Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If We Shadows Have Offended

Residential Archfey
Aight now that that title's needlessly ominous...

They say when a job is no longer fun, it's an indication it's time to move on. The same could perhaps be said for when a hobby begins to feel more like an obligation. And while the more nihilistic aspect of myself would like to point out that it was never 'fun' per se and just a thing that was done, there's no denying that disenchantment is a thing.

So too, apparently, is time management. And with that in mind, between juggling school, work, festival, and health on various levels, it is with an indifferent shrug that I slink away from faction staff and back into my recess of shadows and fairy dust.

But Mack, why didn't you go out with a bang?

Believe me, kind gentle, I wanted to. Just as I stuck around as long as I did for the sheer meme of claiming the title of 'alcoholic aunt' of the faction...and then a concussion happened. The day after my 21st, no less. Yeah I'm not bitter at all.

But yes there was going to be a magnum opus of a thing. In theory, a cultivation of eldritch horror and the faire folk. Chaos given form, if only my brain had allotted for anything beyond screeching 'words fail' and the rest of the Dear Evan Hansen and other musical soundtracks, that is when brain stuff didn't have me huddled in a dark area of work or my room, claimed by pain and disorientation. Just as there could still be some sort of horrific fae stuff because goodness knows I'm so ready. But as it stands now, I have more important things to care about.

I will still be available on discord, both in the server and in DM - though you will have to tag me if you want my attention. Just as I will still be around if people are wanting to thread (especially if you want fae things or spooky time because again, I am ready), or if you just want a soundboard or editor, or even a friend.

Don't get too wack, now. And remember word choice matters on so many levels, especially if you wish to get something done.

But until next time,
Good night and good luck.

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