Vylmira's Wrath
Location: Vylmiran Technological Industries Headquarters, Lobby
Wearing: Simple Robes
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] @Caeser Kenway
War was coming. That much had already been foretold. He'd known it since Eshan. Which was the reason he was here. The reason he had summoned the greatest minds to Vylmira. His mind was one of the better in terms of war. And yet, he was not willing to put his faith in himself alone. And so Voph had sent out the summons. Urging them to come to Vylmira. For there was a secret he'd kept that he was ready to unveil. Were the circumstances different, he might have kept it for himself. But this threat could one day haunt the entirety of the Confederacy. It was his calling...his duty, to help defend her people.He could sense the presence of two of his guests ahead in the lobby. The deWinter girl, and the Minister of War himself. A better response than even he could have anticipated. More would come, of that he had no doubt. But the Minister was here. If he was on board with this project, Voph had no doubt that it would be a success. As he stepped into the lobby, Voph spread his arms in greeting. "Minister. Miss deWinter. Welcome to Vylmira. I hope your journey was uneventful. Please, if you will come this way..." Voph stepped aside, gesturing to the hall he had come from. "I have invited others, they shall join us as they are able, or see fit. I have a conference room prepared..."
Voph turned to lead the way, falling in step beside Minister Kenway. He offered a hand in greeting as they walked. "I do believe this is our first official meeting in person, Minister. Voph Sitdrisa'yr. I'll spare you the titles, they are irrelevant to today's proceedings." He glanced at Scherezade for a moment, offering her a nod as they paused outside an elevator. "Miss deWinter, always a pleasure to see you after our adventures in the west. I am looking forward to seeing how your...ingenuity will mesh with the task at hand."