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Discussion IC Currency and Credit System discussion and suggestions

I know that there are underworld credits - I can't find much about it other than that its mostly OoC and the currency used for criminal factions. But I'm curious about the main currency. Is there some sort of official currency system on site canon to rp with, if not would it be possible to develop one?

My canon sources are:,,, and a random appearance of a bank in phineas and ferb:

I often can get a little technical with stuff in RP threads especially when I'm developing my own lore eg. codex. That's just how I roll, please be nice >.<

According to wookiepedia [x], "Two main currencies existed in the galaxy: the Republic credit, which later became the Imperial credit before being replaced by the New Republic credit." Would the New Republic credit still be the current Galactic Credit Standard at present? How about the bank, the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Potentially, would the creation of a major faction for Banking Clans be well received? I'd be willing to start one or write something- maybe a codex entry- that is as close to canon as possible based on all things currency and credit that can be optionally used to reference in RP - or pricing in The Market.

The main question is how much is 1 credit worth? How much do you think a basic spaceship would cost on average or a weapon? Wookie states [x] "100 milligrams of refined coaxium was worth around 60 million credits." How much do y'all think 60mil credits can buy? If you guys go into a deep dive and find canon sources on an object's worth in credits, it would really help if you could share. Would love to hear your thoughts.
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There's a bit to unpack here, but, let me see if I can help.

Underworld Credits can be used OOC and IC by any faction, group, or individual that may find them useful to their story. They had another purpose once upon a time OOC but they're now considered a tool that writers should feel free to utilize, however, the "worth" and or "value" of ANY credit or monetary system is also determined by writers. We don't have any site-wide specific exchange rate for any form of credits from faction to faction. They're by and large considered "flavor" in which writers can decide what characters need, or, apply what they might have earned from their "job" as needed.

We don't employ "coin-counting" methods or any regulatory amounts like D & D might suggest.

Many of us just say "Credit/Galactic Standard Credit" when referring to money to keep it simple, but, you're welcome to try and create your own "credit system" and/or your own "credits" in the Codex/Lore Section. Many factions and groups have done it before to try and add an "authentic" feel to their empire/concept and others don't utilize it at all and instead lean toward bartering. The actual value of a credit can differ depending on where the characters might be in the galaxy as well. Which, is determined by writers. The Intergalactic Banking Clan has existed many times in the past, and I believe, a few writers still turn out threads for it every now and again but IGBC or "Banking" RP can be a challenge to keep going by itself. It's a little niche if it's kept strictly in a "banking" sense. Stock Markets have also been created in the past as well.

That being said...If you'd like to go that route you're also welcome to try and develop anything that might pique your interest. Canon Companies aren't owned by any one writer so if you'd like to start your own Intergalactic Banking Clan, Imperial Board of Banking Directors, etc, you're more than welcome to. You can create your own stock market, your own credit for your planet, faction, city, system, etc. The only thing to bear in mind is that we wouldn't be implementing it for the site as a whole. You can create it for your own writing purposes but it wouldn't be something any other writer would be required to abide.

Again...As far as credit value and worth? It's up to writers...But the Wookie/Sw Rule Books do give us some solid hints to start with.

(Ex. A ration pack was priced at 4 Credits, or, if you google Star Wars: Arms and Equipment Guide, you'll see some information about pricing and credits there too. If you REALLY want to dig you can find the prices of anything from trade goods to spice per kg.)

But it all depends on the level of immersion you're looking for. Some people really jive with economic-styled RP and others might think it a chore. It's the same way some people really like Adventure-Styled RP or hate Slice-Of-Life RP and vice versa. We don't currently have a standard put in place to allow flexibility, creativity, and freedom to our writers. It's in a similar vein that we don't have Character Bio approvals nor do we make players keep track of their ammunition in a fight. There are hundreds of systems and galactic powers in which the "value" of a credit can vary so it's really just your choice in the end and what you (and perhaps the writer you're interacting with) feel is appropriate.

It can be nice to consider pricing when writing as it adds a very detailed level of everyday life for a character, company, or group. It could provide impact and motivation for a character that doesn't make much when a "Surgery Kit costs a 1K or Datapad 1K" and they only bring in a small amount from manual labor. But...It won't be a favored cup of tea for everyone. We also went through centuries of darkness from a plague in which technology and growth sort of stagnated. Our history is summarized in the Timeline. I imagine that might have altered canon prices as well, but, it depends on the writer's perspective.

So - I would focus on what you're looking to gain from RP. if you like it? Enjoy the specifics of economic RP? Do it. Shoot for the moon my friend.
Yeee, fabulous reply! You’ve definitely explained and answered about everything, thank you for putting it all together!

I would definitely be working on a codex on it and some sort of faction then. If my muse is cooperative for the time span it takes.
Some planets and systems also have their own local IC currencies, but those are mostly for flavor. Credits are pretty much accepted almost everywhere now, regardless what Watto might tell you.
Also, putting out there if any others are interested in getting on board and working together to create an InterGalactic Banking Clan faction, a currency credit system, or generally have any creative ideas, please shout or shoot a dm.

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