Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ichiro Primus

Ichiro Primus



Ichiro Primus

  • Faction: The Collective-WIP
    Rank: Exarch, Primus
    Species: Nex
    Age: 1874 Galactic Standard Years-Subject to change
    Sex: N/A, Masculine Personality Program
    Height: 3.02 Meters
    Weight 145 Kilograms
    Eyes: Red
    Hair: N/A
    Skin: N/A
    Force Sensitive: No

    Appearance: Ichiro Primus is a large construct, standing just over three meters in height. He has a dark gray metallic frame, illuminated with ghostly red lights at all times. He has a large head with numerous eyes, each one tuned to a slightly different frequency. He has four talon-like fingers on each hand, and two primary digits on each foot. His left hand, at times, can be entirely replaced with a large blaster cannon, his primary weapon.

  • S T R E N G T H
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Strategist
    • Driven

    W E A K N E S S
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Bulky
    • Power Core

  • The Hexarios Interstellar Union were a relatively prosperous civilization in a neighboring galaxy. They served as peacekeepers for many of the civilizations in their region of space, and had earned a reputation for their honest dealing, and swift justice. When the Bryn’adul came, this justice stood no chance against the genetic might of the invaders. Their worlds burned, their people slaughtered, they turned what resources they had left to a final project.

    The Nex Initiative was started to create the ultimate warrior race to stave off the final doom of the Union. The first unit constructed, the command and control platform, was the only one to be completed before the final doom descended on the Union. Deactivated, Primus as it was known by its creators, slumbered. A century after their final destruction, Primus was awoken by subroutines planted within him.

    He emerged into the broken remnants of his creator's homeworld, and set out with a single purpose; the eradication of the Bryn’adul. He scavenged what equipment he could find, including several still functional robotic constructs, and set out after the Bryn’adul. Finding his home galaxy devoid of all life, and the traces of the Bryn’adul heading towards another galaxy, Primus began his pursuit.

    Nearly two millennia later, he finally caught up to rear most Bryn’adul elements. In his time traveling the empty void of space between galaxies, and without full and proper maintenance, Primus began to malfunction. While broken parts could be replaced, the errors appearing in his command programming were much more difficult to deal with. He pieced together what he could, but not fix was ever perfect. The Primus that arrived in our galaxy is not the same one that departed his own.

    So close to target after so long, Primus has begun to turn his gaze to the wider galaxy. The Bryn’adul are scattered and weakened, but the chaos and destruction that dominates this new galaxy has Primus worried. What information he has gathered has begun to form a new directive in his mind. His creators made him bring to peace to their galaxy, and save them from the Bryn’adul. While the latter threat is largely dealt with, the need for the former is severe in this new galaxy. He took a new name, Ichiro, meaning new beginning in the language of his creators, to signify his new mission.

    Ichiro Primus shall not fail this time.

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