Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Idea: Community Member Interviews


Disney's Princess
Member Interviews?

One of my favorite threads to spam is 20 Questions for your Character. And this week, I got to thinking? What if their was a similar Interview thread for Writers too? Or,.. How about an Interview themed blog with our community members that was published monthly? One whole blog post dedicated to our victim of the month. Or our Member of the Month? Or maybe just... You!

Lol. So since I'm brainstorming this. How do you guys think of this idea and how would best would like to see it presented?

  • Posting Game
  • Discussion Thread
  • Blog Post
  • Mad CHAT
  • Podcast
  • YouTube Video
  • etc

Note: PG-13 will remain a thing.


Questions to throw at our Writers?

Also. While I'm thinking about interviewing a few people. Why not poll the audience for a few questions to throw at our victims err... Interviewees.

Throw a few good ones at me.


Looking for a Host

Noticeably. Nobody likes getting interviewed by me. Lol. It's like being a guest on Chelsea Lately. My Charisma Bonus topping out at about a (-3) and all I want to talk about is sex, drugs, and celebrities. So if you would like to host these Interviews and are available for Podcasting or Skype Chatting or just looking sexy in a short YouTube Video? Post here and we'll brainstorm some ideas together.



Who should we interview first?

Oh the questions. Post up with ideas about who we should think about interviewing first too! Who would you like to see get the spotlight? Heck. You can even volunteer yourself!

So brave. :D :p
I'd do it, i'd host it. To be honest you could do it over a blog, it'd be a heck of a lot easier. I'd podcast it however, if you could put up with my fourteen year old voice that's seriously so high pitched i'm surprised I haven't broke a window yet.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
A monthly podcast would be awesome, I agree. Perhaps in the form of a 'news broadcast' of sorts, catching people up to the most important events that have happened in addition to the interviews and other entertaining bits.


Disney's Princess
Okay. So I've talked it over with my girlfriend and my technology savvy sister. Both have reminded me that I don't have the skill set, the equipment, or even the time to pull this off. Lol.

So. I guess I'm going to have to call it quits early. Lol. But! If you enjoyed the idea and want to run with it? Do so. Feel free. My eyes were bigger than my stomach in this case.

Poo. :D :p

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