not give it the self-contained breathing apparatus. And the suit wouldn’t allow for him to use the Phade Arm as the left wrist wouldn’t open under water. He didn’t see a way to make this armor space-ready so he didn’t even try.

Waterfall 30 klicks away. That was fair.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Look left, look up, flight mode engaged. Tightening his calf muscles caused more thrust to go to the legs, and opening his hands did the same for that part of the flight system. The suit was responding to biometrics well. The trick would be getting it to work in combat. And while he wasn’t going to be entering combat in this test, he knew that he had his saber with him, and was at least given some training in Ataru, enough saber combat to keep himself from getting skewered and to back himself from the fight so he could pull attention away until someone could come to his rescue, or he could haul off and shoot the bastard.

Weaving in and out of trees, he was really happy for the money he spent on this armor. It was a smart investment. Maybe not the Obsidians would accept him as one of theirs and he could do away with the Sith moniker forever… Though there were Ladies of the Sith, and they were just drop dead gorgeous, even with the crazy eyes they had. He’d still take them over Jedi women. But right… focusing, trees, trees, rock, bird, mammal and waterfall.

Bringing the suit in for a landing, and getting his mind in a state for combat, he knew he would have to train the AI to help maneuver and manage the thrust as he came in for a combat landing. Skidding through the dirt for a few meters, he turned and had his orange bladed saber’s hilt already meeting his hand as he moved. The armor’s flight mode was off, and the armor was back in normal mode. Moving with a few quick slashes and motions of Ataru, he was warming himself up, and checking to see how the armor handled combat with a lightsaber while having a pistol and rifle strapped to him.

Just shooting was easy, saber combat? Not really Marek’s thing. And the sloppy form could give that away.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
It was funny, really, because while this thread was outlining Marek training in the flight of the Razorhawk, and like it was stated, fourteenth time in the recent few weeks with the armor system, it was going to outline his combat abilities, or lack there of, and the armor itself. Was that double dipping? Was it two in the morning while this was being written? Did anyone actually care?

He moved through a few more motions of Ataru before looking left, middle button, second of contact, until the AI was installed, and he was hovering, with his right hand clenched around the lightsaber made it so his right thruster wasn’t firing. Marek moved back from where his foe would have been, swiping and spinning, not Force enhanced, because, really Marek couldn’t do that, but enhanced by the system. He’d be able to deflect blaster bolts alright from here. And throw lightning. That he knew the armor could do. But it was here htat it was sloppy. He wasn’t flying quite right, off centered and that was the part he had been focusing the most of his training on. Keeping balance, swinging the saber. Hell, he knew holding a rifle was out. That would come when the system was off and he was on the ground.

A few more fake slashes to deflect bolts, and he spun himself around to make a slash at the invisible foe, feet moving beneath him to push him forward and loosing the tension in his left hand, the razorhawk system lowered him down at an appropriate speed. Feed slid underneath him again and… well he was back up.

Right, that would be another thing the AI would need to fix. Predict when he was looking to land in a combat environment. He would have this ready before he used it in combat the next time.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Because using it in Geonosis, when he met up with Cavill and Adekos, he was untested and unsteady, made a few attempts to use it, but this was Starchaser, not a fighter. He was clunky, sloppy and well, set the bar pretty low. He’d be better next time. Putting his saber back to its hook, he pulled out his BlasTech rifle and began firing off a few rounds. The trick here? Flight and firing. He knew both his hand thrusters would be off, so enough thrust and he jumped up high enough.

Uncontrolled aside from the flaps, and keeping at a wide stance and common speed he was going up and firing. He could keep his accuracy… mostly. Not the precision but if there was a body there, they’d take damage. And with the Force, he was cutting himself off from concentrating on the incoming fire, not going to be using telekinesis to bend bullets while airborne. Opening his left hand to release the gun he steadied himself with a third point of thrust as he moved his rifle back to where it would stick to his back. And then all four thrusters. Good, the system was responding to how he moved. Biometrics were the next best thing.

Look left, look up to the side. Flight mode. And he was off again. Flying above the canopy and rolling to dodge a flock of birds. Yeah, he was starting to feel comfortable in this. Going down between the canopy, the HUD making sure he was going through leaves and no large branches, or else he’d adjust his flight path. He pulled his body into a maneuver he got from a youth of board-based sports and somersaulted before coming in for a landing, legs and arms loose so the thrust was low and landing him down.

This was post six and he only had a few more systems to try out.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
The next bit was a bit tricky. Voice commands and everything. He would come back to the flight as he knew this would totally not work while he was flying. “Open left.” He called to the armor, and watched as the left wrist seals were broken and opened with a hiss, the palm, where the Razorhawk was folded and pulled down, giving Marek’s Phade Prostethic arm room to open up when he was ready for it. Right now he wasn’t going to use it, he’d been playing with that all morning. ‘Look what I can do’ and blasting at bottles stacked up.

He also had the Pain Receptor implant installed. That one was going to prove to be fun. Maybe he’d have to call Sitara. He was already a bit slow with the Force, so he didn’t go for the Force null resin, he’d just blast anyone who tried to use the Force on him, was all.

“Close left.” He spoke to the armor’s system. The left wrist closed and the hiss of the seal came in. He wouldn’t want to have to get in the water like this, but he could drain it through the installed purge valve. Still, that worked and he called up the hover protocol again. No loss in thrust? Nope.


Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Look left, look up. Flight mode engaged. And he was off again. Checking the heads up, he wanted to make sure that the left arm was working even after a move of opening and closing. Spinning the armor around as he rolled his way up the tree’s height using the tech in the Razorhawk System. Flight was achievable and while the armor was a little bit clunky, the benefits of being able to be around the battlefield were worth it. He wasn’t sure how much he’d use it in combat, it wasn’t a fool-proof plan, and it wasn’t like he could blast them with repulsors, well, he probably could, if they got close enough.

So that was a thing, activate the system and burn someone’s eyes out. Probably be the only way he’d make it useful in combat. Force knew he’d not go picking someone up to drop them. He was currently taking the armor through a few more motions with flight, switching between flight, hover and flying down for landings. Avoiding birds, watching and adjusting flaps in the armor when gusts of wind moved him from his flight path.

Lucky for Marek, he was decently knowledgeable in Alter Weather, and while he could probably surround himself with perfect wind conditions, this was about flight. But… giving himself a low pressure system in front with a tailwind… He could probably go faster than the top speed for a little lack of maneuvering. He’d make a note of that.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Calling the Force to him, he was doing exactly that. Low pressure system in front, and constantly pushing out from him, moving himself in a bubble of low pressure. A bit of fancy telekinetic work mixed with the alter environment knowledge he gained from a copy of the Starchaser holocron. This was going to go well. He tensed his legs and arms and pushed the Razorhawk to its maximum, following the bubble. And he was focusing, it was taking a lot away, from the navigation, and when he called in the tailwind, he could feel the speed increase, subtly, but there could be a battle on, subtle was going to save the day some time.

Maybe not, not with Marek. Bringing in his skills? The AI that was being worked on was for sensors and slicing, things he didn’t know, but things that Jennifer did. It’d help her out as well, but for now, it’d be flying in his unique armor system. Helping him aid operatives and soldiers. And hopefully helping him navigate, make small adjustments in the flight path. Circling around the shuttle he came in, he nodded. Right, time to get out of the armor and run the tests and data. He looked down at the ship, then left and hovered the armor system.

He looked at the ship. “I can fly. Maybe better than Cavill.” He said, obviously to himself, no one was on his channel.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Watching the shuttle, he slowly lowered the armor system down, letting the scanners grab the ambient data and he found that he touched ground and it was almost foreign. He’d have to do something about that. Modify the boots so he didn’t feel like he had just gotten off a trampoline. He really hated that feeling. Moving his shoulder, the left one, he was starting to feel like the prosthectic arm was working fine. Better than the Hardline, almost. That one was an impulse buy after all. And since ICE and iBorg were some sort of distantly related, the arm could take the system.

The battery pack on the armor was draining, he had made sure that he could scavenge power while in the field in case of a prolonged fight, but he was a ranged fighter, the suit and shooting didn’t exactly work safely. Still, over all, a wonderful test. Walking aboard the ship, he started taking the armor apart and plugged the HUD into the ship’s computer. It could run diagnostics and initial tests before he got back to Hypori, from there, the Techno Union machines could run the data.

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