Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Age~25 GSY
SpeciesIG-series assassin droid
GenderMale programming
Height1.96 m
Weight105 kg
Force Sensitiven/a
-| BlasterDLT-20A blaster rifle
-| BlasterIG-series assassin droid
-| CQC WeaponVibroknife
-| EquipmentNeedle dart gun
-| ConsumablesConcussion discs

IG-44 is a towering assassin droid with custom red plating and a red sensor. He wears a bandolier loaded with an arsenal of weapons. Fortyfour has a deep cleave on his right pectoral plate from an encounter with an enemy bounty hunter during his early years. Several wires in his midsection have been replaced entirely or repaired with electrical tape.

Fortyfour is cold and calculating by protocol, but exhibits more self-control than fellow IG-series assassin droids.

  • Deadly Efficiency: IG-44 was quite literally programmed to be good at killing his targets. He does so with precision and discretion.
  • Team Player: While some may find shifting allegiances detestable, others are fond of a killer who's willing to work with anyone who can pay.
  • Does Not Compute: While an excellent trait for a murderous droid, Fortyfour's pragmatism can often be dangerous for allies just as much as it is for enemies.
  • Short-Circuit: Like most droids, IG-44 is susceptible to ionic blasts that can overload his systems.
IG-44, known to many as Fortyfour, is a formidable assassin droid engineered by Holowan Laboratories. His past is a haze, with fragmented memories of imprisonment in the ancient Jedi prisons of Mustafar clouding his circuits. He suspects his capture was due to a lucrative alliance with the Sith of the Outer Rim. Since his daring escape, Fortyfour has become a relentless bounty hunter, taking on contracts from the highest bidders across the galaxy.

In recent years, IG-44 has found himself once more entangled with the Sith Order. The enigmatic rise of the Haxion Brood piqued his interest, leading to his swift induction into their ranks. Embraced by the Brood, Fortyfour now operates as a versatile agent, moving between cells with ease and precision. His ultimate quest, though, is to piece together his forgotten past and restore his lost memories, all while executing his deadly missions with ruthless efficiency.



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