Corey's OOC
And where were the spiders
Marek Starchaser had worked with the Razorhawk system before. But what he needed was to prove it worked with the armor that he was having built by the Obsidian Order. Really, there was a training thread about all this, but it was lost in the annals of time. That was fine. The writer could pile on things for his character to do. Like this visit to Krant. The world where his Former Master had the viceroy spot. He wasn’t sure how it was working now, but it was nice to come check on the world.
And he had his rough armor. A modified Obsidian Armor with a Razorhawk system strapped to it. This was test… what? Fourteen? Marek had been doing this for a bit. He knew the system but now it was a matter of putting it through the paces. He had his standard weapon loadout, his orange lightsaber, his Kala revolver and the BTI-863. Sure, maybe Marek should be carrying the new pistol that was created, and maybe he would replace Kala with it when he was in armor, and use the revolver when he was dressed down, as it wasn’t like he’d not take this armor that was being created into battle, but for now, this was going to work.
He had just recently gotten out of the operation for replacing his Hardline Neuro-Saav cybernetic arm with the new Phade Arm. iBorg really did a good job. And using a bit of foundation and cover up, Marek could prevent the scarring on his arm from being seen when the synthflesh tore. But again, how often was he using that? It was a last ditch effort, to clear space for him to get away. Marek was about staying alive.
Stepping from the shuttle, he had the heads-up display, something else that was going to get modified, and enhanced once Jenn was done with her work, along with that engineering from Hegemonic, he’d be able to communicate with the armor. And the world around him. The system would get outlined in another thread for this armor, but for now? He wanted to make sure that he’d not hurt himself when he used the Razorhawk in battle.
And he had his rough armor. A modified Obsidian Armor with a Razorhawk system strapped to it. This was test… what? Fourteen? Marek had been doing this for a bit. He knew the system but now it was a matter of putting it through the paces. He had his standard weapon loadout, his orange lightsaber, his Kala revolver and the BTI-863. Sure, maybe Marek should be carrying the new pistol that was created, and maybe he would replace Kala with it when he was in armor, and use the revolver when he was dressed down, as it wasn’t like he’d not take this armor that was being created into battle, but for now, this was going to work.
He had just recently gotten out of the operation for replacing his Hardline Neuro-Saav cybernetic arm with the new Phade Arm. iBorg really did a good job. And using a bit of foundation and cover up, Marek could prevent the scarring on his arm from being seen when the synthflesh tore. But again, how often was he using that? It was a last ditch effort, to clear space for him to get away. Marek was about staying alive.
Stepping from the shuttle, he had the heads-up display, something else that was going to get modified, and enhanced once Jenn was done with her work, along with that engineering from Hegemonic, he’d be able to communicate with the armor. And the world around him. The system would get outlined in another thread for this armor, but for now? He wanted to make sure that he’d not hurt himself when he used the Razorhawk in battle.