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Approved Species Ignine Arkanian Dragon

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• Intent: A species with the potential to serve as a mount
• Image Credit: N/A
• Canon: Arkanian Dragon (Variant)
• Links: Homeworld - Canon


• Name: Ignine Arkanian Dragon
• Designation: Semi-Sentient
• Homeworld: Arkania
• Language: See Communication
• Average Lifespan: 100 – 130 Years
• Estimated Population: Rare
• Force Sensitive: No
• Description: At a glance, the Ignines resemble their regular Arkanian Dragon counterparts, from horned ears and a long snout, to a long neck, to a body covered with incredibly hard scales that are difficult to penetrate. The hardest scales are on the wings, and on their neck down to the front of their torso, and their tail. The Arkanian Dragons have a large wingspan, that is close to the same size as their torso. Their back limbs are muscular, with claws on their feet. They can come in a variety of different colors. The Ignine variants meanwhile have their wings located a bit closer to their back. In the wings’ former position are a set of front limbs that function as arms with a set of claws on the hands.


• Breathes: Normal Atmosphere
• Average height of adults: 4.2
• Average length of adults: 15 Meters
• Skin color: Various, examples include typically medium to darker shades of blue, red, green, purple, yellow, black, grey
• Hair color: N/A
• Distinctions: While they tend to look similar as hatchlings, Ignine variant adults tend to vary slightly in appearance, and can vary in color, making it a bit easier to tell individuals apart. While they take a few years before they stop growing entirely, their claws begin to grow in proper within the first few months, followed by the horns. By the eight to twelve-month mark, the Ignines are generally big and strong enough to be used as mounts properly with the right training.
• Races: N/A
• Strengths: The Ignine variants have a set of front limbs, complete with sharp claws that can rip and tear through hard surfaces, just as their fangs can. They can move and fly quicker with their smaller size and excel at outmaneuvering opponents and getting in blows while on the move. Their wings can also be used as a weapon if an opponent comes too close to them. These variants are also capable of growing back some lost aspects of their body over time, such as their scales, the fire glands, their claws and fangs.
Like their Arkanian Dragon counterparts, the variants are resistant to extreme cold, due to their namesake mainly being found in the cold tundras of Arkania. These variants are able to breathe a heavy stream of fire that can easily incinerate another being if they get too close, so long as the glands that are exposed while breathing fire are undamaged. The Ignine variants have been genetically modified to be capable of minor telepathy. While they cannot use language, they are able to mentally communicate with other beings and indicate intentions, well-being and understand that of those they are communicating with in return, through non- spoken feelings and impulses that can be felt while communicating. They are capable of understanding spoken language through this medium in order to be able to understand commands.

- Incredibly quick
- Genetically engineered to respond better to people, easier to tame
- Limited regenerative capabilities
- Cold resistance
- Minor telepathy, can indicate intentions and feelings through mental impulses
- Can understand speech but cannot use it

• Weaknesses: While their smaller size allows the Ignine variants more speed, there is less weight to throw behind their attacks, and less bulk to protect them with. While their scales are hard to penetrate, blunt blows from bigger foes can deal serious damage and the Ignine variants will have a more difficult time in a straight up fight in instances such as this. Their scales aren’t completely impenetrable either and can even be sliced off with enough work. While parts of them such as their scales, fangs, glands and claws can grow back, they do not possess the capability to regenerate full limbs or the loss of anything major.

When the Ignine variant opens it's maws to breathe fire, the glands used to achieve this are exposed. Concentrated blaster fire or another weapon with another power fired at it could damage the glands. This will deal heavy damage to the beast, and it will lose it's ability to breathe fire until the glands heal if the damage sustained doesn't kill it outright. On top of this, while their telepathic capabilities are incredibly useful for working with people, there are drawbacks to this as well. Due to not having as advanced a grasp on social communication as humans do, the feelings that they can communicate onto the person they are communicating with may not be done with expert control, especially for a dragon that isn’t as experienced with using these abilities. If something is to set them off, their ability to communicate may become skewed and the feelings communicated will be incredibly overwhelming – feeling like a million thoughts are flying at one’s brain all at once. This can put a serious mental strain on the person involved, and may even risk causing serious mental trauma if it persists for a long-term span. They are also unable to verbalize language or speak it themselves in any fashion.

- Smaller, less durability and power
- Scales can be sliced off
- Cannot regenerate full limbs
- Damaged glands cause massive damage, impair fire usage
- Telepathy use may overwhelm those not used to it
- Telepathy use can cause serious strain if distressed


• Diet: Carnivore
• Communication: The Ignine variants have been genetically modified to be capable of minor telepathy. While they cannot use language, they are able to mentally communicate with other beings and indicate intentions, well-being and understand that of those they are communicating with in return, through non- spoken feelings and impulses that can be felt while communicating. They are capable of understanding spoken language through this medium in order to be able to understand commands, though they are incapable of learning to verbalize language themselves.
• Technology level: N/A
• Religion/Beliefs: N/A
• General behavior: The Arkanian Dragons are carnivorous beasts, who hunt with their flying capabilities, and sharp fangs. In the wild they are generally lone wolf creatures, though the Ignine variants will band together with other carnivores in rare times where they feel they can take on a large hunt that they could not on their own, indicating this intention through their minor telepathic capabilities. The Ignine variants, in the wild, are obviously unable to take on bigger threats as easily on their own, making this mindset a valuable one. They are easier to tame in the wild and in captivity than the regular Arkanian Dragons, due to the ability to communicate though it still won’t be an easy task. It is still much easier to tame them through raising them from scratch. In captivity, their behavior can change depending on how they are raised and trained, if they were tamed in the wild or hatched, though one has to keep in mind that they are training a carnivore either way.


On Arkania, a group of Arkanians, being a race known for their history of genetic modification and scientific genius, sought to capture and modify Arkania's creatures in hopes of being able to better use them as battling creatures and mounts to defend themselves against would-be invaders. An Arkanian Dragon was amongst the ones captured with intention to modify it on the genetic level so it would be able to provide offspring that could be trained from the ground up. This genetically modified variant was given front limbs with sharp claws, reduced to a size that would better fit in pens and other storage areas, and given minor telepathic capabilities that could allow it to better communicate with it's handlers.

The experiments, though incredibly trying and almost killing the subjects in particular, were successful, and the Arkanian Dragon was bred to lay eggs. Unfortunately, the experiments set several creatures into a frenzy, resulting in several of them rampaging around and eventually destroying the lab they were contained in. Any eggs that were not destroyed were salvaged by looters, who later sold them for a large sum. With the eggs' rarity, the items were in high demand and were heavily sought after. The eggs continuously changed hands in transactions and many of these transactions were traced and led to fighting over the eggs. The resulting conflicts caused several more of the eggs to be destroyed in the process. For the ones that survived though, the eggs would hatch and some variants have either been kept or ended up in the wild. Many of them have since bred, increasing their number though they are still quite rare.
[member="Josh Dragonsflame"]

Over all this looks fine, but a couple of things:

I just need a link to somewhere the image appears as a credit, just the direct link to the image itself doesn't work. Can be pinterest, original artist's page, a website, etc.

If we can get the strengths/weaknesses in an easy to browse list format as per the template, that would be stellar.

Also I don't see the Force Sensitivity field, if you can add that in please.
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