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IFW Proclaimer-class Star Frigate





[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 1
  • All starship standard features
  • Large Hanger for its size
  • Increased Armament
  • Increaded Defense
  • Reduced Sublight Maneuvering
  • Decreased Production
  • Limited Rear Fire arc
Description: Designed as a multi-role cruiser the Proclaimer-class fills the gap between the smaller Vindicator-class cruiser variants and larger Victory-class star destroyers. At 750 meters the class is large enough to take on larger star destroyers when working in groups and small enough to work as a low level command vessel for small groups. The class main mission is that of patrol. The Proclaimer-class is the perfect mix of everything needed for a patrol vessel. With consumables and equipment enough to be on mission for three years without having to return for supplies, the class can work by itself on long tours in less important areas facing anything it may come up against.

While not as heavily armed as many of the IFW variants in the same size class the Proclaimer-class is equipped with a mix of weapons to engage any target, Defend itself from any threat and disable targets at all ranges. Offensively the main weapon system of the class are the 6 quad long range turbolaser cannons which allow the vessel to engage at extreme ranges while closing in with targets. 10 quad turbolaser turrets aid the offensive power once within standard ranges. 16 dual ion cannons give the class excellent power to disable and capture targets when needed. 10 hexlaser turrets and 10 CIWS turrets give the class their defensive capabilities against attack craft and incoming projectiles.

Defensively the IFW Proclaimer-class Pursuit Frigate has a quad reinforced IFW Ferrofaraday Starship Frame reinforced by quadranium bracing. The hull was made of EMNERA Star Ship Armor Plating On top of the under armor a layer of Matrix Armor Plating was laid down to give the vessel formidable protection from energy, heat, radiation, ion and projectile attacks. Two powerful IFW-76x Fortress Shield Projectors installed flanking the command tower give the vessel good shielding. The assault complement of the class consists of a full regiment of troops, heavy and light vehicles and a mobile garrison.

At the center of the vessel are two large hangers which opens from both the port and starboard flanks. One houses the attack wing which consists of a full wing of six squadrons. The second hanger houses the assault force and its shuttles and assault ships as well as hosting any visiting or auxiliary starships. with its mix of weapons, large wing of attack craft and moderately sized assault force the Proclaimer-class is well suited for any low priority mission it might face.

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