Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If you need a bodyguard, bounty hunter, or transport...

Anywhere you, your buddies, or your enemies are, palLOCATION
Smuggling, transport, overglorified chauffeur, bounty hunting, more?OBJECTIVE
⠀⠀⠀⠀•⠀Many forms of communication devices exist across the galaxy. The one you call your own lets out an alert chime, signalling a new, encrypted message has arrived. Should you choose to open it, an audio-visual file begins to play.

⠀⠀⠀⠀•⠀❝Greetings to you all, soft-scales and smooth-skins alike.❞ It's hard to tell through the transmission grain, but you can tell the speaker is a Ssi-ruu, a highly insular, xenophobic species from the Outer Rim. What color their scales are remains a mystery through the monoscale feed, but they continue talking with swagger and a reptilian grin on their face. ❝If you're receiving this message and its accompanying data package, you're probably looking for someone to-❞ The speaker's face disappears, the feed cutting between b-roll of video from applicable contracts, each completed with varying degrees of success. ❝-smuggle your secrets away to some backwater planet. Maybe take you to Nar Shaddaa without drawing attention to yourself. Get you in and out of the ruins on Balmorra to satisfy your curiosity. Run the Rimma Trade route while you get your extra-governmental shopping done.

⠀⠀⠀⠀•⠀❝Or maybe...❞ The display cuts away again, the Ssi-ruu's smug features once more in view, ❝you have need of someone being found what doesn't want found?❞ They press a thumb flat to their chest and draw it down their leather-clad sternum fiercely. ❝I can do it all. For the right customer, the right price, I can do almost anything. So check the data package for my credentials, running prices, and how you can reach me. May the suns in all your worlds warm your scales.❞

⠀⠀⠀⠀•⠀The clip stops there. Opening the attached data package reveals exactly as the speaker said- a repository of loose information, records, receipts, and incarceration details which substantiate the snippets from the video. A quoted price list follows after, and at the end there's a set of galactic coordinates, the name 'Lathar', and a code phrase to pass on. Scrubbing the full contents reveals no further information, however you do now have the details for a small-time vessel, bounty hunter, and trader all in one- the legality of which is dubious at best on all fronts. What you do with it is up to you.⠀

Hi, hey there, how ya doin'? Like the above states, I'm looking for Ma'lur to get hired on by someone(s) to fill any role one could conceivably think of for a scene, story, or story-arc.

Need someone who can run down a particularly squirrely target? Ma'lur's got speed and agility.

Need a bodyguard and/or an interstellar driver? Ma'lur's got a striking physique with blaster-proof scales, and an unassuming vessel equipped for short and long flights.

Whatever you can conjure up, she's a jack-of-all-trades sort in search of her next job, and I'm keen to get her embroiled in drama.

So... Want to hire her on? Let me know! You can DM me to get some ideas of where to start, or drop me a line on this thread. Or, if you have another idea that doesn't involve employing her, I'm all ears for that too.

I prefer to play in open threads or private ones with multiple people as I struggle to keep my attention focused with one-on-ones. Thanks for stoppin' by and reading my post. :>
That sounds like an exciting prospect, count Ma'lur in. >:D

Awesome! The thread is up!

Don't exactly need guarding but if you ever wanted additional training. My character would be willing
That sounds like an interesting offer! I'm down to get Ma'lur sharpened a bit, let's do it :>

Ma'lur'kek'thwin Ma'lur'kek'thwin

The Empire is always open to working with guns-for-hire. In these troubling times we could use some extra hands.
For the right price (read: whatever keeps her ship afloat) Ma'lur can pick up contracts like that. Consider her an option anytime!

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