Pathfinder of the Gate Clans
[member="Nealon Zalman"] was a man of means, a man of taste, and a man of excess. His love of wine and women was well known. That is most likely why he didn't notice how much extra attention the two Zeltron women had paid him this night. How while he was distracted they have slipped sedatives into his drink. How after he passed out a rather large man of the gate had carried him off.
As he lay asleep his world was changing, everything he knew had end. This was the death of the play boy aristocrat. Nealon was soon going to learn the true nature of the galaxy, and for better or worse he was going to evolve, or die.
When Nealon awakes he will find himself tied to a chair on the bridge of a AT-120 Freighter. At the helm he will see a rather large tattoo man. Looking pleased as can be as they blast off from Nar Shaddaa.
As he lay asleep his world was changing, everything he knew had end. This was the death of the play boy aristocrat. Nealon was soon going to learn the true nature of the galaxy, and for better or worse he was going to evolve, or die.
When Nealon awakes he will find himself tied to a chair on the bridge of a AT-120 Freighter. At the helm he will see a rather large tattoo man. Looking pleased as can be as they blast off from Nar Shaddaa.