Ignitus Tapesh
Ignitus Tapesh

Age: 20Species: Arkanian Offshoot + Dathomirian Hybrid
Height: 6'8
Weight: 253 Lbs
Eyes: Pale Blue (Natural) / Sulfuric Orange (Dark Side Corruption / usual color)
Hair: None
Skin: Pale White
Homeworld: Dathormir
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Physical Prowess Having lived a life of servitude to the Matriarchy of Dathomirian Society and undergone the brutal Rite of Passage at the age of 13 has made Ignitus a pure Beast physically. He is more than a little intimidating in terms of both his size, reach and his ability to move nimbly despite his large size.
+ Fortitude Against Magic
Though not completely immune, Ignitus has developed a High Tolerance against 'magical' and alchemical attacks due to his constant punishment being meted out by such.
- Fiercely Loyal To Father
Ignitus is loyal, perhaps to a fault, to his Father, [member="Darth Arioch"] , and devotes most, if not all, of his own personal goals to proving his worth to him and attempting to gain his approval.
- A Beastly Mind
Due to his lack of education in most anything save for combat and survival, Ignitus more often than not makes rash and over aggressive choices over those of wit or diplomacy. And anyone who uses words with more than two syllables he has little time for, except of course for his father.
Ignitus is a physically intimidating specimen, being able to look down to most he meets.
Even his aura breaths of predatory dominance.
His white skin is contrasted by the obsidian tattoos covering the majority of his body that speak to others of his kind of his Dathomirian heritage but also of the Arkanian Blood of his father.
Born of a coupling between Darth Arioch and a Witch of Dathomir, Ignitus grew to know little to nothing of his father during his childhood save that he, Ignitus, would have to work for his God-Like Fathers approval. This led to him forcing himself to develop the drive to be better than all the other boys of his generation, always seeking to best them at any physical sport or contest not only in public but when there were no on-lookers as well. His beastly mind having the NEED to grind them beneath his heel and insure they knew their place whether he was there to enforce it or not.
Shortly after his Rite of Passage when he turned 13, Ignitus was honored by the arrival of his Father. Darth Arioch not only acknowledged his existence but took him from the harsh planet and began to train him in the ways of the Sith. Even though most of his time was spent living in shadow and secret, as he dare not allow his father to be dishonored by the public knowing of his existence until he was proven ready, they were the best years of his life. Often when his father would be away Darth Arioch assign others, usually lesser Lords or Acolytes, to train Ignitus, and would return to find them dead after Ignitus had learned all they could teach, it was rare that this was not the case.
Shortly after his Rite of Passage when he turned 13, Ignitus was honored by the arrival of his Father. Darth Arioch not only acknowledged his existence but took him from the harsh planet and began to train him in the ways of the Sith. Even though most of his time was spent living in shadow and secret, as he dare not allow his father to be dishonored by the public knowing of his existence until he was proven ready, they were the best years of his life. Often when his father would be away Darth Arioch assign others, usually lesser Lords or Acolytes, to train Ignitus, and would return to find them dead after Ignitus had learned all they could teach, it was rare that this was not the case.
When he was nearing the end of his training as an Acolyte, Ignitus was abruptly dropped on the planet of Tatooine, given a few pieces of Lightsaber building tech and commanded by his father:
"Kill one of the greatest beasts upon this planet or kill yourself, as anything less is unworthy of my time and my blood."
Ignitus spent several days and nights assembling what he could of a lightsaber. However, he was missing the final part but was able to find and obtain it via theft and murder: A Crystal.
It was blue in origin, and not a proper weapon for a Sith however. So, focusing and channeling his rage and his hate for all things weak he forced the crystal to bleed until the crimson color shined through his cupped hands... But this wasn't good enough.
Ignitus continued to force more and more of his hate and rage until the Crystal was bled whiter than snow, a pure white heat emitting from it.
With such a unique blade, maybe now his father would approve.
With such a unique blade, maybe now his father would approve.
Before his father could approve however, he needed to complete the task given to him. To do so he spent more than a month alone in the deepest deserts of Tatooine until he himself became lost and knew not his way back to any form of civilization.
It was then he came upon his quarry. A Greater Krayt Dragon.
Another week was spent locked in combat with the towering beast, the first few days just trying to get its attention and acknowledge him as a threat. However on the 8th day when both beasts were exhausted to the point of giving up is when Ignitus was able to deliver the death blow: Driving his white blade through the sinus cavity and piercing its brain. Shortly there after Ignitus tore into its gullet, retrieving the pearl he desired as proof as well as a myriad of bone shards as well as a tooth, all to be used later.
However, if Darth Arioch was impressed, he didn't show it. Instead he gave Ignitus a mere nod at the trophies and told him his work for his approval began in true now and was formally his apprentice.
Equipped with his white Lightsabers, an ambition to earn his Fathers approval and hooded by a black cloak Ignitus now stands behind his father as a weapon awaiting to be wielded.
It was then he came upon his quarry. A Greater Krayt Dragon.
Another week was spent locked in combat with the towering beast, the first few days just trying to get its attention and acknowledge him as a threat. However on the 8th day when both beasts were exhausted to the point of giving up is when Ignitus was able to deliver the death blow: Driving his white blade through the sinus cavity and piercing its brain. Shortly there after Ignitus tore into its gullet, retrieving the pearl he desired as proof as well as a myriad of bone shards as well as a tooth, all to be used later.
However, if Darth Arioch was impressed, he didn't show it. Instead he gave Ignitus a mere nod at the trophies and told him his work for his approval began in true now and was formally his apprentice.
Equipped with his white Lightsabers, an ambition to earn his Fathers approval and hooded by a black cloak Ignitus now stands behind his father as a weapon awaiting to be wielded.

Possessions & Property
+ Roughly built single phase Lightsaber with Krayt Dragon Pearl as the Crystal and sporting a Krayt dragon bone handle with its tooth on the pommel (Images to come)+ Exquisite Curved hilt Lightsaber with a white Bled Kyber Crystal

+ Personal Transport Ship, Fury-class Imperial interceptor Painted pure white with black stripe designs matching the tattoos on his body.
+ Fallen Angel Relic Armor
IC Accomplishments
***!!! Important OOC notice about IC knowledge!!!***
It is not common knowledge that Ignitus is the illegitimate son of Darth Arioch.
And, in fact, unless Darth tells you In Character or says to you ooc that you would have that knowledge In Character, you don't.
Thank you for your cooperation!
It is not common knowledge that Ignitus is the illegitimate son of Darth Arioch.
And, in fact, unless Darth tells you In Character or says to you ooc that you would have that knowledge In Character, you don't.
Thank you for your cooperation!