Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private idk my bff loske

The hanger was quiet, it seemed everyone had taken the day off which left Allyson Locke all to herself. It had been a few weeks since she had last been seen wandering the isle of fighters. She wandered down the small isle of ships that belonged to the Corellian, she was searching for one specific ship which needed heavy work. She had been rebuilding an old X-Wing that she was going to modify to make it close to how the Bobcat performed, yet she knew that she wouldn't be able to get it to the same. Frowning, Allyson put her hands on her hips and exhaled cursing silently for her choices. Settling in, she looked over and noticed that Loske had decided to park herself close by. Curious.

Standing but Loske's fighter, she took a picture and sent it to Loske. <Your X-Wing is pretty messy there Friendly Blue.>

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
Her datapad gave a series of beeps somewhere in the pocket of her discarded jacket, hung up and away from her reach.

Fret not, Frank was on the ready and eager to relay any incoming correspondence with a salutations and projection. The X-65 rotated as she spooned another mouthful of whatever it was the mess hall was serving. A perk to being a part of starfighter corps - lunch was served on The Alliance's dime and continued to delay her epicurean skills.

This is bait. Frank deduced.

"But not wrong." Loske countered, pointing the edge of her spoon at the rotating projection. "See there?" Frank didn't answer, he was busy supporting the photoprojection. "Aside from the paint job, the flashback suppressor's borked. Not supposed to angle like that."

I thought you knew that already?

"I did." She confirmed, nodding to her astromech counterpart. "I just don't like being called out for negligence."

So this is actually a good thing, goading you out of procrastination.

"Maybe." The Padawan lifted her tray from the table and ported it to the nearest disposable bin, taking heed of the instructions on how to deposit the organics from the otherwise.

Whether or not it was self preservation wouldn't be confirmed to the little astromech, but the kiffar made her way to the hangar where her ship was parked -- fully expecting to see Allyson there making due judgements.

After a few minutes of passed time, the cavernous welcome of the open space beckoned her. It was easy to discover the Corellian, given her proximity to Loske's parking space.

"You making fun of my baby's battlescars?" Blue interjected by way of salutations, offering a low wave and a shake of her head while she sidled up next to the brunette, looking up at the belly of the starfighter. Her face knitted and she scratched the bottom of her chin in faux contemplation. "You think it'll need more than a bath?"

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
The time it took Loske to make her way down to the hanger, Allyson was already deep into her fighter's engine. The girl stood on a ladder with her upper body into the frame of the weapon. A small droid zipped around her, making little trills as it offered up tools. Allyson didn't speak to the droid but held out her hand, and the droid used its utility arm to hand her what she was looking for. The sounds of tinkering echoed in the empty hanger until Loske decided to speak.

Allyson climbed down the ladder with black engine grease staining her face. The bb like droid handed her a towel, and she tilted her head, the droid instantly grew arms and legs and waddled up the ladder and started to do the tinker work that Allyson had been doing. Wiping her hands clean of the grease, she smiled at Loske.

"I honestly didn't think you'd show up." They both were now looking at the belly of Loske's fighter, and Allyson listened to the woman. Looking back towards Loske, she shook her head. "Sadly, a bath won't cut it this time. Your flashback suppressor is messed up. Its an easy fix - I can help if you want." Allyson paused and decided to explain why she had teased Loske.

"I also didn't know how to ask you to come to hang out. I don't have a lot of friends, you know - and I have some news I want to share with someone." Allyson blushed softly as she adverted her eyes towards the ground and laughed nervously.

"I've met someone."

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke and Loske's relationship wasn't entirely new as it was unfamiliar. The fact that Allyson didn't think Loske'd respond to a call was evidential to that point enough. Reliability was one of her claims to fame; or so she tried.

She didn't comment on the statement, just drew her lips in a thin line to protest the idea of just ignoring someone's effort to reach out.

The word bath sounded silly when the Corellian said it, and in that instant Loske realized she'd meant to say wash. Not submerge her X-Wing in a tub full of epsom salts and bubbles. She made a low groaning noise at her own inarticulate self but nodded at the other pilot's assessment. "It's an easy fix?" Loske repeated. "Man, I envy your optimism. Every time I try to fiddle with that thing it's so delicate and basically just..." her hand flitted about in front of her to gesture the fickleness of the part. "snaps or something. That'd be great, yes puh-lease."

The conversation quickly shifted, and blond brows arched with surprise. The admittance of a small little black book was a little heartbreaking, but given Allyson's lifestyle of finding usefulness in the shadows and dedicating to a higher purpose, sometimes isolation was best.

And after that whole Kaili thing...and having no was all kind of sad. If Loske could try and fill any of those gaps, she'd try. At least she and Kaili were both blond, so that was kind of similar right? Jyoti too. Trend?!

She meandered to the leg of the landing gear and ran her fingers along it, stepping out to get a better angle of the laser extension with the loose and partly shattered collar. Allyson had met someone? GOOD. After the tragedy of her last relationship, she deserved to have some happiness in her life.

Her tone encouraged the Corellian to offer as much more as she wanted, without getting too nosy too soon. She didn't know how detailed Allyson's dialogue could be as of yet. And she didn't want to make her cry again. "Ooh?"
Allyson smiled as she watched Loske explain the fickleness of the part they were going to be fixing. The Corellian understood the piece, and she knew what the problem was with it, mostly because the standard part was usually poorly made. It doesn't play a massive role in the ship, but it was still relevant and could cause issues. Allyson placed her hand on her chin as she nodded, understanding what Loske fluttered about. A smile spread across her face as Loske showed interest in the good news, which was a good thing - you could only talk to your droid so much also you can't tell the guy you're digging that you couldn't get him out of your mind. Allyson had to keep her pride somehow.

Setting up the work station near Loske's ship, she patted the fighter and smiled. "By the way, your X-Wing likes you." She said it as if the machine spoke and purred this information. Allyson could connect to these machines pretty quickly, and she was notorious when she was younger to talk to the ships. To the Corellian, each vessel had a personality, and Loske's was brave and overly protective of the pilot. Thinking about it, Allyson figured it probably sounded weird to everyone else around her. Shrugging it off, she pretended like she didn't say anything. Gathering the tools, she laid them out and moved to her bay and grabbed a spare part. "The standard suppressor is pretty terrible. I purchase aftermarket for them - built way nicer with a sturdy feel." Allyson handed the piece to Loske, allowing her to examine it.

"But yeah, He's pretty amazing." The grease covered Corellian face looked away as she rubbed the back of her neck and chuckled nervously. Even when she was dating Kaili, there wasn't anyone she could share a moment like this with - the feeling was new, but she had always wanted to talk about this stuff with someone. "Um He's a Jedi Knight, tall, handsome...oh he's with the Alliance so yay, same team." Allyson mimicked shaking little pompoms. She tried to think of other ways to describe the man, ways that were perfectly safe for work. "He's kind too - came to see me in the hospital after the fight with the Bryn'adul."

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
" does? How do you know that?" Her stare was blank at Allyson, and she tentatively looked up at the craft with uncertainty. As much time as Loske spent in this thing, and it was a new one (thank you, Honoghr crash), she'd never considered it having a personality or preference. She supposed that any sort of anthropomorphism of the vessel would be projected by herself unto it. Did it like her music?

"Is it a boy or a gir---actually. Nevermind, I don't want to know anything about that." As soon as the question started, she lifted her hands and shook her head fervently enough to prevent the response from coming.

Those window-wiper hands got a replacement part handed to her, and she turned it over a couple of times. At first glance, it wasn't too different from the standard issue. "Thanks for helping, appreciate it." It went without saying Allyson Locke Allyson Locke didn't have to do this just to talk to the would-be kiffar girl, but if she felt like it helped bridge the gap, Loske'd not argue.

The conversation dovetailed back to Mr. Tall, dark and handsome and she handed the part back to the woman who knew what to do with it. The name wasn't said outright, but there was a slow dribble of clues. The Galactic Alliance had slim pickings of Jedi Knights (the whole galaxy did), and Allyson wasn't particularly social outside of her set circles. Or, at least Loske hadn't noticed her crossing over to other groups and opening up conversations. That being considered, Allyson's primary aptitude was shadow work. Or secret intelligence stuff. It was very possible this individual who'd captured her attention was a spectre of sorts.

Did he look good in black? Did SIA operatives wear black?


"Ooh, so he's someone close enough to know when you're in a hospital gown hm?"

The Corellians enthusiasm was adorable, and she could appreciate the mirth that came with a new relationship. Getting to know someone in a different light was a fantastic way to spend time, and brought balance to the constant slog of duty.

Deciding she wasn't going to be very useful in the repairs, she dragged a lone bucket over, turned it over, and plunked down on it. Elbows on her knees eagerly and gesturing to goad on more information. Not that she'd know what to do with it.

"Is Mr. Mystery someone you knew before, or brand new?"
Allyson shrugged at Loske's first question; the woman was used to pretending that she couldn't use Mechu Deru. In the SJO, it was considered a dark side power, so to prevent others from being wary of her or desiring to learn, Allyson just played off her aptitude for piloting with 'practice.' She did the same here, maybe one day she'd be able to come clean to Loske about her little abilities. She began removing the old bent one, looking at it Allyson wondered what Loske had done for it to get like this - she assumed something crazy. She continued to work, listening to Loske's questions about the mystery man.

Stopping, Allyson stopped to try and think of a way to answer it. As much as she wanted just to blurt Ryv's name, she felt an air of secrecy was a bit better - old habits die hard. Allyson made a small promise to herself that if Loske guessed right, she would answer honestly, an excellent way to break the old pattern. Pleased with herself, Allyson stepped off the ladder and changed her gloves. "It's not a problem. I'm always down to work. I was a mechanic before all this crazy thing." Laughing, she made a point, "I don't understand why someone hired a fourteen yr old girl to be their head mechanic and first mate, but someone did so I know a bit about everything." Shaking her head, she snapped the latex gloves on her hands and examined the new part.

"As for Mr. Mystery," Allyson had to pause and not use the nickname she teased the Jedi about, "he knew about me going down and wanted to check up on me. He was at the battle, so he was just nice." Allyson tilted her head as she started to prepare the mounting agent on the piece. "Uh, kind of. I mean, I hadn't talked to him much outside of the Bryn'adul fight. I saw him at Peace - in the meeting before the mission." Allyson quickly began to busy herself with the part, knowing that she probably dropped a far too obvious clue. From her understanding, Ryv might have been the only Jedi Knight there.

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
"How were your hirable at fourteen years old?" The kiffar deadpanned - and hastily realized the ignorance in that question. The galaxy was a difficult, tiresome place where many clawed their way through life. She'd been spared that difficulty right out of the test tube and into the cockpit. Though, being raised on Kiffu was probably not a bad alternative either. An upbringing she'd lamented on before, and didn't need to go down that path now. "Sounds useful, if not a little illegal. Maybe. I don't know." There was probably some benefit in discounted wages there somewhere... best not to think about it.

The conversation started about the man that had captured the Corellian's interest, and Loske leaned in with her fist clasped. While Allyson listed off little clues, she produced a finger per tidbit.

One - index finger sprung up - he knew about the Bryncident.
Two - middle finger - he was at Honoghr.
Three - ring finger - Peace, at the meeting.
Four - pinky finger - implied Jedi knight at the Peace meetin...

Oh no.

Her amused expression tightened for a moment at the pending realization, and she did her best not to let her countenance betray her for once. Lips twitched, and she dropped her obnoxious finger-counting back into her lap and stiffened.

"Do you uh.." Loske looked down at her boots, ankles crossed, surprised at how quickly this turn of events had happened. She'd honestly anticipated a little more mystique to this rendezvous. Did Allyson Locke Allyson Locke truly want to keep it a secret, or did she want to stream of thought gush about her newfound fling? Because Loske could readily do both, forsaking the internalization of it all for a little later. "Hm. Do you want me to know, because I think I can know right now or I can pretend not to know and you can gush without a veil."
Yep, Allyson had said too much. Allyson didn't have to look at Loske's face to know that the girl truly already knew who she was talking about. The Corellian stuck her head out and looked at the other woman, and awkwardly smiled. "I had a feeling you'd pick up on it." Climbing down, she pulled up one of the rolling stools that were near the workbench and offered the second if Loske hadn't been sitting already. Tossing the gloves off her hands, Allyson sighed softly and felt the intense blush crossing her cheeks. "I'm assuming you're thinking of Ryv Karis." Saying his name made Allyson smile wider. She already had fond memories of the Jedi Knight, and it was apparent.

There wasn't much she could say that didn't trigger Loske, knowing that it was Ryv. The man was the Sword of the Jedi and had this huge speech on Coruscant, it was a hard secret to hide, but at least she shared with someone. "No matter what I said, I knew you were going to figure it out." Allyson continued to smile ear to ear.

"He's amazing. Like just thinking about him, my chest gets all tight, and my face is red." Allyson suddenly became animated, and her hands moved to emphasize her feelings. The usually quiet and mysterious Corellian Master was reduced to the image of a schoolgirl and her first crush. "He came to visit me, and he was so gentle and understanding. Then we hung out at the festival." Allyson didn't make eye contact with Loske after mentioning that, she quickly returned to messing with the suppressor. "What do you think of him? I think I want to um date him - yeah."

"He's so hot, too, like wowzers."

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
"I mean, you should probably never play Guess Who with anyone. You're clues are pretty broad stroke."

Didn't help that at this point Knight Karis was like her brother, and it was pretty easy to pin point him everywhere. She was also at many of those interactions. Sans l'hopital. Her stomach tightened at the realization, and she watched wide-eyed while Allyson Locke Allyson Locke crawled down from the fighter, and meandered to find a more comfortable position. Without further ado, Ryv's name was confirmed and the kiffar's teeth click together as a foundation for the grin that stretched from ear to ear and the stool she was sitting on wobbled a bit. She released it and leaned back, raising her arms in celebration at her confirmed suspicions. "Ah hiiiyah."


Despite her inaugural tentative reaction, she realized this had the potential to be good. Maybe even a very good development. Ryv's self induced isolationism needed to be put to an end. A high pitched squee of enthusiasm slipped between the crack, and she caught herself before the volume got too loud.

We know him! Frank interjected, helpful as ever. Loske swatted in his general direction.


Your face
is red." Loske agreed, and continued nodding through the other descriptors. This was strange. The need for contact was evident from Allyson, especially given her want to bubble over with mirthful explanations of her relationship and her interpretations of the kiffar knight. When she intentionally peeled her line of sight away from connecting with Loske, she could make a few assumptions. aArt of her wanted to ask details, and the other part of her...really didn't. Maybe later.

Thankfully, Allyson gave her the opportunity to participate in the conversation - albeit she was a bit dumbfounded. "You want to know what I think?" The shock was apparent, and she took a moment to right herself and stood, crossing over lazily from the overturned bucket to lean against the leg of ship once more where Allyson was working. She absently fiddled with one of the coils that spiralled around the extended landing gear. "Ryv's one of my best friends." She admitted, off the bat. "There's a lot I think of him.

Buuuuut - In the context of dating, there are many qualities beyond just his looks that are attractive. know. I think you'll be well taken care of. You already know he's caring, and your experience is just the foray -- his sense of responsibility is unparalleled. I don't think you could be enamoured with anyone more selfless." Well, nobody available who was more selfless. She suspected it might be a bit of work to balance a relationship with someone who was so duty-bound, but that would be something the two would have to get a feel for themselves, and not for Loske to weigh in on so prematurely.

Oh but wait, had..had he talked to Auteme and made things..oh. Kettle black. She couldn't really say anything. They were certainly a cheating bunch, weren't they?

"You'd have to take care of him too. He won't ever tell you that, but he needs someone who can understand him and everything he does and been through." Her nail wedged into one of the coil's ridges, and she concentrated on fretting with it. "He deserves it. I mean, you both do but...with some level of possessiveness, I'm going to emphasize that he does especially."
Allyson covered her face with her hands, how embarrassing! The Jedi Master rarely broke her carefully protected personality, yet here she was blushing like a fool over a cute guy. It was hard to get a grip of herself right now, and the Corellian let the chair spin slightly as she kept her face hidden, trying to deal with the blush. Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt continued and, of course, pointed out the blush, Allyson couldn't help herself, but she laughed, so hard that she snorted slightly. In the back of her mind, she wondered when the last time she laughed this hard, more so when she laughed because she was truly happy. The sound of her laughter felt so foreign, Allyson couldn't recognize it to be her own, but here she was, and she enjoyed it.

Loske spoke about Ryv's caring nature and who he was under the cute face. Hands dropped from Allyson's face as she pulled her knees up and curled up the best she could on the stool. She knew how caring he could be. Her face rested against her hands on her knees as she nodded, remembering the way he looked at her. Her heart raced, just thinking about his hold and the way his voice sounds as it curls around the sound of her name. Exhaling, Allyson left her mind and tuned back into the Loske lecture.

"Yeah, that's what I love about him. He's so selfless and caring. He didn't have to visit me at the hospital, I wasn't anyone to him - but he came to visit anyways to check up on me." Allyson was reminded of the conversation at the hospital, and they were more similar than was visible. Their pasts mirrored each other, and there was an understanding that only they could have for each other. The Corellian's flush face perked up, and she continued to smile.

"I want to take care of him. I want to hold him and tell him everything is going to be okay. Because he does that for me, he just gets it - you know, just gets who I am and what I'm about, and I feel the same way for him." Allyson hugged her knees and smiled so hard her nose wrinkled. As she thought fondly of the Jedi Knight, she could feel the warmth of their bond in her heart, and she hoped he could feel how she was feeling at this moment as she talked about him.

"Sooooo, what about you, Loske?" Allyson's smile turned into a devilish smirk. She had seen the blonde with a certain Squad Leader.
For a few seconds, it looked like Allyson Locke Allyson Locke had lost the plot. She was obviously twitterpated with the Jedi Knight, and that was likely where her mental train of thought was going. Loske simpered knowingly, understanding the inability to remain focused when you could swoon instead.

"Ryv does a lot of things he doesn't have to." She interjected in agreement, still partly salty over the self-inflicted penance the Kiffar put on himself. It was neither here nor there, though. Perhaps with a romantic distraction that was on his caliber, there'd be less of the lamenting.

That sounds nice. Frank whirled about the pair, doing obnoxious figure eights between the standing kiffar and now-seated Corellian. I could be held more.

"Shut. Up." Loske moaned, swatting at him again when he made his round near enough to her person. His treads were slick though, and it was easy to evade the clumsy gesture.

After an exaggerated eye roll, she stopped playing with the parts of her landing gear and resumed a lean with her angle fully on the Corellian shadow. She was the furthest thing from a mentalist or an empath, but the warmth Allyson was exuding just be sentiment alone was nigh tangible. It was sweet.

"So you're not dating yet, you're just really..uhm.." what was the best double entendre word she could use here. "Taken." She wondered how the whole thing would go down, what with Auteme in the wings and Allyson ready to pounce. The transition from one relationship to another could be a natural thing, or a very...very painful experience. Something she'd recently gone through.

Speaking of, she was prompted to speak about her relationship now, which felt weird. She hadn't signed up for this, and would have preferred to let Allyson do all the vulnerable gushing. Talking about relationships was still new to her, given it had been such a clandestine situation with the fallen Imperator. Of her own request, but still..the public displays between herself and Maynard were a juxtaposition. She loved it.

As much as she wanted to divulge excitedly, it felt a little weird to transition like that.

"What about me? Uh uh, this is all your time. You want to talk strategies, operation get-to-next-level, or just all the details?

Actually. Hold the details."
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The moment Frank mentioned the need to be held more, Bait had clambered down the ladder of Allyson's ship and waddled over. A happy bit of trills echoed as the droid extended its arms and waddled after the speeding and slick Frank. Allyson blinked at her droids need for a hug as well and sighed softly. "Hmm, it seems Bait has taken a liking to Frank." Allyson didn't want to mention that it was probably because both of their creators had bee the same woman. Allyson grew redder as Loske had said about the details. If Allyson had been a turtle, she would have crawled up into her shell and stayed there till Loske had wandered way. It was a blessing when the Kiffar girl didn't want to know the details. All the Corellian said was "Loske..." as she burrowed her head into her hands once more. Allyson returned to the thought about not dating but taken.

Allyson's hands fell from her face; she looked at the blonde woman. "Yeah, for sure taken, but I mean, I guess he would uh be a boyfriend?" Allyson covered her mouth for a moment as she thought about it. She wasn't the type to blurt something like that out, and Ryv didn't seem to be the type either. Shrugging, Allyson waved her hand. "I'm not all that into labels. But yeah, taken, speaking of." Allyson laughed a little. "I'm surprised someone like him was single." Shrugging, she watched the droids circle each other.

"Honestly I don't know if there's the next level, I'm so not ready for THAT next level. We, uh," Allyson pondered, she didn't want to delve too many intimate details about their feelings. "We like each other and care. I'm really happy, Loske. I know he's so much younger than me, but --" Allyson covered her face and groaned. "Age is a number, right? yeah?" Allyson remembered their age difference and laughed.

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
Frank rocked happily side to side on his treads when the mechanical arms of Bait looped around his build. The interaction was an unorthodox way to interface, but he quickly assessed Bait's origin as the same maker that had created him. Bait was a Kaili Talith creation. There were similarities between this rotund droid, Alexandra, and Frank - all shared as a unique signature to the technomaniac's artistry.

Proud of the reaction her suggestion prompted, Loske chuckled knowingly at the blush that suffused its way to Allyson's tanned cheeks. The exposure was quickly concealed behind hands though, which only coerced more mirth from the Padawan. Okay, so they wanted to take it to the next level - that was fair.

"I'm surprised someone like him was single."

It was a relief that Allyson Locke Allyson Locke shifted her attention to the circling droids, and Loske hid her awkward reaction in a stretch - lifting her arms above her head and folding at the elbow with a pull before she dropped them again, drumming her fingers on her hips. That was Ryv's play to make, not for her to react to. Of all people, she would not be the person to betray his trust nor was it appropriate in the slightest, given her own romantic relationship's history.

"All things are only what you make them." Loske responded with a shrug, liking to think that sounded quite sagely. In the meantime, Frank picked up on the sentiment and projected a tune to fill the white noise of the hangar and compound the embarrassing point Allyson had brought up.

"But hey, good. I'm glad you're happy, you deserve it. And he deserves it.
" With lives as short as theirs were supposed to be, like Ryv suggested was the case for warriors, every chance to be something other than miserably slogging against the machine made them more human. More powerful. The blonde liked to think having a strong emotional foundation helped translate to power.

She pushed off the leg of the landing gear, walking beneath the cannon extender and tilting her head back to appreciate the Corellian's handiwork, she pointed up at it and parted her lips in a wide, impressed grin. "Hey- this is also amazing. Thank you! I owe you."

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