Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking a bit of a break from SSC faction stuff, unless something major happens that requires my attention.

Sio and Kaida are occupied on Tygara. Elpsis is reconnecting with her mother and doing her own thing since she's not a formal member anyway.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I'd like Siobhan to be removed from the member list of the SSC Assembly.

I understand it's largely a ceremonial position, but her being on the council of a Jedi-centred group seems...weird to me. For one, SSC regards itself as a light side faction and Siobhan is an unapologetic, unrepentant darkside (and probably a war criminal) who shares a few of its principles. Her primary loyalty's always been to herself and her family, then everyone else. Besides, she runs her own megacorp.

Alignment and loyalty issues aside, I'm not really active at the moment. Likewise, please remove me as Moderator...since apparently I am one.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Hey, I'm a Sith and also one of [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]'s Silver Guardians.

Don't try to rationalize it. Just ride the rollercoaster. :flower:

On a more serious note, one of the reasons I enjoy that the SSC has characters like Sio is that a Sith or a Darksider in a Dark Faction doesn't stand out. Instead, they blend in. There's much more opportunity to break out and just be different when your character isn't like the others.

But the Darkside as a means doesn't necessarily mean that it is also an end as well. Boo uses the Darkside exclusively, but he often uses the Darkside to achieve goals that are more lightside oriented, such as saving orphans or protecting someone (frequently, to protect a Jedi).

Plus, this isn't the Order of Silver Jedi. Sio represents a large corporate interest in this area of space and the business behind how a governmental organization or loose federation such as we have here would feasibly operate.

Just a few thoughts from the Sio Fanboi Club Peanuts Gallery.
[member="Boo Chiyo"] As a writer I am lovin your tags. And soon, we can get that thing we discussed up and running. ;)

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] I am not going to try and change your mind on this. But I will talk about what I see the SSC to be now since the merge.

We are Jedi centered, because the majority of our members are Jedi. We are still the old SJO in philosophy, (for those of us that are Jedi) and as far as I am concern should remain. This was established as an alternative light side faction to the Republic at the time, and still remains that way.

Under Grand Master E'ron, there was a set acceptance of those that are not true Jedi, or Jedi that have philosophies that include the dark side, [member="Connor Harrison"] has been here from the start, as well as [member="Aika Kawakami"], so this is not a new thing by any means. (and there are probably others I have forgotten at this point).

Under Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], this has maintained and/or expanded which is just fine. I consider the inclusion of dark siders to be an acceptance of their presence here, not tolerance I hate that word. We also accept NFUers (if they manage to stick around) and even had one of the Jedi Council at one point. So I like to think SSC is a place where those that would otherwise be spurned have a home. As long as they work for the greater good within the total philosophy of the place.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Nato could well go DJ as she deals with her current issues and gains more responsibility, just very protective of the (fun) side of her, as I have so many serious characters.

One thing I love about the SSC is they are cool with that, letting them play out the stories.
[member="Boo Chiyo"]


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