Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ilentos Kalosi

Ilentos Kalosi

Height6' 3"(1.9m)
Weight350 lbs (158.76 kg)
Force SensitiveYes


A strong, youthful Tigerkin with brightly colored fur and savage features. His fur is bright orange with blackened stripes. The striping on his face gives him the appearance of a permanent scowl.




Strength. Courage. Loyalty. These are tenets of the tigerkin and Ilentos reveres these greater than most. He is constantly seeking ways to greater embody these, no matter the cost. He is as he is strong. Sometimes, his anger and bloodlust gets the better of him. It is nearly impossible to stop


  • Trained Warrior - Ilentos has trained among his pride in the arts of melee combat, becoming proficient in different methods and styles.
  • Skilled hunter - Ilentos was one of the greatest hunters in his pride. His family always had food to eat thanks to him. No prey ever escaped him.


  • Bloodlust - With a tendency to get lost in the fury of combat, Ilentos can become blind in his anger, unable to decipher friend from foe.
  • Greed - If Ilentos can personally benefit in a situation, he'll take his chances.


Once upon a time, Ilentos was a cub in a pride of about 20 tigerkin. Ilentos joined the hunting pack the moment he was old enough to hold a spear. Soon, he swapped spear with a blaster, though that did not last long as he felt the blaster took away the true nature of the hunt. When he was not on the hunt, he was training with the sword. Ilentos was soon discovered by the Jedi Order. They found out he was force sensitive and brought him into the order.

As a young padawan, Ilentos was on mission with his master when they were attacked by a Sith knight. Ilentos' master was slain by the knight. This caused Ilentos to go into a frenzy and completely butcher the knight. After the carnage was over, Ilentos was discovered by the knight's master. Instead of killing Ilentos, he took the now masterless student with him.

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