Gilamar Skirata
The most important step is always the next one

Agent Rehal

FULL NAME: Iella Rehal
FACTION: The Iron Empire
RANK: Military Intelligence Agent
AGE: 30s
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: Average
WEIGHT: Extremely Fit
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Chestnut
SKIN: Fair

Agent Dossier
- Hand-to-Hand Expert: Trained as a Jedi Shadow for most of her life, Agent Rehal has shown significant skill in several styles of hand to hand combat. Likely due to her inability to utilize her Jedi abilities while in the field, her repertoire of hand to hand styles has proven quite effective during her time in the Academy.
- Exotic Weapons Specialist: Also likely due to her time spent as a Jedi Shadow, Agent Rehal has an extensive knowledge of exotic weaponry and tools of subterfuge, namely; throwing knives, whips, exotic sniper rifles, and a variety of lightsaber-based weaponry. Despite having access to our finest sabersmith's technology, she insists on utilizing her telescopic lightsaber pike from her time with the Jedi. Her skill with that particular weapon is impressive to say the least.
- Jedi Shadow Training: Probably the most troubling skill of Agent Rehal is her overall ability to blend in with a crowd or group. While she found great success in the Academy, it was obvious to us that the work bored her. I'm not sure how they are trained, but the Jedi Shadows' training from the old Galactic Republic seems to be doing very well for her. With a variety of Sentinel-based Force abilities as well as the subtleness of a great spy she has continued to prove to be a great asset to the Iron Empire Security Bureau.
- Combat Fatigue: If there was one great issue with Agent Rehal's combat effectiveness it would be her stamina. While it is expected that should our Agents find themselves in a combat situation they could end the confrontation swiftly or escape with their lives and data intact, it is also important to be able to have a high level of stamina when things don't go their way. Agent Rehal has shown great combat prowess, however her long term stamina has proven time and time again to be a cause for concern.
- Commitment Issues: Agent Rehal has been seen to hold commitment issues. Where this stems from our psychologists have yet to figure out, but it is likely due to the isolation of a Jedi Shadow and the life she lived prior to coming to the Academy.
- Verbally Abusive: Teamwork is an essential skill in the espionage world. While Agent Rehal is very capable of working in small groups, when frustrated she has been observed to become incredibly volatile in her speech which can be a cause for concern when applying moral to a mission success rate simulation. Regular meetings with our therapists and psychological development check-ups are advised with this one.
- Insubordinate: While all of our agents hold some sort of rebellious streak within them, Agent Rehal has been shown to be incredibly insubordinate and independent. While she has provided nothing but good results, this should be kept in mind should she ever be up for a promotion within the Bureau.
Agent Rehal is believed to have been born in the Hapes cluster, despite both of her parents being human. At a young age it was discovered that she was Force Sensitive and as per the laws of the time in the Hapes cluster she was to be sent to the Jedi temples on Coruscant for evaluation. After this, the Jedi persuaded young Rehal's parents to give custody of the child to the Order which they did. As such, Agent Rehal was raised from the age of six within the walls of several Jedi Temples throughout the Galaxy as well as one or two Praxeum ships. It was during this time where she acquired several languages as well as her interest in the Sentinel path. Alongside her master, who we could not find any records on, Agent Rehal scoured the Galaxy for any sign of the Sith's return. As we know, they were too late and unable to do anything to slow their advance on the still recovering Galaxy after the Gulag Plague.
At the start of the Galactic Republic's war with the Sith Empire Agent Rehal was promoted to the rank of Knight and given her own padawan. Her mission was to follow the Sith's movements and report anything that would give the Galactic Republic's military and special forces the edge they needed to defeat them. As the Sith Empire grew and their influence began to take Jedi into their fold, Rehal's own apprentice was kidnapped in a botched assassination attempt on one of the Sith Lord generals of the Empire. He would eventually succumb to the Dark Side, though it is unknown how this affected Rehal as records show that her mission success rate only went up from there.
After the Republic with the help of the Protectorate, Silver Jedi, Galactic Alliance, and the Mandalorians dismantled the Sith Empire she continued to help smoke out remaining Sith strongholds. After the return of the Sith in the form of the One Sith and the destruction of the Galactic Republic, Rehal vanished and went dark, only resurfacing sometime during the Iron Empire's founding. She would later join the Iron Empire's Iron Legion due to her prowess in battle and Force Sensitivity, however it quickly became apparent that she would better serve the Iron Empire's Security Bureau. She was sent to the Academy to receive proper training and understandings of the intricate laws of the Iron Empire and her vassal systems and has proven to be an asset to the security and well being of the Iron Empire.

IF/IE-W03A Blaster Rifle
Lady Fingers- OP BHP
Anti-Force User Grenade Series
ARGH- The Bobcasters/The Shattering Bowcasters
IE-2 Guardsman Submachine Gun