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Approved NPC Ikon's Immolators

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Name: Bael Nirvae
Loyalties: Cross Ikon/Shadow Empire
Role: The infiltrator
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 24
Species: Hapan
Force-Sensitive: Yes; Good at detection, bad at physical Force attacks.
Appearance: A tall blonde woman. She usually wears a suit of medium black armor.
Personality: Really extroverted. She's loud and friendly and boisterous whenever she's off-duty.
Weapon of Choice: Heavy DC-15 rifle, weaker version of Cross' 'Vorpal' pistol, long-bladed shiv
Wealth: Middle-class. Not poor, but she's not rich by any means.
Combat Function: Normally likes to sneak up for a kill, but in real combat, she'll get crazy with that DC-15.
Skills: She's really good at infiltration and silent movement.
Notable Possessions: Basically just her weapons and armor.
Other: N/A



Name: Kel Dorne
Loyalties: Cross Ikon/Shadow Empire
Role: The Slicer
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 26
Species: Hapan
Force-Sensitive: Nope
Appearance: Tallish woman with completely white hair. She wears a lightly armored jumpsuit under everything she wears.
Personality: She's actually really clumsy when it comes to anything but guns and computers. She wreaks havoc during training exercises that require a lot of precision, because she just can't keep up sometimes.
Weapon of Choice: A couple DC-15 pistols, and a really long-bladed and handled shiv.
Wealth: Middle-class
Combat Function: She's a damn good shot with those pistols of hers, and she is well trained in knife fighting from being on the streets as a girl.
Skills: General marksmanship training. Intensive small arms training. Self-taught knife fighter. Designated for slicer training at the age of 12. Considered a computer prodigy.
Notable Possessions: Her knife. She loves that thing.
Other: N/A



Name: Val
Loyalties: Cross Ikon/Shadow Empire
Role: The mechanic.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 22
Species: Echani
Force-Sensitive: Nyet
Appearance: She has pink, spiky, hair. She likes to wear overalls, and she carries what appears to be a giant thermal wrench around.
Personality: She's pretty fun to be around until you break her vehicles. Don't break her vehicles.
Weapon of Choice: That giant wrench, Z-6 rotary cannon
Wealth: Reasonably wealthy. She set up shop before the Shadow Empire started recruiting, but left her machine shop to work on bigger toys.
Combat Function: Swinging heavy objects and shooting people with a huge cannon. But she;d rather be at the controls of some kind of combat vehicle.
Skills: Good with light cannons and such. An excellent pilot on both land and air vehicles.
Notable Possessions: The giant wrench, and an AT-FAT from her time as a mechanic.
Other: N/A



Name: SE-01 AKA Droidslinger
Loyalties: Cross Ikon/Shadow Empire
Role: The tactical guy
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 6 years
Species: Combat Droid
Force-Sensitive: Ha ha, no
Appearance: A droid that dresses like a cowboy.
Personality: Totally analytic. Sometimes that leads to him making mistakes, and then bad things happen.
Weapon of Choice: 2 'Vorpal' pistols, wrist mounted flamethrower
Wealth: N/A
Combat Function: Good with any kind of ranged weapon, good at scanning for efficient tactical solutions
Skills: Programmed for tactical analysis and ranged combat.
Notable Possessions: Those pistols
Other: N/A



Name: Vex
Loyalties: Cross Ikon/Shadow Empire
Role: The demolitionist
Age: 45
Species: Nikto
Force Sensitive: no
Personality: A gruff old dude who thinks that young people have too much fun in war.
Weapon of choice: Anything that goes 'boom'
Wealth: Middle-class
Combat function: He throws grenades a lot. He also likes to use heavy rotary cannons
Skills: A highly trained explosives expert. He can set or diffuse nearly anything.

Notable possessions: Old Mandalorian armor, and his prized grenade launcher.
Other: N/A
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Cross Ikon"]

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Any custom items have links in the subs. This includes custom weapons such as the vorpol, giant wrench and revolvers
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