Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If you don't ask, you don't get.

Calina had barely been out of her tank when Corellia had been broken, she'd read watched and listened to many recollections of the devastating event in recent weeks, to better understand what she was heading into. She had to hand it to the Correllians, they knew how to bounce back and stick their middle finger up and the rest of the Galaxy for doubting.

As it was, space around Corellia, or Brokellia as it had been tastelessly renamed, was controlled by the Metal Lords, a droid faction with the determination to see themselves accepted and respected as equals to organic beings, to have thier own freedom to live out their days as wires and joints rusted. Fro the moment, they were an insignificant to the greater powers of the Galaxy. They did not, however, control the surface itself. Corellia she did not take well to invasive forces and those who wanted to stick a flag in their, still feeling the pain caused by One sith occupation, no doubt.

Calina's destination planet side was the University, and her purpose was to find a man with a gun. A very specific gun that had taken her a long time to track down. One of the perks of being Cerbera's 'apprentice' was an aooputunity to access information, all be it fleetingly or under supervision, while she had not yet had the time or oppurtinity to understand the weapon in greater detail, she understood the key point that drew her to it.

It was a soul eater.

Cerbera would not allow her to look into it, not because Calina was too inexperienced or was not exactly in Cerbera's good book of late, but because cerbera was a selfish green whore and did not want to share the secrets that Rave Merrill had uncovered. So Calina went hunting, looking for traces of the lonesome gun and of Daesmnor. The latter had found its way into the hordes of Darth Vornskr and Calina was not about to waltz back to Panatha and ask an old master to show her. Vornskr would like laugh at her and flay her alive for being so stupid as to think he would ever grant such permissions.

This gun, however, she had traced to a Rekali...a mandalorian clan name, but a clan wth influences far deeper than just that of the mandalorians, they were also witches and Vahla. This particular Rekali was holding a lecture within the university and it was here Calina would try her best to find out more about the weapon he held. She slipped into the lecture hall, taking a seat towards the back of the room. A sith she may be, but Calina did not swirl in darkness like the rest of her family. She was quiet and calm, and her age set her in the perfect position to blend. There should be no reason why [member="Falcon Rekali"] would suspect a sith in his class.

Falcon Rekali

He noticed a student slipping in the back, but gave her nothing more than a cursory glance. It was a class on galactic prehistory - as it was to the formation of the original Galactic Republic - and though not anthropological, it was useful in understanding the influences the 'founders' of this galaxy had on subsequent cultures and galactic dominions, and overall, why things were they way they were on a galactic scale.

The cycle itself played into all things. The cycle had taken his wife from him, though in an indirect fashion, and after giving in to his grief and anger for a time, he found his way back into academia, where he'd been when perhaps he should have been somewhere else, but he was never quite the same as he was the last time he was in this position. More reclusive, and less kind, more rough around the edges after years of war and loss amongst the Mando'ade. Students still took his classes, still respected him, but colleagues that still remained, having survived the cracking of Corellia or having returned (there were few) weren't the same either. Time had worn them all.

And the tone sounded, bringing an end to the main academic day, and the week. "Don't forget, you have a paper due next week," came the raise of his voice over the moderate cacophony of students packing up and discussing their plans for the weekend, "and a test." Some groans came from the rabble. "Have a good weekend," and he began to pack up himself. A few students came by with questions, which he handled as he tucked a datapad and other materials away in his messenger bag, and said direct farewells to students that cared to say the same to him, first. Out of habit, he glanced over the seating, not expecting to find anyone.

Surprised when he did... but he didn't recognise this one right away. Curious about the class, maybe? He scrutinised the girl for half a moment, before clicking together the clasps on his bag, his gaze leaving her to look as he secured his things. "Can I help you, Miss...?" His voice was gruff, carrying the vaguest touch of irritation. He preferred that students outside of his classes shot him a holomail, or dropped by during his office hours, but... no, she didn't look familiar at all, and that made his jaw tighten.

[member="Calina Ovmar"]
The teenager watched the lecture with mild interest, though her focus was on the professor himself, assessing him, reading what she could from his movements. Noting the weight on his shoulders, the weariness in his eyes. His smiles didn't quite reach his eyes and there was something in the way he spoke of the topic that said he'd been caught up in the cycle for far too long. She watched him speak with students, watched them leave discussing the lesson and what they had next, laughter seemed to come easy to them.

Calina smiled as Falcon addressed her, rising smoothly from her seat and descending towards him. "Ovmar." she offered. She had none of the light breeziness about her that the other students possessed, she bore her own weight upon her shoulders. Childhood had been cruel, teenage life even more so. She conducted herself with an air of someone far older than she appeared, and yet she was even younger.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs she approached [member="Falcon Rekali"] with an air of caution. Those that knew her fathers name did not normally react well to hearing it. Whether Falcon had had any dealings with him or not she didn't know. She hoped, for her sake, that he did not, else wise this discussion would be short and she'd be looking for the second gun, following another long trail to what might be nowhere. "I'm not a student, not of this sort anyway." she gestured at the lecture hall. "I've been tracking a certain object that I think you might have."

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