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Unreviewed IE-440 modified Multirole Starfighter

Manufacturer: Koensayr Manufacturing
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Unique
Length: Average
Width: High
Height: Small
Size: Average
  • All standard features
  • Internal astromech droid socket
  • Small living quarters with a bed just large enough for Jadd to lay down in
  • None
  • Durable - The IE-440 has strong shields for its class and a more durable hull than most ships its size
  • Rare - Not a well known class of starfighter which allows it to pass as an armed shuttle most places
  • Concealed Launcher - the concealed proton torpedo launcher will be a surprise to most that try to tangle with this ship should the need arise that the laser cannons aren't enough
  • Armored hull - reinforced hull plating aids the ship against enemy weapons fire
  • Cramped - due to some modifications the interior of the cockpit is very "Cozy" however those modifications allow 2 extra proton torpedoes and a tiny cabin behind the cockpit to rest in on longer journeys this effects the ships operations not at all but doesn't make for an easy time getting into or out of the pilots chair.
  • Visibility - due to the position of the cockpit visibility its limited downwards making landings more difficult however several small cameras aid with landing this does not offset the fact that visibility below the craft is poor

The IE-440 comes equipped standard with a class 2 hyper drive and class 12 backup and 1 week of supplies Squadron count: Average
Length: 12m Width: 15m Height: 5m (these are somewhat speculative as there are no hard stats on the size of the ship)

A relatively quick and nimble ship on par with or better than an x-wing in every way except firepower though the laser cannons fire close to 3 times faster than the x-wings cannons and are fire linked they are not as powerful as those on an x-wing combined that with 2 less proton torpedo's on board and its slightly worse off facing down larger ships but most fighters are in for a very competitive fight indeed. Bought By Jadd as his first starship he fell in love with the smooth lines speed and maneuverability of the vessel combined with the ability to surprise foes with a concealed proton torpedo launcher it was almost perfect for bounty hunting with just enough space for a captive if he so chose. Few IE-440's ever hit the market and little is known about the ships except in some very specific circles so most see the ship and assume that its some kind of personal transport and move on never knowing that the ship is a well armed starfighter that packs a punch. With the price of the Night Hawk being higher than an x-wing most would consider the few benefits it brings over the x-wing as not worth the extra cost though those wise few might see the benefits such a craft might bring and decide its worth the cost most however would see a fancy personal transport for cheap and think it was flying junk regardless over all its a decent ship to fly.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Purpose built Starfighter
Permissions: none

Technical Information

Affiliation: Jadd Thresh
Model: IE-440 Night Hawk multirole starfighter
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel hull
Armaments: 2 - Rapid fire light laser cannons (fixed forward firing)
1 - Concealed proton torpedo launcher (4 torpedo's)
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: Very Small

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