skin, bone, and arrogance
Someone who didn't know [member="Darell Irani"] well would have taken his choice of a meeting place as a personal slight. Natasi Fortan studied the landscape of Lwhekk as the airspeeder raced over the tops of the jungle, and was not impressed. The lizard people who had tried to destroy the First Order had called this place home for some time, but Darell Irani's Iron Crown Enterprises had successfully set up shop there. The irony was not lost on the Grand Moff. One of the disgusting aliens had almost ripped Natasi in half during her desperate raid on the Imperial Palace in Avalonia, had left her mangled and bleeding almost to death; anyone could be forgiven for thinking that the choice of Lwhekk was at the very least insensitive. But Natasi knew better; he wasn't the type. It was unlikely that he knew, and if he did he probably didn't care.
It would no doubt have been a surprise for Irani when Natasi had reached out personally to make an appointment. Things between them had been... chilly, since they had parted ways. But there were two other things that would surprise him when they finally came face to face; first was that Natasi was, for the moment, blonde. The different hair color was for purposes of subterfuge; Natasi Fortan was not officially here, for any number of reasons, not least of which was the fact that technically she was -- technically -- committing treason.
But laws were for the little people. The people who couldn't see the grey for the black and white.
The airspeeder slowed down before easing to a halt in front of the appointed address. Natasi was ushered into a conference room, and asked -- or rather, ordered -- to wait. She eased up to the table and laid her coat across her lap, then shifted in her chair and waited silently, her pinky rubbing against her ring finger anxiously. It was a nervous tick that she hadn't known she had it until Irani himself had pointed it out one evening. She didn't bother trying to conceal it.
There was no point trying to hide from Irani.