Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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i would love to see star wars rpgs

Bunker-level Normal
Good luck. The minute Disney acquired LucasArts, they killed 1313 and First Assault (which is probably what Battlefront came from). A year or so before, LA canceled Maul (Battle of the Sith Lords) as well.

And Disney doesn't seem keen at all on single player games.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
We have a large fan base just here alone, if we could get support from here and other forums we can try get our voices heard for more games like kotor. After all they like profits, if they think a lot of people will buy it they will try it.
Bunker-level Normal
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Internet petitions rarely move corporations, especially ones like Disney. After all, they hire actual marketers with college degrees to do the research and tell them who wants what games, why would they listen to you?

Disney bought Star Wars in order to make money. I hope no one had any illusions about that. They didn't want to make just a little money, they want to make a lot of money. Enough money to fill one of their cruise ships with crisp, hundred dollar bills. Niche games aren't going to do it for them, they're going to make games that tie into the old trilogy and to their new trilogy (and yes, expect the prequels to get screwed over now).
I agree on that that was my thinking on it to Disney really is just in it for the money and star wars will make them more since its already a huge thing Which was a great move on Disney part but bad for the fans
Bunker-level Normal
[member="Damon Daniels"]

Well, at least Star Wars fans are used to getting shafted by Lucas every time a new Star Wars video release comes out. Now it'll just be a regular thing.
Captain Jordan said:
Good luck. The minute Disney acquired LucasArts, they killed 1313 and First Assault (which is probably what Battlefront came from). A year or so before, LA canceled Maul (Battle of the Sith Lords) as well. And Disney doesn't seem keen at all on single player games.

Speculation but 1313 was probably going to suck. I say this because the games that LA made themselves were typically pretty bad. Entertaining in some ways but pretty bad. For instance, Force Unleashed was primarily LA and it was pretty lame. Fun in some ways. But all around a pretty mediocre to crappy game. Now, the games which were licensed out were pretty good a decent amount of the time. For instance, KotOR. Not primarily made by LA. LA was a pretty bad company the last decade or so of its existence and was hemorraging money. It being closed was not all that unexpected. Kind of sucks but eh.

We will still see plenty of SW games though.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I have three simple steps to accomplish what you would like.
1. Go to a Gameshop that specializes in Pen and Paper RPGs, Tabletop Wargames, Boardgames, etc etc...
2. Pick up the Edge of the Empire RPG
3. Find a group that would like to play Edge of the Empire
There you have, a way for you to play a great Star Wars RPG.
Bunker-level Normal
[member="Selena Halcyon"]

We have different definitions of 'suck' then. I don't think TFU sucked or was lame. Maybe it wasn't brilliant in terms of story (it was decent) and suffered with controls for boss fights, but the technology behind the scenes was state of the art (NPC reactions were awesome! Physics was spectacular, and Force/Lightsaber moves felt fluid and powerful.) and the game was more immersive than any Star Wars game I've ever played.

If LA had made 1313 to the caliber of The Force Unleashed 1, it would have been worth the $60 on launch.

Comparing every Star Wars game to KOTOR or X-Wing is a surefire way to not enjoy any other Star Wars game. There are EPIC Star Wars games (the aforementioned) and then there are good games like TFU, Battlefront, Republic Commando, Jedi Outcast/Academy, TIE-Wing, etc. You have to take the good with the bad, sometimes, to enjoy the experience and the story.
TFU did have good technology but good technology does not necessarily make the game good. It was mediocre. Not bad, but mediocre. I had some fun playing it but both of them were very short games. I actually remember reading about the technology and being so blown away and thinking that it would mean that the game would be so fantastic. Pretty let down by it. The story was meh, but I don't hold that against it too much. For the most part the story works. I'm surprised you found it immersive, that's a first I've heard from anyone. But eh.

1313 was probably going to have all the bells and whistles visually of a AAA game. I just do not think it was likely to be as good as other games in the same genre. Given what we saw and know of gameplay it would have been somewhere in the area of Uncharted, Last of Us, and Tomb Raider. Uncharted is stupid amounts of good. Last of Us from what I hear is amazing. The newest Tomb Raider was great amounts of fun, and I just do not think 1313 would have been able to compete once you look beyond the nice shiney star wars coating. I was hoping it would be good. I wanted it to be. I was certainly hype for it. When I heard it was cancelled along with everything else I sat back and really thought about it and was like "nah, no reason to be upset. We do not even have a good idea of what it was going to be and LA's track record has not been great lately."

See like I look at your list and it suffers from some problems. X-wing is ancient. AMAZING games. Recently picked them up on steam and intend to buy a joy stick at some point in order to replay them. However, they're ancient. Battlefront is kind of a weird port of Battlefront games. It was fun and I know a lot of people who love it. But I think if you reskinned that as anything but star wars people would not care about it. I honestly dislike Republic Commando and found it just awful. I've been trying to replay it recently after buying it in a huge Star Wars bundle on steam and it is as bad as I remember. Just meh. Like it is not even as good as shooters during its time. The problem with a lot of Star Wars games is that they do not even stand up to games in the same genre. Like TFU is essentially a God of War style game. In every single way God of War is just better made. Republic Commando does have squad elements (which can be seen in games like Rainbow Six) but it is still a shooter that lived in a world where Halo was king. Now I do not even like Halo (the story blows) but Republic Commando was bad compared to that. Jedi Outcast is a borderline relic in terms of the kind of FPS it was. I might even say it was the last of a line, and Academy was a fairly mediocre sequel. Not bad. Like the only recent Star Wars game that was actually top of the line and a standout in its genre was KotOR which was not even produced by LA but licensed out. I think ultimately one of the big reasons it was good was because of the licensing. I also think TOR is pretty good if you think of it as a single player game which your friends can join you for.

None of this is to say that enjoying these games is bad. I've enjoyed my fair share of bad and mediocre games because I found them fun (which is one of the most important things about games). Same thing with music. I listen to some music that is just outstanding in terms of writing and composition, but I also listen to a lot of really crappy pop music. The latter is just crappy music. However, I still enjoy it, but I do not pretend it is good. Like the ability to enjoy something does not inherently mean that the product was good or of the highest quality. Taco Bell is terrible mexican food, but I'll still consume it when in a hurry and enjoy it. Like I enjoy playing many of these games because they are Star Wars and I love Star Wars and I want to consume Star Wars products. But my enjoyment of them does not make them good.
Bunker-level Normal
[member="Selena Halcyon"]

That's nice, I guess? Seriously, if it bothers you that much, I'm not sure why you play the games.

Also, you missed the entire point of 1313. The whole point of the game was that it was not actually focused on a (Dark?) Jedi character. You played as Boba Fett, and it explored more aspects of Star Wars than we typically see, outside of, say, The Clone Wars tv series. There are plenty of Star Wars fans who would have liked to explore that aspect, and while they can sort of do it in TOR now, it's even more egregiously a reskinned game clone (WOW) than Battlefront was.
I mean most MMOs are the same. And I think I expressed why I play the games. I said I enjoyed them. However, my enjoyment does not blind me to the fact that they are mediocre in many cases.

The entire point of any game is the gameplay. 1313 was going to be very much a game that was focused around gameplay similar to the games I mentioned before. Yes, the environment was going to be cool, but it is star wars so the environment was already a selling point. The fact that I am going to see that does not mean that the game is going to be inherently good or have value.

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