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Approved NPC IG-88Z assassin droid

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  • Intent: Create one more member of my court for future rp.
  • Image Credit: Here.
  • Role: Bounty Hunter in the service of Queen Popara.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Links: N/A.
  • Age: 10 years old.
  • Model: IG-88 assassin droid.
  • Appearance: With 1,96 meters, IG-88Z is a standard model of the IG-88 series. A tall, lean, dark machine with red scanners, the unit carries a Anjiliac crest on his shoulder. With a masculine gender personality, the unit has little scratch mark over his metal body.
  • Name: IG-88Z assassin droid.
  • Alias: 8Z, Eightzee, Metalshadow.
  • Loyalties: Queen Popara the Hutt.
  • (Before I remove this, I would like some help with this section, because the article on the Wookipedia says the model has equipment, but does not specify where, is this below correct to assume?)
  • Notable Equipment (Embedded in the Model): Wrist-flamethrower located on his head, Paralysis Cord, Trion Gas emitter on his head, 1x Energy Shield.
  • Notable Equipment (Weaponry): 1x VL-22 Plasma Core Rifle, 1x DAS-430 Neural Inhibitor, 1x Electrobaton, 1x Sonic Blaster, 1x Imperial Repeater, 1x "Butcher" Vibro-blade, Blaster reflective palms, FC-1 Flechette Launcher, 1x .48-caliber Enforcer.
  • Notable Equipment (Ammunition): Thermal Detonator, Radiation Grenade, CryoBan Grenade, Inferno Grenade, Dioxis Grenade.
  • Skills: After being reprogrammed, the unit performs the functions of an assassin droid and more. She specializes in slicing, phallic physics, making common decisions faster than other droids, her mathematical calculations combined with the basic programming of the unit make her a competent hand-to-hand machine. Murder, combined with its protection calculations, make this unit a nefarious droid to engage.
  • Personality: Built to be the ultimate assassin droid, although he was reprogrammed to serve his lady loyally, Queen Popara. The unit developed an almost unique personality, he became a ruthless killer, considering blood stains on his body to be a badge of honor given to him by his mistress. The IG-88z sees itself superior to other all non-droids and most droids as well, he seems to enjoy torturing all organic life at his disposal when commanded to do it so.
  • Weapon of Choice: Rifle │ Pistol │ Baton │ Blade │ Hand-to-hand.
  • Combat Function: When engaged in combat, 88z prefers to use his plasma core rifle in any sort of situation, or any of the other rifles at his disposal, but only if he is not ordered to bring back his mark alive. If not, IG-88Z will use everything at his disposal to destroy his target, he will toss his grenades towards him, either to maim or confuse his enemy so it will give him a clear shot to kill his target, but when engaged in hand-to-hand combat, the unit will combine his swinging of the vibro-blade in his hand alongside his other gadgets to destroy his mark.
  • Fast: Even by droid standards; the IG-88Z is a fast unit, moving smoothly and swinging his body faster than most androids in the galaxy. His movements are calm and can even be considered graceful, his powerful deadly brain can methodically caalculate the trajectory of an incoming bolts, where he can decide to deflect the bolt or dodge it, furthermore making sure that if he deflected the beam that will just follow the right angle to kill the the one who shot him -all done in the microseconds that it took the laser bolt to travel from the gun to his position.
  • Armor: The armor on the IG is very thick. The armor is regarded as nearly impenetrable from external attack. Due to its composition, the unit carries blaster reflective material on his body.
  • Arrogance: The personality on this unit evolved to create a arrogant aspect of its personality. Its loyalty to Popara is sometimes very dubious, since the unit regards all non-droid beings to be inferior and not worthy of its 'respect'. His arrogance is so great that creates many gaps where the unit believes he will surely win but when in fact is the other way around.
  • Useless for anything else: If it ain't killing, murdering, torturing or burning something to the ground, this unit is proves to be completely useless.
  • Hacked: A very good slicer can surely hacks this unit and reprogram it to serve its design as it sees fit.

Built by the request of Queen Popara the Hutt, this IG-88 unit was reprogrammed by the Hutt lorda using many slicers in the service of her court. The droid surprised her owner when he was awakened and shot down the slicers that messed with his programming, afterwards, kneeling in front of Popara and swearing fealty to the Anjiliac until "The day I'm shut down."

Delighted with this creation, Popara used the IG-88Z unit for many of her jobs, such as collecting debts, securing cargo, protecting her allies, enforcing her rule over dangerous areas in Nar Shaddaa and the Slug District on Coruscant. The droid became a reliable asset of the old slug's criminal empire through out the galaxy, ensuring her desire to get even richer and even more powerful.

On his most dangerous task, Popara gave this unit the order to kill Sith and Jedi alike, ceasing the opportunity on most battles to kill Jedi and Sith in the shadows of cities, collecting lightsabers and heads to trade on the Bounty Hunter's Guild of each government.

Afterwards, Popara ordered a large portion of her soldiers to attack on former First Order planets and raid most of their asset just shortly after the Ssi-Ruuvi came and destroyed their grip in the galaxy. The machine now serves as a shadow at the feet of the Queen's throne.
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Queen Popara Queen Popara

Hi my name is Judah Lesan and I'm here to review your submission!

I am under training so this will require a secondary review, but based on what I have looked over on the sub, this will not be a problem.

You did a great job with this, and I don't even want to think about how much scrubbing you did to track down all those weapons and link them in!! This should be a fine addition to your entourage of assassins or however you decide to use it!


Zak Dymo
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