Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ice On Top

Nearly Completed Imperial Citadel.

Throughout the last few days the Sith Hybrid had been forced to travel back and forth between Tantorus and First Order Space. Planning for a Citadel on one of the border planets in the form of Ison. Meeting with his Board of Directors, not that he actually needed their permission for anything. A bunch of bored Sith Lords sitting around a table? The only reason he had returned was to tell them 'no' to their face.

Just to remind them that their actions were controlled by someone much younger than them. The child of their former Lord funnily enough.

He aimed to demean his distant kinsmen.

But that didn't matter, not when he was on the desolate planet of Ison.

Within orbit were only a handful of naval forces.

They were activating and scattering nearly two dozen gravity mines in orbit of the planet and the surrounding system. That way when ships without clearance codes were pulled out of hyperspace unexpectedly and were forced to be stranded on the planet. Of course, it was possible to navigate through, but it would take too much time before a First Order Fleet could arrive in time to deal with them. Of course, it'll take time for the aforementioned Imperials, yet they'd arrive much faster to the system than unsanctioned vessels escaping.

Pulling his coat tightly over him, the Force was wrapped around him as he calmly watched the construction process of his Citadel. All through the efforts of Tantorian Industries which was soon going to be the aim of a renaming, and the First Order. In the distance he could see the shield generator being constructed. Currently, he was in position to watch as all of the planet defender's were finishing their construction.

An installation of only a few hours it took. With this efficient team? It went much faster than he had previously anticipated.
"High Colonel!"

Not only were the Stormtroopers useful at killing and being an overwhelming menace for their Rebel enemies, they were also quite good at construction. They weren't involved with the heavy building such as with the shield generator, or the actual interior of the facility. But with what was going on outside? They were good at moving things that would be too pointless for an actual mining droid, or a construction droid.

They moved the supplies to build the barracks, armouries, and defensive emplacements inside.

Plus, they actually got started on building the barracks. It was only fitting considering they would be the ones staying within it.

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"The exterior barracks shall be finished by nightfall."



But the High Colonel was already moving on.

The final pieces of the planet defender's being put in place signalled the end of the of his wanting to be stood in that position.

"Push them to finish faster. It is imperative they complete the exterior defenses and structures before nightfall." Golden orbs glowed, but that was it as he entered a dropship and was lifted from the outcropping he had been on. On to the next location: The shield generator.
At the end of the construction of the planet defender's, dropships had been sent towards the three different construction sites and had loaded the construction droids and zuguruks into the ships. From there, they were sent back to the centre of the Citiadel complex. Their focus was primarily throwing up the thick walls around the Citadel. Once they were done with that in however long it took, their next order would've been to help with constructing the barracks and other structures with the Stormtroopers.

Clearing his throat, the Sith Acolyte was headed for the shield generator.

Once he arrived he stepped off and was meeting with the head technician.

"The shield generator is almost completed?"

"Uh, yes, Sir. It is an older version, but it'll do. The shield doesn't encompass the ion cannons you're having built."

"I'm aware." The High Colonel put simply.

"I also heard you were planning on developping your own shield generator..." The humanoid spoke as if uncertain as to whether he was talking too much. Should he have even been talking with A'sharad about that sort of thing? Probably should've just been doing his job, answering questions, and doing... Whatever people like him did.

"It is in the works. The Citadel is nearly finished. This shield generator will last, until it cannot anymore. And when that day comes, a new generator will arrive."

"If you say so."

Golden orbs stared back at each other. It took him a moment to realize he was close to snapping the neck of another Sith Pureblood. A zuguruk, but close to the death anyway. But he probably knew that, if not for the boiling rage that was within the High Colonel, though his facial expression was neutral, blank even as they spoke.

No wonder he knew about the generator. He wouldn't been one of those working on it, likely.

"Aren't you young for being a technician?"

"Aren't you young for leading this operation?"

There was a snarl from A'sharad. "When you're done here, return to the Citadel Courtyard." There was a haughty sniff from the Sith Acolyte before he left and returned to his transportation.
From the shield generator and then to the Citadel.

As construction outside of the walls of the military base were quickly coming to an end, the more clusters of ships, materials, and dots which were likely people walking about working were congregating around and within the Citadel walls. They weren't so high up, high enough to see a limb here and there, but far enough away that he couldn't make out anyone specific. Not that he could anyway, if they weren't stormtroopers, they were zuguruks.

And if they were zuguruks they were covering themselves within their cloaks. Hiding themselves for more than one reason.

From the cold, and from their First Order partners for the construction of the base.

Had he been in a more jovial mood, he would've liked to see his Imperial Regiment fighting his kin in the Sith Pureblood race, but he had brought no Massassi on this day. Merely zuguruks, or rather, engineers. Though what they could do with the Force when it came to machines was spectacular. Something that he couldn't hope to achieve, ever.

"Planet Defenders." A'sharad spoke over the comms. In the ion cannon structures, the dozen or so workers within would've heard his voice come over the intercom. "Charge up the cannons. Testing shots into the surrounding space." Harmless, no one was expected to venture to the planet.

"Yes Sir!"

So these were the Stormtroopers he was looking for.

It took a few minutes. The first time had to be perfect. Data logs and recordings were going to be provided to High Command. As a High Colonel he had extra responsibilities sent to him. Constructing this facility was his idea and delegated to him. Not that he minded. Even though at any given time there were over three thousand soldiers and support staff in the Citadel, whether at the shield generator, the ion cannons, or one the battlements, and of course a mixture of all that... The Citadel held many more times that.

Without targets to lock onto, they were firing blind, but still, there was nothing to worry about.

"Cannons are ready, High Colonel."


As one, simultaneously, the trio of ion cannons fired at once.


RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Mine four has been deployed sir!" The Lieutenant Margs barked through the intercom. Captain Rausgeber smiled, this little task had gone sublimely. Only sixteen more of the little suckers to deploy.

"Log the sector its in, and archive it." Carlyle ordered, to the navigator. "Helmsman, prepare our next jump."

"Will do." The Helmsman ordered, launching the ship through lightspeed, within ten seconds they were at the next mark, "Here we go, deploy mine."

"Mine ready." The lieutenant called from the hanger. Inside of it, a massive grey sphere was being lifted by the hangar crane, and before being dropped through the hangars shiedling and below the ship. From the hangars control bay, a technician piloted the sphere to its position, where it'd activate. "Sir, it's been deployed. Mine five is a go."

"Good, contact the Colonel, we're at the quarter mark." Carlyle said, "Transmit the coordinates we've mined."
After the ion cannons had fired into space, the High Colonel's shuttle was heading back towards the Citadel complex.

Soon enough they were landing within the Courtyard that would lead them inside, and once inside they would pass all of the security checkpoints. Many redoubts and guarded intersections. Enough locations for barricades that could lock them into the Citadel for days if an enemy tried to assault them through the front door, which was doubtful but still. There was always someone dumb enough to do it.

"Sir, patching you through a line," Someone said in his ear. There wasn't even a reply from the High Colonel before [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]'s mission reached the quarter mark.

"Tell the Captain he's doing a good job," he said. "And to be careful with his jumps. I do not want a damaged Star Destroyer in orbit of Ison and the Data Logs being sent to High Command and having my Citadel lacking a line of defense."

"Yes Sir!"

And the communications ensign immediately went to work.

"You'll relay my orders to the Captain. I'm going down."

There was another confirmation of understanding the orders and then the Sith Acolyte was heading down the lift to the facility within. Too deep for commlinks to reach from orbit.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Margs, how many more mines do we have?" The Captain asked, he'd been keeping a chart of them, and had lost count after taking his meds.

"One more sir, and the whole planet becomes a hyperspace hellhole." The lieutenant said, watching the crane prepare the last mine.

"Good, good." Carlyle chuckles, "Helmsman, wheres our last jump to?" He asked.

"Sector 42-Gamma Four." The helmsman said with full confidence.

"Right then, take her out easy, I don't want our engines wrecked for inspection." The captain said.

"Don't worry cap, we won't bugger ourselves."
"Good, good." The captain said, turning to the TIE Operations Officer, "Any idea about how big this defensive field is?"

"A good parsec or two out. It'll give these guys a huge advantage to volley whatever they want with an ion canon."

"Well, Helmsman, prepare the jump." The captain ordered.
The Sith Acolyte's steps echoed down the hallway as he walked through the facilities within the mountain.


Someone said to him, pulling those Sith corrupted orbs to the side as he spotted the Human-Sith hybrid from earlier. Or at least, he thought it was, but when he caught sight of those eyes in his skull, he knew it was him.

"You're inside..."

"I a-"

"I said the Courtyard."

"It's cold, Sir."

"You're not an Imperial. You'll refer to me as My Lord."

A'sharad bared his teeth as he beckoned the zuguruk to follow him. Down the winding paths, until they reached the training simulation room. There were plenty of Stormtroopers within there. Hopping over obstacles whilst being under fire. Blaster bolts ricocheted off of the wall the transparisteel glass was behind, but the High Colonel didn't flinch. Of course, his temporary companion did. There was a snap of his head to the side as he looked down upon the Human-Sith Hybrid.

"You've never seen combat."

"I haven't Si- My Lord."


Left hand dropped down to the lightsabre on his waist and he brushed it, seemingly satisfied of the facilities within.

How would he even know if things were structurally sound anyway? He was much more interested in the ongoings above.

Without a word, he turned from the window and headed towards the lift.

Ensign Vornt.

"Captain Rausgeber," he would've been hailed. "Is deployment of the gravity mines complete?"

"Your orders are to return to Ison. Sublight engines. Jumping will disable your engines and we currently don't have the tools to fix them on planet." Likely they had the tools to fix the problem on their ship, but that would take time. Time that could've been better spent fortifying the rest of the Citadel.
[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Will do Colonel, the Vindicator will be within your citadels orbit in-" He stopped, "How long Helmsman?"

"Several minutes." The Helmsman said, "We're coming about now."

"Well, we're coming about now Colonel, we'll be arriving shortly." He said, "Rausgeber, out." The captain stood at the view port, watching as Ison came into view. "It's beautiful." he mused, "There is something about the glow I like." he said.

"It is rather nice." One of the technicians mused, "Should buy some land there, I'm sure the Colonial Bureau would allow it."

The captain chuckled, "No, no. I'm not one for farming and homesteads. I prefer to admire planets from afar." The captain said quietly, "When you're on them, there's the climate, the icky inhabitants and all of that. But here, where we are, it's gorgeous."

"Each to ones own I suppose." The technician added.

"You know, I know that this has all happened centuries before," Rausgeber began, "But I think it's rather wasteful, the way the Death Stars operated. Blowing up planets and that. It's such a waste of life, and beauty. I sometimes wonder, what was Alderaan like? What were things like there, before all the violence of the Clone Wars and Tarkin? What could have been learned from their society?"
"Uh, it's Ensign actually, Sir."

And then the Ensign clicked off from the channel and lifted the mic away from his mouth to talk to his closest buddy.

"He thought I was the Colonel," he whispered with the hints of a chuckle in his mouth. At the edge of his hearing there were boots approaching.

"What? Really?" There was snickering from the other Ensign before Vornt lowered the mic back down to his lips and spun in the chair to face the High Colonel as he passed their station. "The Captain is on his way to the planet, Sir."

"Good," he said. "Patch me through to him." The High Colonel pointed to the Human-Sith Hybrid that was stalking at his heels and pulled him along towards the shuttle in the Courtyard, and then they boarded it and were heading up to the atmosphere of the planet. It was a silent ride towards the Vindicator. A'sharad wanted to do a simple thing and while he was on the way up, he said, "Captain Rausgeber. Do you have an airlock free to use? For personal reasons of course."

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Piss! I just called an ensign a bloody colonel. Urgh, shoot me now!" he teased, with a groan. That was when the comms unit buzzed again, and he heard the cold voice of the proper colonel. "Of course sir, we have two docking bays free of any machinary. Docking bay three, and two on the rear of the super structure. I'll send my deputy to ensure you are properly greeted." The captain then turned to the comms technician, "Get Margs to round up a battalion, the colonels arriving!"

"Will do sir!" The technician said.

When word was received of the colonels arrival, the hangar bay became chaotic. Two hundred stormtroopers, from the Vindicators personal garrison lined up, awaiting the landing of his ship. Lieutenant Margs stood silently ready to greet the incoming officer.
A'sharad's ship landed, and his senses were suddenly overwhelmed with what he had come to know as the stark, emotionless silence of on-duty Stormtroopers.

What's going on?

Exiting the ship, he saw that he was greeted with many Stormtroopers. A lot. Too many. But he wasn't one to complain. He was a Sith after all, and what Sith complained when someone decided to indulge them, even if a little too much? Probably better Sith than him, but they were probably dead too, so there was no complaint from the Sith Acolyte.

Turning his gaze to the only person that seemed to have a personality, the High Colonel said in his deep, yet commanding voice, but at the same time maintaining that Tatooine dry tone, he said: "Airlock. Now." Straight and to the point. If he cared about pleasantries, he likely would've questioned as to why he wasn't greeted by the Captain of the ship. Suppose that's what happened when you weren't High Command. Oh well, after this Citadel became fully operational he was certain he'd be close to those positions in no time.

When they began their journey through the ship, A'sharad would've been pulling along the zuguruk technician all the while.

All the while in his ear he was receiving status updates from Ensign Vornt of the ongoings planetside. Few problems, they were ahead of schedule now.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"O-of course sir!" Margs said, he looked at the Sith, "Well, sir, if you'd just follow me." He said, walking past row after row of stormtroopers, till they reached a door way. "Here we go." The lieutenant said, keying in the access code. "This is our garbage disposal area. It doesn't lead directly to space, but it'll, it'll..." His mouth went dry.

"It'll get rid of what you want, when you want it." Margs said, "Now, is there anyway I can assist with the airlock, and how you're gonna use it?"
A'sharad followed along patiently, that is, until they got to the airlock and there was an unsettling smile on his lips as he cracked them open to show those perfectly whitened teeth.

After all, he wasn't completely an animal.

Slowly reaching his hand out to the zuguruk technician that had begun to linger behind him, the Force wrapped around him, and tugging the Human-Sith Hybrid towards him before the airlock opened, and then with a flick of his wrist chucked him into the opening.

"J'us ziji sis, zatka?" He spoke the guttural High Sith tongue to the folded being before him. "You've sealed your own fate." With the Force he waved the door airlock door closed as he stepped to the pad and allowed his hand to hover over the button that would open the outer door and send him into the garbage disposal. The faint sound of screams reached his ears, bloodcurdling ones too. Slowly, he turned his head back to Margs.

"Have your Data Logs sent to me."

And with that, the corrupted gaze of the Sith Acolyte High Colonel was pulled off of the man and he immediately headed back to his shuttle. There were a few more things he had to take care of for the Citadel. Mostly paper work. No extra words, nothing. Just...


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