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Ikilwa Arregai

Elijah Brockway

[Insert Clever Joke Here]
Ikilwa Arregai

Personnel File: 1321TSE/FT-GA

Name: Ikilwa Arregai
Nickname or Alias: "Son of Suns"
Titles: Sith Knight, Stellar Centurion

Species: Near-Human
Subrace: Thyrsian - Echani Off-Shoot
Age: Twenty-seven
Gender: Male
Height: 190.5 cm (6’3”)
Weight: 81.6 kg (180 lbs)
Physique: Muscular; Toned
Eye Pigmentation: Chestnut Brown
Hair Colour: Charcoal Black
Skin Complexion: Dark-Skinned

Occupation: Sith, Mercenary
Primary Allegiance(s): Thyrsus, The Sith Empire, The Golden Company
Current Status: Active
Homeworld: Thyrsus, Echani Home Cluster
Known Residence: Bastion
Languages Known: Galactic Basic, Sith, Galactic Sign Language, Thyrsian Battlecant
Languages Spoken: Galactic Basic, Sith, Galactic Sign Language, Thyrsian Battlecant

Force Sensitive: Yes.
Known Alignment: Dark Side.

Face Claim: Sope Dirisu
Voice Sample: Sope Dirisu
Theme Song: Carolus Rex

Known Skills:
  • Echani/Thyrsian Battle Sight (Force-Enhanced.)
  • Highly proficient lightsaber duelist (Shii-cho [proficient], Shien/Djem-so [master])
  • Force Skills: General telekinesis (Push, Pull, Wave, Choke, etc.), physical enhancement (Force Rage, Force Jump, Force Speed, Dark Side Healing), other (Force Scream, Force Lightning, Force Barrier, etc.)
Distinguishing Features:
  • Force Sensitivity
  • Short hair and facial hair
  • Lightsaber and blaster scarring
  • Moderately Insane
  • Echani/Thyrsian Battle Sight
  • Muscular and Quick
  • Force Sensitive
  • Moderately insane
  • Lacking emotional control
  • Does not take orders
  • Messiah Complex
  • Prone to Aggression

Behavioural Assessment:

Ikilwa Arregai is a man of many faces. On most occasions, he presents a calm, pleasant demeanour, if somewhat introverted and reserved. He is often very polite, and relatively adept in social situations, even though he tries to avoid them. He is quite willing to educate anybody who asks about Thyrsian culture and history, taking pride in his ancestry. Overall, he is often considered a very friendly individual; however, he is known to be rather reclusive, and often leaves social events at the first opportunity he sees.

However, outside of the common galactic eye, Ikilwa is also a Sith Knight. This face is more unstable; where in normal society he tries to hide away and present a visage of restraint, among the Sith, his underlying personality comes to the forefront. He has a powerful temper, with a dangerously short fuse. Indeed, he has little control over all his emotions and passions, which sweep him about like a leaf on a stream. The only exception to this is when he is exerting active control over the Force, such as when he is in the heat of battle; then, all of his emotions are subsumed by rage, fuelling his abilities and form until such a time as he is either left entirely unable to fight or until he has slaughtered every enemy (and hopefully only them) in the immediate area.

Last comes the face of Ikilwa Arregai the Sun Guard. Combining all the aspects of his personality as a Sith - including the fierce independence he has found as a Sith, which often times finds itself at odds with his barely-middling rank in the overall structure of the Sun Guards and the Golden Company - comes a more insidious aspect. He is a religious fanatic, worshipping the Force as his God, a manifestation of the Twin Suns, and the power he wields is the light of the suns within him. Beyond that, he views himself as the Son of Suns, the messiah prophesied by Thyrsians of millenia before; this aspect infuses everything he does in life, though it is most easily noticed and open when he is among his fellow Thyrsians and Sun Guards.

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