Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ian Milàn

NAME: [SIZE=12pt]Ian Milàn[/SIZE]


RANK: Padawan


AGE: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’ 1”

WEIGHT: 210 pounds

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Dark Brown

SKIN: Tanned




Strengths Weaknesses

Force enhanced linguistic abilities Tends to be quiet and shy
High heat tolerance Hates the heat
Loves the cold Low cold tolerance
Strong force sensitivity Aversion to all things jedi


6’ 1”, 210 pound – Ian carried over the early training he received regarding physical training and conditioning. Trekking remote worlds in search of new wonder drugs also helps keep him in good shape. He has brown hair and bright blue eyes that twinkle with mischief when he’s feeling playful.


Ian was born on Mustafar, the only child of Louis and Emilee Milàn. Louis was an engineer and an executive with a corporation harvesting metals from the volcanic world while his wife Emilee was a geologist for the same company. Ian was a bit of a surprise and they hated to raise him on Mustafar, but, had few options for similarly well compensated employment elsewhere.

The local Mustafarians had little if any experience with human babies and looked on Ian with curiosity and amusement which led to his acceptance underfoot anywhere in the community. Ian played with the younglings of the Mustafarian without concern for their odd appearances; rather, he wondered why he had such a small nose, such pale, thin skin, and blue eyes.

When Ian was three, he saw something tasty on the countertop that he wanted. Try as he might, stretching out to his max on tiptoes, It was out of his reach. In a fit of frustrated determination he willed himself to reach the sweets and levitated himself high enough to snatch a handful before realizing he was up in the air, panicking, and crashing back to the floor. His parents were well traveled enough to know what was going on. They arranged to meet with the local jedi guardian when he next visited their area.

The jedi master could sense Ian before he entered the house. With Ian’s parents’ permission, he simply observed the boy playing with some of his friends. Other than Ian’s presence, there were no overt signs that he was force sensitive. That is, until a Mustafarian joined the children in play and Ian began vocalizing to him in a strange buzzing, insectoid fashion. The master arched his brows in curiosity. He fashioned his mouth, tongue and throat in any number of shapes but could never approximate those sounds. “A human vocal cord was never designed to make those noises,” he surmised. As Ian’s force presence intensified during that communication, he was apparently somehow using the force to communicate.

“There’s no doubt about it,” he told Ian’s parents. “Ian is a strong force presence and he has learned to use it to enable whatever he’s trying to accomplish. He doesn’t use it to levitate toys across the room to him because it just hasn’t crossed his mind not to get up and go get them. Other things – things beyond his grasp or physical ability – if he wants them bad enough he somehow uses the force to meet his ends. That wanting is manifested by concentration, one of a jedi’s essential tools for being a successful user of the force. By repetition, he improves. It would be hard to tell from a recording that he wasn’t Mustafarian based on his speech which is simply phenomenal. I highly recommend you allow me to take Ian to Voss for training.”

Ian’s parents were generally opposed to sending their only child away, but, talked with Ian about the situation and the offer and allowed him to express his desires. Of course Ian had no desire at all to leave home; therefore, the answer the family gave the Master was a unanimous “No.”

The Master stayed with the family a week trying to change their minds then finally relented. He asked, if he assigned a jedi knight to the community, would the family consent to have him work with Ian and train him in the use of the force. The family had no problem with that idea and Ian was excited to learn how to control his “accidents.”

Shortly a knight arrived, not terribly pleased to be stationed in a Mustafaran village, and began working with Ian and serving the community as best he could. In addition to force skills, the knight taught Ian about jedi lore and legend and ethics – the do what is right/cause no harm philosophy of the jedi.

Ian proved to be a quick study learning basic padawan skills easily, including push/pull, levitate, speed, jump, and because of the toxic nature of many areas on Mustafar, the knight began teaching Ian breath control and detoxify poison, as well as initial levels of healing. He studied Ian’s language skill as best he could as it didn’t clearly fit into the normal presentation of comprehend speech.

Routinely that skill only allowed the jedi to understand an unfamiliar speech, not to speak it. In Ian’s case, he was definitely speaking Mustafaran. It was decided that Ian was a natural mimic. That, coupled with the skill of comprehension, was allowing him to replicate the alien sounds very precisely. It would be an area the knight would continue to study, but, never fully comprehend the complete mechanism of Ian’s skill. Once again, he wished that Ian could be taken before the masters for his training.

Several years passed, with the knight becoming very close to Ian as his mentor. Unfortunately, he also became close with Ian’s mother, Emilee. As a corporate executive, Louis was gone for extended periods for business meetings off world. The first years, the relationship was simply a strong friendship, but, after long periods of loneliness for Emilee during Louis’ absences, the inevitable occurred and the relationship became intimate. They decided, after confessing their relationship to Louis, to leave together and wanted Ian to accompany them.

Ian saw their actions as a betrayal and angrily refused to go with them. He accused the knight of being a hypocrite and denounced the jedi “ethic” as a fraud; refusing to consider continuing training with anyone associated with the order.

He stayed on Mustafar with his father and was heartbroken as he watched his father sink into depression and despondency. Louis’ job performance deteriorated to the point where he was recalled to the home office on Corellia. The timing of the recall was a lucky coincidence in one respect. It was time for Ian to attend the university and this way he could do so in Coronet City and keep an eye on his father.

Corellia did cause another problem. Girls. On Mustafar the number of human females his age could almost be counted on one hand. Not so on Corellia; especially at the university. Ian had a normal college age hetero-male reaction to girls his age, although it was somewhat subdued because his lack of socialization experience growing up on Mustafar made him tend to be quiet and shy around attractive women. None the less, he eventually found he really, really enjoyed kissing. But…

He continued to watch his father sink further into depression and failing health. He just could never envision a life after Emilee. Ian’s natural empathy caused him to endure his father’s agony until the tragic day of his death.

Ian swore he would never allow himself be destroyed like that by a woman. He promised himself he
would never become attached to anyone. He would never allow anyone to approach any nearer than the periphery of his life. Alone, to Ian, was safe.

Ian eventually graduated from Corellia University with a doctorate in medical research. The son of two scientists, he was drawn to product development and investigation. Being raised on Mustafar and use to being outside and vastly preferring it to being in brightly lit, white, sterile laboratories, he readily fell into a unique niche – searching out medical lore and legends. A sub-group of the product development team would research reports of cures for exotic diseases by primitive or esoteric groups and send Ian to investigate. With his natural linguistic ability he was natural for interacting with some of the remote groups he encountered on these searches. He loved his work and kept himself busy enough in it to avoid the need to fend off any possible romantic situations.

It was a safe plan. It would work. He kept telling himself that.


No personal ship. Usually uses a small corporate freighter equipped for basic field research.


Ian is not a killer.


Nor would he have a clue about bounties.


And then the witchdoctor he told me what to do...

The Tiniest Flicker Leads the Way

Renato Sarkin

/me coughs .........dark side acolytes are better............ /me cough ............True Galactic Empire.................. /me cough.

Nice character concept with a good back story.

Renato Sarkin

Don't listen to him ^ ;)

It's an interesting character - have fun with it (and stay out of trouble - please)

[member="Ian Milàn"]
I should be offended by that but the snowflakes are so darn distracting. :p

Renato Sarkin

It's an old Jedi mind trick - These are the snowflakes you're looking for.


[member="Ian Milàn"]
/me stabs the snowflakes to make sure they are real. "oops sorry." ;)
[member="Bree"] - That's the problem of judging books by their covers, I suppose. And I haven't had the opportunity to turn any of her pages. ;)

[member="Cerys"] Thank you. Perhaps we may. :)

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