Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Igniting Events

Helios Venth

[member="Brent Smith"]

Helios heaved a sigh as he walked along the streets of Chasin city. Don't kill people with fire. Remain discreet, try not to be noticed. All fine and dandy. Except it would of been nice if he could at least set someone or another ablaze! What good was pyromancy if you didn't burn someone alive, every now and then. Sure, Helios' lightsabers gave him a new thing to utilize. It was probably a lot more civilized then some of his other means, of 'ensuring the peace'. Though it didn't excuse the fact that, Helios enjoyed some good old fashioned burn it, and enjoy.

Helios was now trying his best to stay low. He truly was, and the fact he hadn't had an incident in four days was saying something. Generally it only took a day or two for him, to discover trouble, and end it in a troublesome manner. He was truly afraid he had no life. None that was note worthy at least. He had a monarch who encouraged his street cleaning, as long as his name and presence didn't become too noticed. Then a romantic partner whom found Helios standard approaches horrifying to think about. Can you blame him for being mentally unstable with that mix, on top of his past? Oh well, events would move forward as the force intended, and of course where Helios tempered.

Things were abnormally quiet around the city. That was the first thing, Helios fully acknowledged after he pulled out of his thoughts. Discretion was a necessity. Though when the world appeared deader then it generally was. Remaining unseen became a little more difficult. Helios reached into his robe. Fiddling some with the hilts of his lightsabers. Silence made him exceedingly uneasy. At least silence in certain areas. A city street where there should be plenty of noise. Was the exact place where Silence was very unappreciated.

Helios was glad he had a few days to create a proper holder for his lightsabers. It made for a much smoother transition from his waist to his hands. Helios walked along following the sounds of the silence. Oh, yes. Silence had a voice. You'd be foolish to think it didn't mock you every now and then. When the silence lead him to a place, where it was being interrupted. Helios had hopes he might get to kill something after all. Either that or beat it senseless in the very least. Helios removed his hands from his hilts. No need to ruin the surprise before he had need of them.

He turned a corner and looked onwards to see a rather heated argument. Kill someone... Give me a reason to hunt you down, Pretty please? Yes, such violent thoughts may of seemed horrible. Though Helios wanted some excitement! Surely there was someone deserving of a execution. Public executions were very fun... That and there was a small matter of stolen weapons possibly being smuggled. Helios would have some fun when he found those folks.

Helios waited quietly in the shadows. "Shush it!" he snapped at the shadow behind him. "I was doing just fine at being silent." He whispered to the inanimate figure. He finally just heaved a sigh when the shadow complained his thoughts were too loud. How was he too know his thoughts were yelling? On the contrary. Helios did need to be quieter. As he looked forward and watched the verbal exchange unfold, and hopefully... If Helios was really lucky. Escalate to where he could intervene. At the very least Helios intended to find out what the argument was about, and if it had something to do with Silence roaming about the streets.
Alias: Conor Black--illegal weapons dealer.

Sometimes you had to use a machete. Othertimes you needed a scalpel.

That was Brent's motto. It was very important to him for a lot of reasons. First of all he believed it. Sometimes you have to rely on different methods to get your goals accomplished. If that meant a bomb to blast the galaxy free of a crime lord, so be it. If it meant poisoning a killer, that worked too. Second, it spoke of efficiency, cunning and a driverse set of tools. He lived by these things.

Third--and most importantly--it was the reason he was employed at all.

The agent was here under deep cover doing what he did best, finding information on a target before he eliminated them. But one wrong step had found Brent deep in gangland..... Wearing the wrong colors.

"Your momma gonna be scraping you off the 'crete," the colorfully dressed criminal shouted in Brent's face.

"My appologies," Brent said with a tight smile, "Just let me get out of your way, I'll be--"

"Bith, you ain't gonna see it work like that, the Raiders got no mercy for those who got no respect," the other man roared back.

"It was an accide--"

"Damn strait, now get ready to die fool," the gangster shouted back with a threatening gesture.

Brent took a step forward, his calm and controlled demeanor holding true every threatening word, "Your not going to kill me. If you wanted to kill me you already would have. You are a coward. A boy in a man's body with something to prove. You think this makes you a man, it only makes you a fool. Now get out of my face before I lose my temper."

The thug took a half step back, his eyes wide with shock. He was stunned, but just for a moment. His hand reached for the badly concealed blaster pistol pressed in his elastic waistband. The moment his hand gripped the handle, Brent's foot flew upward, hitting it in a sharp roundhouse. Caught between the gunmetal and Brent's foot, his fingers broke in a symphony of crackles. As he cowered back howeling in pain, Brent watched unaffected.

"Are you going to try to kill me too or are you here for him?" Brent asked the man in the shadows.

[member="Helios Venth"]

Helios Venth

Helios watched slightly impressed by the man's precision in his kick. Before Helios had weapons. He had his hands. Where fire wouldn't cut it. Helios had trained quite a bit in the field of martial arts. Specializing in speed and precision himself. He had learned to harness his body to be a tool. One that could bring pain, end lives, or heal others. Helios found the force, now that he began studying it. Only made such qualities more effective and more useful. Though, Helios was a great martial artist in his own fields. He doubted he would of went for the same move. That, and quite honestly fire still sounded funner.

Helios heard the man call to him. Son of a Kanth hound, maybe Helios was too loud? Helios mumbled incoherent threats to the shadow behind him. "Me?" Helios asked questioningly. "Obviously if I wanted to have killed you. My opportunity would of been as you were focusing on de-escalating the fool with the slow reflexes. Your technique may of been precise, nearly flawless. Though the cost of the precesion and power, left you with a fraction of a moment left your planted leg exposed. A quick peroneal nerve strike would of left your grounded leg disabled. Provided you didn't have armor covering it, and you haven't hardened your nerves. The loss of motor function would of caused your momentum to spin out of control. Sure, you still may of landed a disabling strike to the man, and sure counter measures could of compensated. Though your loss of balance would of opened up advantages for me to utilize, and this conversation would of existed in the first place." Helios spoke in a calm manner.

"On the contrary. Considering you knew of my presence before hand. With the right timing and momentum. You would of further carried through with your maneuver. To limit me to choose a sacrificial maneuver to captilize your weakness in hopes I strike harder then you, or a defensive pose in which I avoid the strike and engage in an extended spar with you. At which point it would come down to who came best equipped and prepared for the engagement, and who the over all better fighter is. Either way would be a waste of time, energy, and physique" Helios added a second analysis.

Helios left out the set him on fire course of action. Yes... That would of been very liable choice also. Though he wanted to keep things in a realm of fairness in his description. Helios looked to the other man. "He however. Admitted to quite a bit of offenses, and tried to murder you. For reasons I am not quite sure. Sadly, I think resistance from him is rather unlikely with that fractured hand. Though just in case. I might as well do this." Helios added before he reached out with the force. Helios sought a connection to the gang members mind. If he was lucky. The will of the man would be inferior, he could break his mental defense. Then Helios would snuff his consciousness out so he was easier to detain. Screwing with minds was Helios fourth and final trick. With a mind that was broken, it helped him break the minds of other's.

The only gesture Helios made in his execution. Was a slight twitch of his hand and fingers. That way he had a area focusing the force energy he was projecting. Helios could only wait to see if he rendered the thug unconscious, and what the other individuals reaction would be. If he didn't suceed in a simple and delicate manner. He assumed he could always force throw the thug with the broken hand into the nearest wall, and accomplish the same effect. In a much less delicate, and much more painful manner. More bones would likely be broken, and he would have a bit of explaining to do. Why he took such violent measures. He himself unaware what the man's role in things were.

[member="Brent Smith"]
Brent gave a terse smile at the person beside him. As he listened to this person talk with a nonchalant air, he was analyzing him. Every scrap of information was vital in his line of work, honestly too many times people took information for granted. Every word, ever action, every subtle gesture conveyed a secret message unless you were radically trained in keeping those things to yourself. And in that case it still said something--that you were radically trained to do that. It was the job of men like Brent to gather and decipher that information. If they didn't, then there would be death. If the did, there was a paycheck or just the satisfaction of a job well done.

With all that, Brent could say with absolute certainty this man was almost certainly insane. Mad, as some would say. That didn't make him dangerous, and it didn't make him useless but a unique tool to be used.

As this stranger extended his hand and did his magic, Brent added another to his list of things the stranger was. A Force user. Maybe it was just the natural discomfort he felt around these beings, but Brent felt a tingle in the back of his mind as the man went to work breaking the thug's mind. Brent watched as it happened without so much as a grimace. Soon the criminal was even more insane than his tormentor.

"I do my job," the spacer said when it was all done. "I'm pretty good at it, some of the best. Right now that means looking for this man," he reached into his black trench coat and retrieved the picture, "local criminal running illegal gambling on speeders. He has possible links to the black market in the area and a possible hand in a recent murder."

Brent let that sink in for a moment before sweetening the deal, "You help me find him, I'll let you deal with him. Fair?"

[member="Helios Venth"]

Helios Venth

"You had me interested at criminal, and hooked by black market. I have my own dealings I am trying to sort through with them. A weapon shipment off world was stolen, part of the shipment was too be delivered to the black markets of Commenor. They intended to sell these weapons to enemies of the planets order." Helios spoke and then smirked some. "Plus, this seems like I might get to kill someone legally after all." he said in a cheerful tone. Helios did have the queen's authority to publically execute when necesarry. Maybe not with fire. Though that was what his lightsabers were for.

When the thug's mind was scrambled eggs. Helios shut down his nervous system. Only enough to render him unconscious. Before looking to the man. Feeling a bit bubbly at having screwed the individuals mind up. "You should really try having your mind scrambled sometime. It only hurts for a few moments. Much better when broken. Adds perspective." Helios spoke to the agent and nodded his head. It wasn't a threat per se. It was more of Helios trying to offer his own friendly advice. In his mind it was rather helpful.

Helios looked to the unconscious thug. "If he has ties to the man you are seeking out. Perhaps we should interoggate him before turning him in. I mean yes. I did scramble up his mind. Though surely not that bad. The information is probably somewhere in that thick skull of his." Helios drew conclusions quite quickly sometimes. It was a flaw a lot of times. He acted rash as a result. Though heck. Interrogation meant he could succesfully burn someone. Finally! He twitched in a hint of anticipation at the thought. "Unless you have a better plan, this is your investigation after all." He acknowledged lastly to [member="Brent Smith"].

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