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Approved Tech Ian

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  • Intent: To create a unique Revolver

  • Manufacturer: Maranon Maranon
  • Affiliation: Maranon
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel (Alchemized), Wood
  • Classification: Revolver
  • Size: Large (For a Revolver)
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: 50. BMG
  • Ammunition Capacity: Very Small (5)
  • Effective Range: Long Range (500 meters)
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Average

Enchanted Revolver that can easily pierce nearly any Conventional or Lightsaber Resistant Material in one or two shots

Bullets fired magically ricochet off surfaces a couple of times, creating potentially lethal situations.

Nearly indestructible, even to Force Light

Super Accurate

Enchanted so that any bullet it fires has a extremely high chance of causing splash damage to Lightsabers as well as an extremely high chance of shutting the blade down for a short time.

Can only be held by Maranon

Long Range of 500 meters

Can be fitted with scopes

Low Recoil

  • License to Kill: This revolver fires 50. Caliber BMG. Not only does it have an insanely high chance of turning someone's insides into extra creamy peanut butter but the enchantments on the "Pistol" cause it's bullets to be able to pierce most conventional and Lightsaber resistant materials in one or two shots. Even Alchemized Materials are under threat, requiring up to four shots depending on the thickness of the material
  • The Living Daylights: Not only do it's enchanted bullets cause possible splash damage upon contact with Lightsabers like normal slugthrower bullets but it has a high chance of shutting down even magically enhanced Lightsaber blades on first contact due to enchantments applied to the pistol that affect every bullet leaving it
  • For Your Eyes Only: Can be fitted with a variety of scopes. Also, enchanted to function for no one but Maranon
  • Goldeneye: Super Accurate
  • Die Another Day: Bullets impacting into walls and surfaces are enchanted to ricochet off close by surfaces for three or four times.
  • Goldfinger: Low Recoil due to enchantments
  • Dr. No: Nearly Indestructible, even to Force Light
  • Spectre: Won't function in Force Voids
  • No Time To Die: Very Low Fire Rate
  • On Her Majesty's Secret Service: Lugging this thing around is like having two bricks in your holster. It's more of a status item than a truly practical sidearm
  • Quantum Of Solace: Good luck finding spare 50. BMG Ammo on the field of battle
  • Never Say Never Again: The weight and size of the ammo limits how much can be carried, up to three reloads at best
  • A View To a Kill: The Weapon glitters brightly due to its chrome plating, making the shooter easily spotted at a distance. The Loud firing noise is so loud they won't be able to hide themselves
  • Diamonds Are Forever: Reloading is especially difficult under fire due to its antiquated design, forcing Maranon to make every shot count and reload before or after, not during a battle.
  • The Spy Who Loved Me: Firing in very enclosed spaces can be especially dangerous as Maranon cannot control the ricochet effect
  • Casino Royale: Exudes a Dark Force Aura that cannot be suppressed

This Hand Cannon, made for Special Use against Force Users, is considered a pain to use even by Maranon. Though it's power and charisma are undeniable, it's low fire rate and weight make it impractical to use at anything but long distance. Maranon only takes it out for special situations
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There is many issues with this.

  • Effective Range: Long
You mean Long Range? Please fix properly.

Bullets fired into the ground or walls generate a twenty meter field that disrupts all attempts to use Force Powers within it except Maranon's, and repels Force Spirits
  • Die Another Day: Bullets impacting into walls and surfaces generate a magical field for about three minutes that makes it difficult for any Force User save Maranon and repels Force Spirits also
That is not how the Force works. If it nullifies things in a twenty meter range, sixty feet, it will also nullify the characters force powers and the enchanted weapon itself. Naturally the easy solution is saying it fires voidstone but then it just dampens itself and does not work. Also shutting down the force for just three minutes is just strange and not actually something that can be done when it generally keeps its effect on at all times. My advice is completely removing it as this just does not work unless you have a solution that works.

Enchanted so that any bullet it fires has a extremely high chance of causing splash damage to Lightsabers as well as an extremely high chance of shutting the blade down for a few minutes.

  • The Living Daylights: Not only do it's enchanted bullets cause splash damage upon contact with Lightsabers but it has a high chance of shutting down even magically enhanced Lightsaber blades on first contact
You are going to have to explain what splash damage it does and what causes it to shut down the lightsaber blade. My advice is just having Cortosis bullets. As for how long it shuts down for, it is up to the person you shot against so please remove the few minutes. "Shutting the blade down for a short period of time." works a lot better.

Last, I want you to review your weaknesses and make another attempt on legitimate weaknesses. Something that is actually deterimental that is not already stated elsewhere on the submission. Like it shines very brightly or it produces a very loud noise on firing, that sort of thing.

Let me know when you do every single one of these and we can go from there.
Maranon Maranon
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