Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We are an open slate at the moment.
So I thought I'd open the books, after all this faction is about the story and the members, not the FA.

So Ideas? Stories? Development? Suggestions? Anything at all post it here and we shall discuss or plan or act!

Sibar Laval

I've been trying to get a development thread for the AT-HO going since it is to obliterate almost anything in its path and withstand INSANELY heavy fire, how much well I've been reading up on Wookiepedia so about.....holding up against a barrage from a Imperial Star Destroyer's turbo lasers. Yeaaaaa, Niman was the one who decided the armament and what it was made out of.
As Niman said, the armament consist of and I quote 'dual disruptor beam guns, moleculary-bonded armor mixed with ablative plating, an anticoncussion field and a Diamond-Boron rocket launcher, that can fire both single rockets and cluster rockets.'

[member="Aram Kalast"]

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