Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ice Flowers (Azel)

Location: Rhen Var
[member="Azel Elerel"]

The often underused academy on Rhen Var was a great place to work with the researchers and different teams as she was able to look over several of the different things. As the rainbow haired jedi knight stood there her skin blending in with the snow almost while her silver eyes almost reflected in the pinwheel flecks while her sabers sat on her hips. The sukiban blade across her back over the robes while she was awaiting a new student. Helping him out would work to her advantage as she was going forward with some of the things but more then that she moved hopping onto her hover disc to sit on and look over the other working as her rainbow hair framed around her.
~Outside the Rhen Var academy~

They were right, a thick jacket had been helpful on this planet. Azel had learned it was called Rhen Var, and that he would be able to learn something about his new found abilities here. While he didn't know the name of his soon to be teacher, he knew she had exotic hair. A rainbow, to be exact. The young man wiped the snow and frost off of his beard as he entered the academy. Barely anyone was there, and he kept walking, until he saw her. She was sitting on....something...Azel had no clue what. In fact, he really was clueless when it came to the galaxy. He'd been raised on Endor, barely having any contact with the outside world. His mind moved away from his past, and towards his future as me walked towards the Jedi. "Hello?" He called out to her.

[member="Azel Elerel"]

There was a voice that came to her ears, the jedi knight turning her head as the massive curtain of rainbow hair turned with her and the silvery eyes flashed in the light reflected by the sun. The hover disc turned with her as she got a full view of him and hopped off the disc with her body crouching down as she landed on the ground in front of the man and she slowly rose to her full height of four feet with her robes showing under the curtain of hair and her sabers on her hip. The twin blades resonating with the twin crystals she had found within them as she finally spoke the sound of silvery bells almost and very soft. "Hello padawan, welcome to Rhen Var."

"Ah...hello. I'm Azel, good to meet ye." Her voice was soft. Rather comforting for someone who'd spent their life listening to squeaks and the howls of monsters. "I'm rather eager to get learning." Azel looked at her, not quite knowing what to say. He adjusted his cloak a bit, wrapping it tighter around his body. If the weather wasn't enough, the strong beacon of the Force that came from the academy, one Azel was not yet used to, sent chills down his spine. This would take getting used to.
[member="Azel Elerel"]

SHe looked at him boring her head again. "I am Quenladose Nic Essus and I think the first thing I am going to teach you is how to keep yourself warm in the snow." She was standign there but her robes were lighter then most as she moving a little standing on the snow. "We'll begin your traiing when you are ready but we're going to be going up to the mountain tops to train. It is easier and you can find a solari crystal along the way for your saber when you finally construct it.
"That'd be useful." Azel nodded, and began following her up the mountain. Along the way, he chose not to look for any crystals. He had something else in mind for his saber. Of course, Azel would convey this to Quenladose, and unless the Jedi Knight pushed him, Azel would keep trudging up the mountain. Once they reached the top, Azel would look around, catching his breath. These Jedi really were hardcore. He was strong, but he'd have to build up the endurance his new peers seemed to have naturally.

[member="Azel Elerel"]

She looked at him as they were heading up and moving backwards as she spoke. The force guiding her up while she stopped to grab a pair of crystals setting them in her belt compartment. The grin was on her face while she reached the top. "To use it, feel the force in the core of your body, the warmth, the power and then push it into you muscles and body. It will keep you warm and can revitalize your body to increase your stamina." She remained there at the ready while looking over the different views of the world.
Azel simply nodded, moving to stand slightly away from her. He closed his eyes, letting his hands drop to his sides, his robes loosening on his body. It was hard, undoubtedly, and a strenuous look crossed his face. Slightly, he could feel the Force flowing into his body, it was light a little ball of energy in his stomach. Something incredibly small, but infinitely power. Azel felt nauseous. Yet, he pushed past it, taking that little ball of energy and moving it around his body. He tried to spread it, tried to heat it up. Azel frowned, as that ball didn't change at all. Why is this so difficult. Azel opened his eyes, only feeling slightly warmer than he did before.

[member="Azel Elerel"]

She was watching him while standing there with a smile on her face as her hands clasped behind her back while she could feel the force flowing around. "Close, try again and this time relax your body. Allow all the tension to melt away as you push the force through it." Her silvery eyes were on him moving back a little to let him get up and loser before she was looking from behind a a curtain of rainbow hair.
Azel nodded, shifting himself slightly. He closed his eyes again, focusing in on the Force. He kept breathing, trying to regulate his heart beat and keep his thoughts steady. Slowly, Azel built up that connection to the Force again, and brought it closer to him. He centered it in his body, pumping himself with the energy he was able to gather. Then, he lit that energy on fire. Suddenly, a massive burst of warmth spread through his body, yet it only lasted a few seconds.

"I did it. I could feel it that time..."

[member="Azel Elerel"]

There we go, she was watching him and he was getting better as the little jedi had a grin on her face and a small clap. "YOu are doing better, the next part will be being able to maintain it while moving and focusing around. As much as you'll be able to keep yourself warm if you stand still it won't do much." Her hands rose to move her hair out of her face while waiting there. "Now continue the lesson and work on moving while keeping yourself warm. Saber training will be easier"

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