Ilicait Sentom
New Member
Name: Illicait Sentom
Rank: Smuggler
Species: Human
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5”2’
Weight: 75 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: No
Melee – Ilicait is amazing at fighting hand-to-hand combat and is pretty good with most melee weapons.
Escape Artist – Ilicait can get away from any situation, even seemingly impossible ones, without leaving a trace that she was even there in the first place.
Agile – Ilicait is fast on her feet and can react quickly to most situation. She’s able to move around difficult terrain without any trouble.
Loyal – Ilicait is incredibly loyal to anyone who gains her trust and will never abandon someone she is loyal to.
Lightweight – She’s light on her feet so she doesn’t make much noise when she walks or runs and she doesn’t leave many tracks.
Kleptomaniac – Ilicait can’t help but steal anything that’s not tied down. It’s such a problem that she doesn’t even notice that she’s stealing things most of the time.
Self-restraint – Ilicait has very little self-restraint when it comes to most things.
Armor – Ilicait hates armor and completely refuses to wear even the most basic of it.
Color-blind – Ilicait is red/green colour blind. She only see’s things in a spectrum of blue and yellow.
Reckless – Between the choice of doing something quick and easy or something dangerous and ‘fun’, she’ll choose the more dangerous option.
Ilicait is short enough to made fun of by almost everyone but can be considered attractive. She is very pale but not unhealthily so. She has a large, noticeable scar along the inside of her right arm, going from her wrist to a few inches before her elbow. She doesn’t care much about her appearance but she always makes an effort to keep herself clean since she doesn’t enjoy being dirty. What she wears depends on where she is but she’ll never wear anything that she isn’t comfortable in.
Ilicait woke up two years ago with no memory of anything other than her first name. She spent a year travelling everywhere she could, desperately trying to find anything that would help her remember something from her past. As one year turned to two she stopped caring as much and adopted the last name Sentom. She continued to travel though, wandering idly with no real destination, stealing and selling things to get enough money to survive while idly searching where she could for things to help her lost memory.
Rank: Smuggler
Species: Human
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5”2’
Weight: 75 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: No
Melee – Ilicait is amazing at fighting hand-to-hand combat and is pretty good with most melee weapons.
Escape Artist – Ilicait can get away from any situation, even seemingly impossible ones, without leaving a trace that she was even there in the first place.
Agile – Ilicait is fast on her feet and can react quickly to most situation. She’s able to move around difficult terrain without any trouble.
Loyal – Ilicait is incredibly loyal to anyone who gains her trust and will never abandon someone she is loyal to.
Lightweight – She’s light on her feet so she doesn’t make much noise when she walks or runs and she doesn’t leave many tracks.
Kleptomaniac – Ilicait can’t help but steal anything that’s not tied down. It’s such a problem that she doesn’t even notice that she’s stealing things most of the time.
Self-restraint – Ilicait has very little self-restraint when it comes to most things.
Armor – Ilicait hates armor and completely refuses to wear even the most basic of it.
Color-blind – Ilicait is red/green colour blind. She only see’s things in a spectrum of blue and yellow.
Reckless – Between the choice of doing something quick and easy or something dangerous and ‘fun’, she’ll choose the more dangerous option.
Ilicait is short enough to made fun of by almost everyone but can be considered attractive. She is very pale but not unhealthily so. She has a large, noticeable scar along the inside of her right arm, going from her wrist to a few inches before her elbow. She doesn’t care much about her appearance but she always makes an effort to keep herself clean since she doesn’t enjoy being dirty. What she wears depends on where she is but she’ll never wear anything that she isn’t comfortable in.
Ilicait woke up two years ago with no memory of anything other than her first name. She spent a year travelling everywhere she could, desperately trying to find anything that would help her remember something from her past. As one year turned to two she stopped caring as much and adopted the last name Sentom. She continued to travel though, wandering idly with no real destination, stealing and selling things to get enough money to survive while idly searching where she could for things to help her lost memory.