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IC-3471 Logan Harkins

TK-3471, Lieutenant Logan Harkins

Age: Twenty Seven

Height: 6'4

Weight: 225

Gender: Male

Faction: None, Former Imp

Rank: Formerly, Lieutenant

Branch: Formerly, Commando Corps

Military Occupation: Formerly, Commando Corps Officer

Civilian Occupation: Musician



Race: Human/Chiss

Strengths: Brilliant soldier, fueled by an unyielding rage

Weakness: Plagued with thoughts of his dead family, shoulder wound flare ups

Logan Harkins was born in a well off section of Dromund Kaas at the height of the Sith's dominion over the sectors. Long before the grand war that ruined so many beings lives. He was born as two a pair of loving parents, Dregjn and Holio Karkins, both professors at the planet's localized university. Dregjn, the father, was the University's Professor of Classical Instrumental Theory, and often filled the family's high rise apartment with beautiful music. Many of Logan's fondest memories are of him attending symphonies his father was either a part of or had a hand in with his mother. Holio, his Chiss mother, taught what Philosophy the Empire allowed to be taught at the University to those students willing to expand their minds. Both of his parents had been ostracized from their families for their decision to wed one another. Dregjn by his father, an Imperial Army Officer who held to the old beliefs on racial purity and Holio by her entire family. Who insisted she was harming her honor by bedding with and having offspring with such an intellectually inferior race.

The two had met at a bookstore and bumped into one another in the very prime of their youth, Dregjn being 19 and Holio 17. At the time Dregjn had been fully expected by his father to follow in his footsteps and enlist in the military. Holio and his growing relationship drastically changed his path. Their relationship was strengthened by the sense of rebelliousness such a union spawned in an oppressive environment. The two ran off together after a year of dating and pooled their little bit of credits to rent out an apartment, with Dregjn composing and attempting to make it in an authoritarian regime's limited view of what music should be, and Holio worked odd jobs while completing night classes on a government grant.

They struggled, but were generally satisfied with their life, until Holio got pregnant. With the current state of their finances there was no way the couple could afford a baby. Logan had very nearly not existed and most certainly wouldn't have if Holio hadn't decided that she would never pay such a crime to someone of her lineage. Dregjn protested on economic grounds but was quickly shot down by his mate's anger. The struggling composer nearly went mad with stress while cooking up various schemes to secure his families future. Then it happened.

On a public transit ride back from one of his part time jobs the man had watched a group of Imperials crowded around a uniformed speaker. The speaker spoke with such passion and rage that the crowd fed into it with a ravenous response. Fists were thrown, people hospitalized at the words of one man and for seemingly no reason. In a shot of inspiration Dregjn returned home in a near frenzied state and composed a symphony of rising shrill tones to the backdrop of a series of military style marching music. The music would escalate and escalate until it reached a brilliant crescendo where the tones came in waves. After a full night of composing Dregjn took the piece immediately to the Imperial Ministry of Public Enlightenment. The desk clerk didn't seem enthusiastic about receiving what he called "another pipe dream" and placed it atop a stack of other holo disks. Dregjn left a little disheartened and continued dredging on from day to day. Just as the composer was ready to quit music and begin working full time to support his coming son he received a call from the Ministry. A gruff but cheerful sounding old man informed him that a Sith had taken to the symphony and wished him to perform, with the reassurance that a huge government paycheck would follow.

After nearly destroying his holovid remote in an intense expression of joy the man agreed and began writing more symphony's per request of other officials. The initial work was well enough when preformed but Dregjn proffered not to work with the Sith. Despite the generous check the experience had left him feeling cold. A rut successfully navigated, the two young lovers got married and moved into a luxurious apartment shorty before Logan's birth. Holio quit her jobs and began going to school full time, it seemed as though the couple had "made it."

The day Logan was born was described by them as the happiest day of their collective lives. When Logan grew old enough to reason this left a profound impression on him. The fact that out of literally every other day both of his parents had experienced they'd pegged the day he was born as the happiest. It baffled him. As a baby young Logan was an inquisitive sort and once he began to speak a never ending stream of questions could be heard throughout the house, as the toddler followed his mother or father around. Holio got a kick out of it and would often entertain Logan before confounding him with a paradox or more complex philosophical theory. The child grew and Dregjn continued to compose for the most important Imperial Officials, which left him with a moral conundrum as the Sith ramped up their aggression and prepped for an all out war. Logan attended a private school and was spared the brunt of Imperial Propaganda force fed to public school children though the tid bits he caught did enough to make him proud to be an Imperial. Even in his youth Logan exhibited a similar degree of musical talent as his father and with his help fostered into a brilliant young musician.

Logan grew and his parents began to grow more distant, apart. The cultural differences they'd so longed rebelled against had finally returned full circle. The rift in the family caused a fair amount of turmoil for Logan, who simply wanted things to return to the way they'd been. They eventually reconciled their issues for the good of Logan, but it caused him doubt throughout his life. Throughout his schooling Logan had been excluded by those who though him strange. The child had turned to both music and literature as a way to fill the social gap created by the cruel cretins who occupied his time. The few friends the child kept onward into adolescence carried similar anti social tendencies.

Despite his awkwardness Logan turned out to be something of a hit with the ladies as he aged, something about the whole outcast musician theme appealed to the girls at his school. When he asked his father about it Dregjn only chuckled and replied "How do you think I met your mother?" He never really loved any of them, treating them as flings. Teenage Logan began to receive mail one day from someone his family had thought forever to be ignored. His grandfather. Despite the racial views he held Logan was still the only heir to his family name and as such the old man tried to pull him towards the nationalism that held so many other young imperials under it's sway. Being moderately successful Logan began to compose similarly nationalistic anthems as his father had to achieve fame, but didn't feel the need to serve as his grandfather urged. Logan graduated and began to attend the same university his father and mother taught at, majoring in. Musical Theory and minoring in philosophy. While attending he met a female Twilek named Rya, whom won his affection in a way the others hadn't.

Rya made Logan work to gain her affection and after close to a year of courting she finally agreed to date the Harkin. His parents responded well to the bright young woman he'd introduced them to and quickly took to her. His grandfather only muttered of the further racial impurity infecting his line, though Logan paid no heed. The young man set a date for the couple to be married shortly after the pair graduated from the university. It seemed like a match made in heaven, two musicians in love, with all the time in the world. Then the war picked up speed.

By the end of a short few months the Republic was on their doorsteps, prepared to blast the planet into oblivion. The initial attack came as Logan was riding public transit back to the apartment he shared with Rya, when the Republic Navy opened up the sky with an intense naval battle. Logan held little hope for his parents after watching the initial engagement, when many of the high rise apartments he'd grown up around crumbled beneath an onslaught of proton bombs and laser fire. After making his way toward his home frantically through the now war torn city the Republic began it's ground assault, pushing into the capital city with tanks and infantry. Logan found Rya and was second away from leaving with her when a huge round slammed into durasteel street outside the apartment and sent flaming shrapnel into the surrounding buildings. Ears ringing and vision blurred Logan did a quick checklist on himself and looked to his love as his vision recentered itself. She died in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as a piece of shrapnel that had dug it's way into her gut ended her life. Logan flew into a rage and picked up a flaming piece of durasteel before launching himself into the street and straight toward an incoming Republic Infantry Unit. The soldiers were so shocked at the sight of a civilian wielding a flaming piece of metal that they didn't fire until he'd already smashed one of them across the head. The burst caught him across the left shoulder and as the darkness took him it seemed that the pubs were taking fire.

Logan awoke aboard a Imperial Military Transport headed of the war ravaged world and out into the fringes of space, surrounded by Imperial Commandos and with a bandaged hand and shoulder. The multi species team informed him that he had been extremely fortunate that they'd found him and that the planet had been lost. Logan demanded that they return him so violently that he had to be restrained, the commandos told him he'd only be killed if he returned in his unstable state and without the necessary training. Logan wept for what he'd lost and once he composed himself the commandos offered him a position within their ranks. The man agreed, seeing nothing else. The team reunited with other Imperial remnants and Logan trained for months with the team, evolving into an elite warrior hellbent on vengeance against those he viewed as having stolen his life from him. It was all he had left. The slender musician became a hulking machine of vengeance with a light machine in hand.

Most of his sensitivity was lost in the process, but a part of him felt he needed something else besides hate. Logan proved to be a successful soldier and after a time was promoted to lieutenant because of his prowess and education. Logan was certain he couldn't maintain such a lifestyle forever and sought to change it. At the same time he felt a strong obligation to his dead family and could think of nothing else.

The Republic had taken everything from him.

He would show no quarter.

Even if it cost him his soul.

The New Order eventually fell after the Emperor disappeared from the known Galaxy, leaving thousands of disposed soldiers such as Logan to wander. The rage had cooled after watching his nation for the second time within five years. He now wanders, a broken man.

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