[member="Boo Chiyo"] As a writer I am lovin your tags. And soon, we can get that thing we discussed up and running.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] I am not going to try and change your mind on this. But I will talk about what I see the SSC to be now since the merge.
We are Jedi centered, because the majority of our members are Jedi. We are still the old SJO in philosophy, (for those of us that are Jedi) and as far as I am concern should remain. This was established as an alternative light side faction to the Republic at the time, and still remains that way.
Under Grand Master E'ron, there was a set acceptance of those that are not true Jedi, or Jedi that have philosophies that include the dark side, [member="Connor Harrison"] has been here from the start, as well as [member="Aika Kawakami"], so this is not a new thing by any means. (and there are probably others I have forgotten at this point).
Under Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], this has maintained and/or expanded which is just fine. I consider the inclusion of dark siders to be an acceptance of their presence here, not tolerance I hate that word. We also accept NFUers (if they manage to stick around) and even had one of the Jedi Council at one point. So I like to think SSC is a place where those that would otherwise be spurned have a home. As long as they work for the greater good within the total philosophy of the place.