Ugohr Poof
The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Name: IGR Naboo office
Image Source: Star Wars Galaxies
Classification: Real estate office
Location: Moenia, Naboo
Affiliation: IGR Brokerage
Description: IGR Brokerage's main lobby has a receptionist on ground level as well as about twenty realtors' offices on ground level. The majority of the realtors being Gungan, an aquarium is put at the bottom of a pit that can be given natural lighting if the retractable dome can be opened. On the upper level, the administrative assistants and accountants work tirelessly to provide the realtors on ground level with timely paperwork and procedures, with the office manager occuping a corner office. The retractable dome can only be partially retracted; the maximum extent at which it can be retracted is about a three-meter-diameter circular hole.
History: When IGR Brokerage opened its doors for business, IGR pledged to use local labor and materials as well as make use of existing offices whenever possible. As such, Moenia proved to be more affordable, despite IGR being Gungan-owned, because Ugohr predicted IGR's business to cater more to non-Gungans than to Gungans, even on Naboo, since Gungans were uncomfortable with the prospect of having so many non-Gungans coming and going in their own territory. For this reason it was decided to open the eastern GA office outside Gungan territory.
Intent: To provide IGR Brokerage with an office on Naboo
Links: Gungans and McMansions - where the office was introduced for the first time