Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Bodyguard
SPECIES: Droid, IG-100 Magnaguard
AGE: One
SEX: Masculine programming
HEIGHT: 1.95 meters
WEIGHT: 123 kilograms
EYES: Red sensory eyes


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Hardiness - IG-17 is capable of withstanding a massive loss of structural integrity before total system failure. Decapitation or bisection will not kill the droid, the only sure way to kill it is via the chest.
[+] Programming - Unlike prior droids of his line, he is not personally trained in lightsaber forms. Rather he is programmed. He has a firm grasp of how to duel, and can hold his own. But, his programming with a lack of training means his combat becomes repetitive.

[-] Repetitive - If one studies IG-17 during combat, they will begin to notice a repetitiveness in his movements and actions. One can exploit this, taking fatal swipes during critical moments when his defence is lowest.
[-] Thin Torso - IG-17 has a very thin torso, as most MagnaGuards do. Due to this, it is far easier to bisect the droid.

Constructed by Holowan Mechanicals, IG-17 is roughly two meters tall, with a humanoid body shape, but possesses a far-superior mechanical anatomy. This allows for superhuman acrobatics, speed, and combat ability. His internal systems are furnished with advanced combat learning programs, which, compared to most battle droids, allowed the MagnaGuards to adapt to a highly diverse variety of tasks. These tasks ranged from melee and ranged combat to starfighter control. The face of IG-17 features two red photoreceptor "eyes", which are complemented by a backup system mounted on the chest. The droid's weapon of choice is the electrostaff, and wears cloaks and head wraps. IG-17 is also capable of speech and is programmed to taunt his opponents in a low growling Basic. Aside from Human speech, he appears to occasionally use an audible form of droid language. When in distress, such as when pinned to the ground, he also makes yelping sounds.

After the destruction of IG-59, IG-17 was commissioned for construction. Born in a foundry, he became infinitely more aware with every passing second. His programming allowed him to understand the world around him, who he was and where he was the moment his computing systems first came online. Shortly after his testing had been complete, he was sent to the Republic Naval base 13-A on Coruscant to act as a bodyguard for Officers.






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