- Intent: Create a light star destroyer / heavy cruiser
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: Procursator wiki
- Primary Source: Wookieepedia, Original Chaos Submission, Fractalsponge,
- Manufacturer: The Directorate / Imperial Forge Works
- Affiliation: Select IFW Customers
- Model: IFW
- Production: Limited
- Material: See Below
- Classification: Star Destroyer
- Length: 1250 meters
- Width: 700 meters
- Height: 325 meters
- Armament: Extreme
- Assault Turbolaser Batteries
- Heavy Turbolaser Turrets
- Heavy Ion Cannon Turrets
- Turbolaser Turrets
- Light Turbolaser Turrets
- Light Ion Cannons
- Missile Batteries
- Hexlaser Cannons
- CIWS Cannons
- Defenses: Heavy
- EMNERA Star Ship Armor Plating
- IFW-76x Fortress Shield Projectors
- IFW Ferrofaraday Starship Frame
- Mesh Matrix Armor
- Hangar Space: Base
- Hangar Allocations:
Starfighters: None - Support Craft: 1 squadrons
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Average
[*]Speed Rating: Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 1
* Tractor Beam Projectors
* Redundant Neutrino Radiators
* Creveld-4 radial ion drives
* Capacitor Banks
* Capacitor Overcharger
* Cap Drains
* Redundant Capacitor Banks
* Capacitor Overcharger
* Passive sensor array
* 9954/I Sensor Array
* Com Scan Senor System
* Wide Ranged Sensors
* Long Range Sensors
* Target-Aggressor Attack Resolution Software
* 3K40 Targeting System
* Targeting lasers
* Targeting Sensors
* Communications Frequency Jammer
* Communications Descrambler
* Communication Encryption Equipment
* Sub Space Transciever
* Hyperwave Transciever
* Modulated laser
* Comm Lasers
* Holotransmitter
* "IFF" identification Friend or Foe transponder
* Burst Transmitter
* Ranger transceiver
- Increased Armament
- Increased Defense
- Reduced Sublight Speed
- Decreased Production
- Limited Rear Fire arc
Defensively the class has a quad reinforced IFW Ferrofaraday Starship Frame reinforced by quadranium bracing. The hull was made of EMNERA Star Ship Armor Plating On top of the under armor a layer of Matrix Armor Plating was laid down to give the vessel formidable protection from energy, heat, radiation, ion and projectile attacks. Four powerful IFW-76x Fortress Shield Projectors , two installed flanking the command tower and two on the ventral hull embedded at the rear of the hanger area, give the vessel very good shielding.