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I'd Like To Make A Withdrawal (The Underground - payroll raid)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Wren'Goa Station -- home to an ever-shifting number of corporations and millions of diverse inhabitants. Home, as well, to a major, isolated recruitment office for Akure Executive Interstellar, bad-guy megacorporation in bed with all manner of bad guys.

Payroll, out here in the Outer Rim, certainly wan't in anything so volatile as major governments' currencies. It was cold hard currency, and that meant security. But even good security had to pass through Wren'Goa Station, and anything can happen on Wren'Goa Station.

The payroll was in a lockbox on repulsors, flanked by eight armed and armored qo'saarai tuk'ata. It took an unknown route through the station, meaning the Underground could only pinpoint it once it reached the office. The safe was believed to be in the storage room; if the funds got transferred to the safe, the heist would take a good deal longer. Only the door on the far right was unlocked. The office was believed to contain at least two Dark Jedi -- a Wookiee and a Togorian, both big, both nasty.

[member="Glim"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Flint Michigan"] [member="Xander Carrick"] [member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Skye Mertaal"] [member="Ijaat Akun"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Alena"] [member="Riley Reese"] [member="Vaudin Miir"]​
Attn: [member="Raziel"]​
The Admiralty
[member="Alec Rekali"]

We were currently standing in one of the little alcoves spread around the non-immediate area of the thing they were targeting, AEI recruitment office, funny thing was… I had been here a few times. Actually knew some of the security codes- well, knew ‘em. I doubt they would still work after all these years, but the thing is.

This was just a bit awkward, I don’t think I actually ever mentioned to Rekali that I worked for AEI for a while. Was a low point of my career really, yeah, even lower than it currently was. Don’t get all sassy on me, anyway.

I nudged her, was time to spill the beans.

So eh… might be the time to tell ya I have worked for AEI for awhile. Well, for Rave Merrill personally.’
[member="Alec Rekali"], [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

It was an unspoken role that every Rebellion, Underground or Maquis worth its name needed a murderous death machine among its members. The original Rebel Alliance had had Guri, Castillon and Merrill's Alliance had Moira Skaldi...oh, wait, Guri had been Black Sun. Apparently this writer is not feeling that lucid this morning.

Anyhow, musings on traditions aside, the latest Contruum terrorist turned human replica droid, had joined the intrepid band of resistance fighters that sought to raid Wren'Goa station, kill bad guys and take their loot, was on the spot, along with Rekali and the Jedi Gunslinger. Looking a good deal less impassive than Skaldi. She was still as ridiculously heavily armed as could be expected from a death machine. Then again, they were going to face super Tu'kata along with Dark Jedi. Say what you want about AEI - and undoubtedly many scatological things could be said about when it came to trivial things like morality and so on and so forth - it had clearly not succumbed to the evil of speciecism and embraced equal opportunities when it came to hiring employees. After all, how many Wookiee Dark Jedi has the Galaxy seen so far? In almost all cases, the media portrays Wookiees almost exclusively as life-debt obsessed sidekicks of smugglers.

Vaudin Miir

Planetary President of Iktotch
[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"]

"Coulda swore I taught you not to crap where you eat kid." Vaudin said checking his twin blasters, "Rave Merrill was crazier than a bag of wet cats tossed in a duracrete mixer, set on fire and rolled down a hill."

The power packs on the blasters read green and he holsyered them with after a quick spin on his fingers before he checked the sheet of beskar he stuffed into his shirt. He flung his arms into an over the shoulder harness that held his pair of ambassador pistols then pulled on his jacket over it.

Last was his ear piece and subvocal mic from his days as a protectorate spectre.

"Ready when you are kids." He said looking at Rekali, "Iktotchi's are natural precogs forcers like me get the lions share though. I may get a hint of the route if we're lucky. No promises."


Glim was kneeling near the back, duffelbag on the floor and a small bag of equipment over the other. He was here to do what he did best; rob people of their hard earned blood money. Money that could line his pockets and pay his rent. What did he care about some megacorporation? Only that they made megacreds. Or, in this case, mega hard currency. Nothing sweeter.

"R-ready." He says in a soft spoken voice, zipping up the duffel and pulling the mask down over his face. A scattergun taken from a law enforcer on Muunilinst was now in his hands, shells being slotted in while they stood around. The longer they stood out here, the quicker they were going to get caught. Get in, take down the cameras, get out. Running a hand covered in double layered surgical gloves down the front of his plate carrier, he scanned his eyes over to the office across from them.

His foot wanted to tap. He wanted to let his foot tap.

..his foot started tapping.

[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"]
“I can’t do the full price Rees, sorry but…”

“You’re not really sorry though are you Drak?” Kairon replied smoothly. The back room of the merchant’s office was dark and cold. He was fairly certain that it was deliberate to keep Drak’s network of smugglers and traders from hanging around and negotiating for two long.

“He doesn’t look sorry,” Jarrick grunted under his breath. The ex-soldier folded his arms and stood over Drak, playing his part perfectly.

“The goods are in perfect order,” Kairon continued with a friendly smile. “A bit of singing on the boxes, but I’ve checked and every single chip is still in good order.”

“But you know what customers are like? They’ll see that and they won’t pay full price!” The Bothan merchant replied. Kairon kept his friendly smile, but wished he had spent more time learning how Bothans expressed their emotions through their fur. It put him at a disadvantage.

“You could always clean them,” Jarrick stated flatly. In direct opposition to the Quin’s captain. Jarrick glowered.

“Seven percent off is the…”

“Do you know how many unscrupulous merchants there are in the South Systems?”

“Four per…”

“Done.” Kairon replied, striding forward and taking the Bothan’s hand before he could stop him. It was important to assert himself in these negotiations. He hadn’t traded much in this sector before, truth be told he didn’t have many sources for trading. That meant he needed to get his contacts trained to follow his lead in negotiations.

Kairon tugged the back of credit chits into his jacket pocket as he walked out onto the main floor with Jarrick. “Asmus is off at one of his usual haunts?” Kairon asked.

Jarrick nodded, “I didn’t ask if it was the brothels or the bars, but yeah.”

“Good, if the boy had an inkling about the extra job today he would have insisted on coming along,” Kairon replied.

“We seem to be getting involved in more of these “extras”. Can’t keep him out of the line of fire forever,” Jarrick said.

“Yeah I know. If he gets shot, you’d best get away from me. When his mother comes after me you’d just be collateral damage, trust me.” Kairon replied with a smile. His eyes were scanning the floor, looking for the guards so that they could warn the others. “Right then,” he said loudly as he unfastened the holster on his blaster. “Let’s be bad guys.”
[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"] [member="Kairon Rees"]​
For the first time in a long time Vassara had returned to the Underground. After a few successful stints with the Expeditionary Fleet she felt the need to get out around the galaxy and away from the hubbub of the daily duties. Being a Warden meant she had countless hours of paperwork and mentoring. These things took a drain on the spacers soul, much like a hot day makes one perspire.

She stood just outside of the offices, and was closing in on the group. Clad in her usual black coat and trousers with red trim, and a shotgun on her back in leather sheathe. She smiled.

"Greetings strangers. How's life?"

They all looked a little nervous. They all looked wildly conspicuous and the group stood out here like a gungan on Cato Nemodia. Vassara chuckled a little, realizing she also looked the part. They were here to steal, and she was here to help. She cracked her knuckles and crouched, taking the weight of her body off her sore back.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Khaleel Malvern"][member="Callisto Scarlett"][member="Vaudin Miir"][member="Glim"][member="Kairon Rees"][member="Vassara Raxis"]

"All right, folks. Masks on if they ain't already."

Inspired by the taciturn Glim, she, too, had opted for something in the rubber variety. She'd opted for political -- masks of Chancellors never went out of style.

From behind the rubbery face of Genevieve Lasedri, warhawk Chief of Senate of the Republic, Alec slotted her flash-freezer brass knuckles onto the fingers of her left hand, over her leather gloves. She picked up a tri-barreled Bloodstripe shotgun. "I'm loading Aurek Charge buckshot for the tuk'ata. Stuff takes down Sithspawn like a dream. Malvern, Scarlett, you're team A. You two're taking down the locked door to the conference room. Miir, Raxis, you're team B. You two take down the locked door on the north side of the offices. Glim, you and I are are team Q, because of reasons. We're taking the open door on the east side. Teams A and B, you'll be starting right beside each other. If either one of your doors turns out to be too much to get through within thirty seconds, use the other door. Handing out earbud comms now. Positions."
[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Vaudin Miir"]

Vassara nodded. Unfortunately she did not have mask like the others. But then on the offhand she didn't much care. She'd faced many demons internally and externally and a bounty was just another day in the life of Vassara Raxis. She reached out and placed the earbud in before reaching back and retrieving her shotgun from the sheathe.

Then she thought, too bad she didn't have a mask of Corvus Raaf.

It was nothing fancy, no fancy rounds either. A Czerka combat model with auto fire. And the slugs it fired did all the damage she needed.

"Alright then, shall we?" She asked bowing curtly to Vaudin. She swung the shotgun up over her shoulder rambo style and began to make her way to the north side of the offices, Ignoring any glances and whispers from the onlookers.

I'm watching

The sound of the With oracle made her grind her teeth as pain surged back into her shoulder. A reminder of the blood trail she had been marked with, by a less than savory... What was she a spirit? Was she even real? Vassara didn't care, she ignored the voice moving ahead. Her force senses began to expand, instinct reading body language and the tones of the nearby crowd. Her spacers eyes scanned to and fro, trying to detect any armed guards.

So far it was clear.

"So, how have things been Mr. Miir?"


His mask already was on, and his finger was already resting just atop the trigger guard, flush with the matte black metal. "What does that even mean?" He asks, moving across the way in a light jog, dress shoes clicking on the floor as he took up a position with his back against the wall. Angling himself for the quickest way through the door, he set the earpiece he'd been handed by [member="Alec Rekali"] in his right ear and settled in for permission to go. East door. Got it.

Set up. Good to go.

"I can knock out the cameras if you can get me to the server room." He adds, fidgeting around anxiously. They needed to go. They needed to go now.

Craning his neck to look over his shoulder he settled in again, waiting.

In this huge void of space that was host to the millions of worlds, with billions of living beings, with trillions of atoms, and many more layers that a scientist could discover with the modern technology they had invented that required many investments of patience, money, and time. But there were more that just organic planets and moons in this airless space that was home to inhabitants. There were also artificial homes that was a rock for various people to settle in whether it be the artificial planet of Zenith Prime or Wren'goa station that was home to millions of people and acted as if it was an actual home to the people, since it held businesses, malls, apartments, and many other factors that you would see on Corusant or on any world with this type of life and technology. The most common space stations you would find would be one that could refuel the tank of your ship or the ones that merchants come to trade and sell their goods to the public or with other traders. But this was something that you don't find, commonly, in the Galaxy just by imagining the many credits it would have taken to build something this enormous. Something that wasn't coming out of Vilaz's pockets.

And what a day, so far. The Mandalorian was coming here to one of this inhabitable stations with personnel of the Underground for a heist. Something that was probably in his league by just looking at his resume and noting of his professions as a Bounty Hunter and a Mercenary, and with his background culture people would take this kind of man seriously. Jango Fett, Boba Fett, and many more Mandalorians brought a huge reputation to the Mando'ade by just the way they fought against their foes. Unparalleled their skills were and their skills were ones that better and greater than a Republic Soldier or a storm trooper. Even those skills went up against the Jedi and the Sith that even those Orders respected and cautioned. If there is one person that could get the job no matter what it took and how much time it completes, then that would be a Mandalorian with a minority of other Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries that were truly committed to their career.

"Howdy, vod," the Warrior greeted to [member="Alec Rekali"] as he remembered her face from the Coalition Meeting that brought together several factions to become one to fight against the One Sith and saying the word "vod" to one Mandalorian at the meeting. But now was not the time for brothers and sisters united by one culture to talk and know what has been happening to their lives. No, at this moment it was time to steal from a cooperation who were doing negotiations and business with some faction that was a target for the Underground, and whoever was an associate to any of those factions then they simultaneously had their backs painted meaning that they were also a target for this Rebel Faction. The Redneck's buy'ce was on his head being an alternative for the mask and he already had a comm with him since it was the one of the features on his beskar'gam along with other features. Knowing this was going to be a heist and not a full scale battle the Rally Master only had his bloodstripe shotgun, beautifully manufactured by the Underground, two dual WESTAR 34 pistols, a Fett-Kal knife, two flash bangs, and two thermal detonators. Something that citizens would frown at at be suspicious of, but most people knew how a Mandalorian was.

No doubt Alec would have to rethink her plan again now that Vilaz had joined late to the operation, but he didn't need a team of his own. After all he had been through in his life he could do many things by himself which is how he always hunted his Bounties. Alone.

[member="Glim"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Kairon Rees"] [member="Vaudin Miir"] [member="Callisto Scarlett"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"]
"Still can't believe you went for a Tarkin," Kairon said over the rim of his mug of frothy caff. Jarrick pointed to his own lips and Kairon responded by wiping the froth from his face with the sleeve of his jacket.

"I suppose you're just that kind of eriaduan," Kairon continued. From the corner of the coffee bar, the barista eyed the pair up suspiciously. Odd place for a pair of scruffy looking spacers, but it had the best view of the promenade and AEI's offices.

Jarrick placed his mug down firmly. "Every time anyone mentions a modicum of respect for the Tarkins people just straight for the speciesism. 'Oh you must hate anything not human then!'" he said in mocking tones. "You know what, the eriadu military was better funded, and more successful during their prime than at any other..." Jarrick started, but then paused and eyed his Captain suspiciously.

"Go on?" Kairon prompted.

"No, you're bored and you're trying to provoke me again. I've been on your ship too long," the experienced merc replied.

"Not quite long enough though," Kairon replied. "This is going to drag on if you're not going to be any fun!"

"You're a dick. Wait, is that trouble?" he said, surreptitiously nodding towards a patrol below.

Kairon shook his head, checking a notebook. "Regular shift," he said.

"And anyway, you went for a Cater mask!" Jarrick said incredulously.

"Man's a Corellian legend!" Kairon protested.

"You are not a Corellian. Not all smugglers are suave Corellians. Some are dull, sullen and annoying. Like you. Besides, some of my friends stayed on with Omega, they say he's a pretentious gas bag."

"I even bought a hat," Kairon replied sulkily.

"You didn't." Jarrick replied, placing a palm on his forehead.

"Did too!" the captain replied triumphantly, placing a bag on the table.

"Ok, I'm hoping we just play lookout and don't have to take up arms. One: I've been in enough tight spots in my life and there is only so much squeaky bum time a man can take, and two: I don't want to have to stand next to a dick in a stupid hat before I meet my maker," Jarrick replied as he wedged a com link in his ear.

"Well I never expected to go down fighting next to the avatar of the man who was the most famed speciesist in history!"

"You can go off someone you know."

"Lookout team reporting in," Kairon whispered into his comm, ignoring his enforcer.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kairon Rees"]

"Acknowledged, lookout team."

Ashin took her hand away from her earpiece and threw a grin at [member="Vilaz Munin"]. He wouldn't see it behind the Lasedri mask, but he'd hear it in her voice. "Well if it isn't 'I work alone' Munin. You're with [member="Glim"] and me on the front door, and we're up right now. Two more teams busting in through the side doors, so watch your crossfire."

Team A: [member="Khaleel Malvern"], [member="Callisto Scarlett"]
Team B: [member="Vaudin Miir"], [member="Vassara Raxis"]
Team Q: Alec, Glim, Vilaz
Overwatch: Kairon

Ostrine brass knuckles on her left hand, left wrist under her Bloodstripe shotgun as a brace, Alec Rekali walked in through the front door and applied area-of-effect EMP to everything in sight. Lights flickered and sparked, personal electronics snap-crackle-popped, and a good portion of the guards' weaponry just plain stopped working. A Wookiee Darksider roared hard enough to shake the ceiling panels as his lightsabre refused to ignite.


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